满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The web is fantastic at many things, e-m...

The web is fantastic at many things, e-mail, e-commerce, for example. But _____ your name is Amazon Or Google, making money has proved hard.

     A. if      B. although    C. unless    D. as


C 【解析】略

Don’t expect to pass the driving test at your first attempt.____, you’ve been learning to drive for only a couple of days.

     A. As a result     B. After all    C. In other words   D. In general



She lost her book and borrowed ___ from the nearby library.

     A. one    B. another    C. it     D. that



It is ___ great pleasure to go to ____cinema after a week’s hard work.

     A. a; a     B. the; a    C. a; /     D. a; the



The project, intended to ___ the economic development of the west of China, has brought in benefits to the local people.

  A. reflect      B. promote    C. attract   D. construct



The handbag___ several days ago was found ____ under the seat inside the railway station.

     A. stolen; hidden    B. stealing; hiding  C. stealing; hidden  D. stolen; hiding



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