满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---- Are you still a teacher? ---- No, I...

---- Are you still a teacher?

   ---- No, I____ in Harbin No. 3 High School for five years.

A.worked            B. have worked          C. have been working    D. had worked


A 【解析】略

---- Can you show me how to use Ipad 2?

   ---- Why don’t you just read the _____?

  A. instruction            B. introduction         C. description          D. directions



The horrible accident _____ his carelessness of drunk driving.

  A. resulted in            B. resulted for        C. led to              D. resulted from



So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is ____ ideal (����). We have to work still harder.

  A. next to                B. far from             C. out of           D. due to



There was a _____ look on his face. He found what the expert said too difficult to understand.

  A. puzzle                 B. puzzling             C. puzzled              D. to puzzle



According to the literary review, Laoshe ____ his characters live through their languages in his plays.

   A. will make             B. had made         C. was making       D. makes



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