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Five years ago, David Smith wore an expe...

Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day. “I was a clothes addict(迷),” he jokes. “I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled(皱的).” Today David wears casual clothes — khaki pants and a sports shirt — to the office. He hardly ever wears a necktie. “I’m working harder than ever,” David says, “and I need to feel comfortable.”

More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work. In the United States, the changes from formal to casual office wear have been slow. In the early 1990s, many companies allowed their workers to wear casual clothes on Friday (but only on Friday).This became known as “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”. “What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for workers has really become an everyday thing,” said business adviser Maisly Jones.

Why have so many companies started allowing their workers to wear casual clothes? One reason is that it's easier for a company to attract new workers if it has a casual dress code. “A lot of young people don't want to dress up for work,” says the owner of a software company, “so it's hard to hire people if you have a conservative dress code.” Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes. In a study made by Levi Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers said that casual dress has a side effect on work. Supporters of casual office wear also say that a casual dress code helps them save money. “Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day,” one person said. “For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes.”

1.David Smith refers to himself as having been “a clothes addict” because ______________.

A. he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt

B. he couldn't stand a clean appearance

C. he wanted his clothes to look tidy and clean all the time

D. he didn’t want to spend much money on clothes

2. David Smith wears casual clothes now, because ______________.

A. they make him feel at ease when working 

B. he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes

C. he looks handsome in casual clothes     

D. he no longer works for any company

3.According to this passage, which of the following is FALSE?

A. Many workers don’t like a conservative dress code.

B. Comfortable clothes make workers more productive.

C. A casual clothes code is welcomed by young workers.

D. All the employers in the U.S. are for casual office wear.

4.According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Company workers started to dress down about twenty years ago.

B. Dress-down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early 1990s.

C. “Dress-down Friday” was first given as a favor from employers.

D. Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.

45. In this passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT ______________.

A. saving worker’s money                

B. making workers more attractive

C. improving worker’s feeling               

D. making workers happier


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 【解析】略

Everyone has got two personalities — the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real.You don’t show your secret personality when you're awake because you can control your behavior,but when you're asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you.In a normal night,of course,people frequently change their position.The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.

If you go to sleep on your back,you’re a very open person.You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas.You don’t like to upset people,so you never express your real feelings.You’re quite shy and you aren't very confident.

If you sleep on your stomach,you are a rather secretive(不坦率的)person.You worry a lot and you're always easily upset.You’re very stubborn(顽固的),but you aren't very ambitious.You usually live for today not for tomorrow.This means that you enjoy having a good time.

If you sleep curled up(卷曲),you are probably a very nervous person.You have a low opinion of yourself and so you’re often defensive.You're shy and you don't normally like meeting people.You prefer to be on your own.You're easily hurt.

If you sleep on your side,you have usually got a well-balanced personality.You know your strengths and weaknesses.You’re usually careful. You have a confident personality.You sometimes feel anxious,but you don't often get depressed.You always say what you think even if it annoys people.

1.According to the writer,you naturally show your secret and real personality __________.

A.only in a normal night

B.only when you go to sleep

C.only when you refuse to show yourself to the world

D.only when you change sleeping position

2.Which is NOT mentioned in the second paragraph about a person's personality?

A.He or she is always open with others.

B.He or she always likes new ideas earlier than others.

C.He or she is always easily upset.

D.He or she tends to believe in others.

3.Point out which sentence is used to show the personality of a person who is used to sleeping

on his or her stomach?

A.He or she is careful not to offend others.

B.He or she doesn’t want to stick to his or her opinion.

C.He or she can't be successful in any business.

D.He or she likes to bring others happiness.

4.Maybe you don’t want to make friends with a person who sleeps curled up.Why?

A.He or she would rather be alone than communicate with you.

B.He or she is rarely ready to help you.

C.He or she prefers staying at home to going out.

D.He or she wouldn’t like to get help from you.

5.It appears that the writer tends to think highly of the person who sleeps on one side because ________________.

A. he or she always shows sympathy for people

B. he or she is confident,but not stubborn

C. he or she has more strengths than weaknesses

D. he or she often considers annoying people                 



The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond, California , USA.

“Police station? A train for Santa Fe hit a truck at the McDonald Street Crossing. Please ____21____ there at once. With an ambulance, too. A man is badly ____22_____.” said an anxious voice of a young man. “ And you know I am the ….”

“Please wait! Hi! Hi!” the policeman kept on ____23____ though the line was cut off. Within a minute , a police car and an ambulance car started off. Before long they got to the crossing, but they ___24____everything was fine. No accident, no wounded man.

“What a dirty trick!” said the policeman ____25____. “ We must find out that bad___26_____ and …..”They were just talking about the _____27___when they heard the whistle of a train which was nearing them quickly. All of a sudden, a truck appeared. It came ___28_____towards them, too. When the truck was passing the crossing, it suddenly ____29___ to move on. Right then and there, before the eyes of all the policemen __30_______, the train hit the truck heavily and ___31____it dozens of meters away.

      When Randolph Bruce, the driver, was ___32_____ out of the damaged truck, he was seriously wounded just as the young woman had told on the phone. As he was taken to the ___33______ in time, his life was saved

Later the police did whatever they could to _____34___the woman who had telephoned them. It turned out that the woman was a very excellent police officer working far in the neighboring state, who had got the first-hand ____35_____ of this crime as described above.

1.A .call      B. come            C. go          D. notice

2.A . beaten  B. treated         C. needed      D. injured

3.A .talking       B. laughing        C. crying      D. shouting

4.A..realized      B.found            C. proved      D. wondered

5.A.nervously   B.  Disappointedly  C. angrily D. surprisingly

6.A. man       B. woman           C. child               D. driver

7.A. trial     B. warning         C. program     D. punishment

8.A.passing        B. turning         C. running     D. rolling

9.A.refused        B. stopped         C. continued  D. began

10.A..above        B. below           C. alive           D. present

11.A..struck       B. met             C. caught      D. missed

12.A..pushed       B. helped          C. let         D. asked

13.A .company      B. house           C. station     D. hospital

14.A .meet         B. punish          C. find            D. arrest

15.A..information      B. result          C. advice      D. news



I expect them _______ and I wish all the rooms _____________.

A. to come; to clean             B. come; to clean  

C. to come; to be cleaned        D. come; to be cleaned



The salesman scolded the girl caught ________ and let her off.

A. to have stolen         B. to be stealing           C. to steal         D. stealing



 Please don’t forget him. He is one of _______.

A. those invited     B. invited those        C. those inviting     D. inviting those



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