满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The speech he made ____ the project has ...

The speech he made ____ the project has bothered me greatly.

A. being concerning

B. concerned

C. be concerned

D. concerning 


D 【解析】略

I’ve decided to move to the countryside, for I’ve had _____ of the noises here.

A. enough

B. suffered

C. none

D. little



-- I didn’t go to Mary’s party last night because my car broke down.

   ---You could have borrowed mine. I ____ it.

A. didn’t use

B. hadn’t used

C. wasn’t using

D. wouldn’t use



---Jimmy has had a lot of parties recently.

   ---Yes , that might _____ why he didn’t do well in the test.

A. apply for

B. pay for

C. answer for

D. account for



    It is strongly suggested that measures _____students to cheat in the exams.

A. be taken to prevent

B. be taken to forbid

C. are taken to prevent

D. are taken to forbid



I enjoy listening to classical music, but I’m so busy now that I’m not in the _____ for it.

A. emotion

B. feeling

C. mood

D. sense



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