满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

This is the biggest lab__________we hav...

 This is the biggest lab__________we have ever built in our university.

A. which            B. what             C. that             D. Where


C 【解析】略

He is__________as a leader but he hasn't__________in teaching.

    A. success; many experiences                B. a success; much experience

    C. great success; an experience         D. a great success; any experiences



Only by practising constantly__________ greater progress.

A. we can make                      B. then we will make         

C. can we make                      D. we must make



__________ printed, this science fiction will be popular among the students.

A. Before              B. Unless              C. Although        D. Once







1.  身体是学习的保证;

2.  增强体质,使人精力充沛。

1.  浪费时间,使人疲劳, 影响学习;

2.  可能导致受伤。




1.  层次清晰,包含所给要点,不要简单翻译,表达连贯;

2.  可适当发挥,不要涉及具体校名等真实信息;

3.  词数:100字左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:课外体育活动  extra-curricular sports activities

Dear Editor,

   I’m writing to tell you about the debate on whether the extra-curricular sports activities should be cancelled. Different people have different ideas.______________________________________




Best wishes!



                                                                    Li Hua



Invention is a creative process. An open and curious mind enables one to see beyond what is known. Seeing a new possibility, a new connection or relationship can spark(引发) an invention. Inventive thinking frequently involves combining concepts or elements from different fields that would not normally be put together. Sometimes inventors skip over the boundaries between separate fields. Ways of thinking, materials, processes or tools from one field are used as no one else has imagined in a different field.

  Play can lead to invention. Childhood curiosity like playing in a sand box, imagination can develop one’s play nature—an inner need according to Carl Jung. Inventors feel the need to play with things that interest them, and to explore, and this internal drive brings about interesting creations.

  Inventing can also be an obsession(痴迷). Inventors often imagine a new idea, seeing it in their mind’s eye. New ideas can arise when the conscious mind turns away from the subject or problem; or when the focus is on something else; or even while relaxing or sleeping. An unusual idea may come all of a sudden! For example, after years of working to figure out the general theory of relativity, the solution came to Einstein suddenly in a dream “like a giant die making an unforgettable impress, a huge map of the universe summarized itself in one clear vision”.

  Invention can also be accidental. Insight(洞察力) is also an important element of invention. It may begin with questions or doubt. It may begin by recognizing something unusual. It may be useful and it could open a new way for exploration. For example, the odd metallic color of plastic made by accidentally adding too much catalyst(催化剂) led scientists to explore its metal-like properties(性能). They then invented electrically conductive plastic and light emitting(散发) plastic—an invention that won the Nobel Prize in 2000 and has led to new kind of lighting, display screens, wallpaper and much more.

Title:    1  

A(n)   3    process

◆Look     2     than we know now.

◆Give combining concepts or      4    elements from different fields.

◆No one can    5     this before.

An obsession

   6     often imagine a new idea.

◆An unusual idea may come    7   .

A(n)   8    

◆A vital element of invention is  9   .

◆It may open a new way for exploration.

◆Accidental actions can     10     to innovation.



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