满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was ten years ago__________he was put...

It was ten years ago__________he was put into prison because he fought against the government.

A. that            B. since            C .when             D. before


A 【解析】略

__________from what everyone says about him, I would say he has a good chance of winning.

A. To judge             B. Judging          C. Judged           D. Having judged



The two things _______they felt very proud were Jim's gold watch and Della's hair.

A. about which          B. of which             C.in which          D. for which



 According to the survey, two thirds of the area__________covered by trees now and 90% of the population__________contributions to the Greening Project in the city.

A. is   ; has made                     B. are; have made

 C. is; have made                       D. are; has made



He asked me__________with me.

  A. what the matter is                  B. what the matter was

  C. what is the matter                  D. what was the matter



It is time for class. Will you please get the blackboard__________?

A. to clean             B. cleaning         C. cleaned         D. having cleaned



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