满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

语法填空(每题1分,共10分) One day Mary was busy wo...


One day Mary was busy working in her office in London when she received an E-mail from her friend Joan .In Joan’s e-mail, she persuaded Mary 1.______( look) for a flat in London for her. As she had 2.____ (little) money at her command than before, the flat had to be cheap, but it had to be modern, with elevators, gas lines. It had to be in the 3._______ (east) part of London, with petrol and subway stations nearby. Though Mary found 4._____difficult to find such a flat, she still went from one block to another, looking for a flat 5._______would meet Joan’s requirements. Having tried too many times, Mary came up 6.______her boss and politely asked him 7.____advice. It was the first time that she 8.___________ (talk) with his boss about her personal problems. It happened that the boss just had such a flat for rent, so they quickly reached 9.____agreement. But to her surprise, when she e-mailed Joan, telling her the good news, Joan said that she had changed 10._____ mind--- she was not returning to London.


1.to look  2. less  3.eastern  4. it  5. which /that  6. to  7.for  8.had talked  9. an  10.her 【解析】略

Earthquakes strike suddenly at any time of the day or night, but there’s no way to tell them. If an earthquake happens, it may 1.____ many deaths and injuries and great damage. Decide how and where your family will get together if 2.____ . Choose an out-of-state friend or relative that the family members can 3.____ after the quake to report where they are and how they are. Know the 4.____ places in each room: under the 5.___ tables, desks, or against inside walls. Keep enough food, water and other things, 6.____ a flashlight, a radio medicines and clothing.

    During the earthquake, you should 7.___ a clear head and never be too nervous to know what to do. Protect your 8.____ and neck with your arms. If possible, take a book, a pillow or any other things to 9.____ yourself from falling glass and ruins. If you are 10.____, you must immediately lie under any strong furniture. If outdoors, move to an open area away form tress, buildings, walls and power poles. If you are in a narrow valley, move to the center of it and look up for falling 11.____. If you are in a car, move to the side of the road and stop the car. Do not stop near buildings, power lines or on or under bridges. Stay in your car until the shaking stops.

    Do not move a badly 12.___ person unless he is in great danger after the earthquake. Do not use the telephone 13.___ unless there is a serious injury or fire. Turn on your radio for instructions and news reports. Be prepared for aftershocks. If you want to14.___ your home, post a message inside your home 15.__ family members where you can be found.

16.A. affect      B. develop      C. cause     D. bury

17.A. recover     B. separated    C. lost         D. divided

18.A. call         B. recognize    C. go         D. help

19.A. loose       B. safe         C. dangerous   D. wide

20.A. old        B. new          C. strong      D. weak

21.A. ignoring    B. holding       C. including    D. carrying

22.A. make       B. protect       C. use         D. keep

23. A. hand        B. head         C. leg         D. back

24.A. let          B. prevent       C. stop        D. protect

25.A. indoors      B. outdoors       C. away      D. out

26.A. bricks       B. flowers        C. stones     D. walls

27.A. wounded     B. injured        C. harmed    D. hurt

28.A. slowly       B. extremely      C. actually    D. immediately

29.A. reach        B. leave         C. take        D. pack

30.A. telling       B. speaking      C. saying       D. talking




1. After the exam, my teacher told me that failure ______ (be) the mother of success.

2. There is no such thing ____ a free lunch.

3. There is a __________ (determine) look on his face.

4. ______she made up her mind, nothing can change it.

5. We_____________ (leave) for Japan tomorrow morning.

6. He asked me whether the big flood ___________ (destroy) the area.

7. Years passed before the war was finally at _____end.

8. He tried to work, but it was ________ (use).

9. It was the curtain _______ was full of dust.

10. Geography also plays a part _____ making dialects.




A few months ago, Peter worked for a short time as a cashier(收银员) at a restaurant. He also helped clear the tables when it was especially busy. One night, just before Christmas, he found a large black wallet on the floor near one of the tables. He guessed he should have checked it for the owner’s identification, but he was very busy at the time. Also, he figured that if the wallet contained anything valuable, the owner would be back. Sure enough, an hour later a man came up to the counter and asked if anyone had found a wallet. Peter asked him to describe the lost wallet and after he had described it exactly, he gave the man the wallet. The man seemed greatly relieved when Peter handed it to him.

The man asked Peter if he had opened it, and when he was told “No”, he at once opened it and revealed nearly $1,000 in cash. He took out a 20-dollar bill and handed it to Peter. Peter pushed it back. “ Bless you for saving my Christmas plans. It’s people like you who make everything in the world look so good.” The man said and then turned and walked away.




1) 叙述一次助人为乐的真实或虚构的经历,你或你身边的人是帮助者或受助者。

2) 你或你身边的人遇到了什么事情。

3)   事情最后的结局。







假设你暑假期间在中山大学参加了一个为期10天的夏令营活动, 下面是活动内容。请根据活动内容写一篇短文介绍本次活动及你的感受

 1. 听亚运历史讲座,有点闷但是很有用.

2. 学习亚运英语,和同学交流英语学习经验.

3. 参观漂亮而且现代化体育馆。

   4. 你的感受:

参考词汇  体育馆   stadium









Photography Club --- We are looking for artistically inclined students to join our new club. We plan to meet every Tuesday and Thursday evening after school from 6 to 8 pm. Each member must have their own equipment.



Hiking Society --- Members meet every Saturday to discuss their hiking trips and twice a month, we arrange trips to different parts of the province for members to go on breathtaking scenic mountain walks. Get to understand our local geography, keep fit and have fun.



Film Club --- The club is perfect for students who love artistic movies. Every Tuesday and Friday evening we hold a seminar in which a great new movie or a classic film is discussed and reviewed.



Dancing Club --- We are the largest club in the university with over 400 members. Members are invited to dancing practice every Monday evening from 7 pm to 10 pm and we hold dance parties with students from other universities once a month. Perfect way to keep fit and meet new friends.



English Society --- A new group organized by the University English Dept. gives all students on campus a chance to practice and improve their English. We plan to have regular foreign guests come to our weekly meetings every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and we show English language movies that can help you both practice your English and be entertained as well.



Book Club --- Members meet each week to discuss and recommend books to each other. Meetings are lunch times on Fridays. Membership is free. All members qualify for a 20% discount on all books purchased from the Xinhua Book Store.



1.Cherry wants to join a club that will keep her fit and active but because she has a part-time job every workday evening she is only available to take part on the weekends.

2.David is a new student at the university, whose major is English literature. He is a little shy so is hoping to join a club that can help him get to know new people and build his confidence.

3.Bonnie is majoring in drama and wants to be a scriptwriter when she graduates. She is interested in discovering new stories that she may one day be able to turn into movies. As her home is far from the university she is only free during the day to take part.

4.Betty is studying film making and one day hopes to become a director. But she thinks her ability to create beautiful visual images is not strong enough so she has recently purchased a camera to help her practice.

5. Jack is a first year geography student who would like to learn more about the geography of the local area. He is also worried about passing the English test that all students must take at the end of their first year of study. He has to return to his home to help his parents every weekend so is only free during weekdays.



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