满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The boy is working harder than ever, hop...

The boy is working harder than ever, hoping to ___the time he has wasted playing online games.

     A. take up     B. make up    C. bring up    D. call up


B 【解析】略

We ___have hurried all the way to the airport—the flight was called off because of the foggy weather.

     A. mustn’t    B. couldn’t     C. needn’t    D. wouldn’t



The web is fantastic at many things, e-mail, e-commerce, for example. But _____ your name is Amazon Or Google, making money has proved hard.

     A. if      B. although    C. unless    D. as



Don’t expect to pass the driving test at your first attempt.____, you’ve been learning to drive for only a couple of days.

     A. As a result     B. After all    C. In other words   D. In general



She lost her book and borrowed ___ from the nearby library.

     A. one    B. another    C. it     D. that



It is ___ great pleasure to go to ____cinema after a week’s hard work.

     A. a; a     B. the; a    C. a; /     D. a; the



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