满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The primary purpose is to _____ those ac...

The primary purpose is to _____ those achievements in biological research _____ the public.

A. make; known by   B. make; known to   C. make; know to    D. make; knowing by


B 【解析】略

____ new cure for this disease that medical experts have recently developed proves to be ______ most effective, although it can not completely kill all the viruses.

A.  A; a          B. The; /   C. /; the D. A; the



— What made your skin look so terrible?

— _______ to the sunlight for a long time.

A. Because it was exposed   B. After being exposed   C. Being exposed   D. Exposed



Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother _____ to swim.

A. how will it learn    B. will it learn how  C. it will learn how  D. and it learns how



As is well known, carelessness and irresponsibility _______ many deadly accidents.

A. lead to      B. result from      C. contribute to        D. result in



They ___________ for two hours

A. is working       B. worked   C. have been working    D. had worked



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