满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It’s impossible for ____ few people to f...

It’s impossible for ____ few people to finish ____ a lot of work in only two days.

A. such; such            B. so; such          C. such; so           D. so; so


B 【解析】略

It is reported that we have produced _______ this year as we did last year.

  A. as much cotton twice       B. twice as much cotton as

  C. twice as much cotton       D. much as cotton twice



I prefer a flat in Shuangyashan to ______ in Jiamusi, because I want to live near my Mom' s.

   A. one             B. that          C. it              D. this



Late in the afternoon,they arrived at ________ small village _______ north of the West Hill.

A.the;the        B.a;/        C.a;the         D.the;/









Our class recently has had a heated discussion about if the historic old buildings should be tear down. Opinions varies from one to another. Some students support the protection of those buildings so they are carriers of history through which the future generations can deep understand the development of our city. Beside, the historic old buildings can also arouse people’s love for the city.

    In the contrary, some other students think that the old buildings may hold back the development of economy and the process of modernization. It may affect the beauty of the city.

    As far I’m concerned, I approve of(赞成) the former opinion. But if a building is worth of little, it may be proper to demolish(摧毁) it and make better use of that area. We should just weight the advantages and disadvantages.



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