满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Would you slow down a bit, please. I can...

Would you slow down a bit, please.  I can’t _____ you

   A keep up with   B put up with    C make sure     D hold on


A 【解析】略

假设你是Tom, 是一名高一新生。请你给自己的初中同学Jack写一封信,简要介绍自己的高中生活。



1) 非常想念过去的老师和同学们;与现在的同学相处很好,对老师很满意。

2) 自己一定努力学习,为的是三年以后能够上个好的大学。


Dear Jack,




_____________________________________________________      ____________________








Li Ling is the only one of the student in our class who have ever been to England. Last summer she is lucky to be sent there to study for three months. When she arrived in England by plane, she was picking up (接待)at the airport by the Johnson family, she would live with for the next few months. The family does everything they could to make Li Ling to feel at home. Li Ling began her study abroad at a middle school, where she met friends from all over world.

She made fully use of every minute to practise her spoken English and was highly thought of by all the people around him.



第一节 单词拼写,按照提示写出单词的正确形式。(每空1分,共15分)

1.He looks handsome and gentle, but ______ __(事实上) he is a thief.

2.Judging from his            (口音) he must be from Shanghai.

3.A flash of bright            (闪电)was followed by loud thunder.

4.Of the two choices , I prefer the _________ (后者).

5. He completely _________(忽视) all these facts as if they didn’t exsit.

6. I can speak English ________(流利地)。

7.The firemen___________(营救)three women from the burning house

8After the battle they b________ the dead.

9.His mother tongue is German, but he speaks Italian like a         (本国人)

10.Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could ________(认出)him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.

11.He didn’t stop in Hong Kong and flew         (直接) to London.

12.He used to do some_________(户外) activities even in the middle of winter.

13. The city was completely________ (破坏)by the earthquake.

14After graduation, she__________ (定居)in Canada.

15.Then  _______________(渐渐地)English became less like German.





It’s not just women who wear skirts.   1    In Scotland, men wear a kind of skirt called kilt. The kilt is their national dress and an important part of their tradition.

A kilt is a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks(格子)on it with different colors, like red and blue.    2    

    3    There are many stories about it. One story is that kilt was invented in the 1720s by an English factory owner, Thomas Rawlinson.

Thomas Rawlinson had a number of Scottish workers in his factory and he thought their clothing got in the way of their work.     4     

Today, most Scotsmen look the kilt as formal dress. They usually only wear them at wedding or big dinner.    5   

A. Each family in Scotland has it’s own colors.

B.There are only a few men who still wear a kilt every day.

C.How did the Scots start to wear skirts ?

D.It was important for Scots to wear skirts at any time.

E.So he cut their long clothes into shorter skirts.

F.Wearing skirts is very beautiful for women.

G.Men can wear them, too.



Miss Gogers taught physics in a New York school. Last month she explained to one of her classes about sound, and she decided to test them to see how successful she had been in her explanation. She said to them, “Now I have a brother in Los Angeles. If I was calling him on the phone and at the same time you were 75 feet away, listening to me from across the street, which of you would hear what I said earlier, my brother or you and for what reason?”

Tom at once answered, “Your brother. Because electricity travels faster than sound waves.” “That's every good,” Miss Gogers answered; but then one of the girls raised her hand, and Miss Gogers said. “Yes, Kate.”

“I disagree,” Kate said. “Your brother would hear you earlier because when it's 11 o'clock here it's only 8 o'clock in Los Angeles.”

1. Miss Gogers was teaching her class_________.

A. how to telephone                   B. about electricity  

C. about time zone(时区)               D. about sound

2.Miss Gogers raised this question because she wanted to know whether______.

A. it was easy to phone to Los Angeles     B. her student could hear her from 75 feet away

C. her students had grasped(理解)her lesson .D. sound waves were slower than electricity

3.Tom thought that electricity was _________.

A. slower than sound waves           B. faster than sound waves

C. not so fast as sound waves          D. as fast as sound waves

4.Kate thought Tom was wrong because _______.

A. clocks in Los Angeles showed a different time from those in New York

B. electricity was slower than sound waves

C. Tom was not good at physics at all

D. Tom's answer had nothing to do with sound waves

5.Whose answer do you think is correct according to the law of physics?

A. Tom's   B. Kate's   C. Bath A and B   D. Neither A nor B



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