满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— What a fine day! Shall we go fishing? ...

— What a fine day! Shall we go fishing?

— _______. But we need to be home before six o’clock for the football match.

    A. Have a nice time     B. Excuse me            C. That’s great            D. You are right


C 【解析】略

1. 大学毕业后,我没有努力找工作,而是抽了点时间去旅游。事实证明这是个英明的决定。

After _______ from college, instead of _______ to find a job, I took some time off to go travelling, _______ turned _______ to be a wise decision.

2. 精心的治疗和父母的鼓励帮助他很快从手术中恢复过来。现在他又像以往一样精力充沛了。

Good medical _______ and parents’ _______ helped him _______ from the operation very quickly and now he is as _______ as usual.


Shakespeare, _______ is _______ of as the greatest writer in the English language, _______ his life to _______ novels, plays and poems.

4. 青春期的男孩往往追求独立。被禁止做他们想做的事情使得他们很恼火。

During _______, boys tend to fight for _______. That they are often _______ to do what they like makes them _______.

5. 现在有很多年轻人承受着巨大的压力,并经常熬夜,这从长远看来会危害他们的健康。他们应该在工作和休息之间寻求平衡。

Nowadays many young people are under great _______ and often stay _______, which does harm to their health in the long _______. They should strike a _______ between work and relaxation.



1. I’d like to tell you the news that Tony will take charge of the company after the manager retires.

I’d like to _______ you _______ the news that the manager will leave Tony _______ _______ of the company after he retires.

2. If one wants to stay healthy, he should do exercise instead of taking certain pills, which actually affects people’s health.

If one wants to keep _______, he should _______ _______ instead of taking certain pills, which actually has a bad _______ on people’s health.

3. You can never imagine how difficult it was for the British students to get used to the school life in China. But now when they think back to the experience, they are very proud of it.

You can never imagine what _______ the British students had _______ used to the school life in China. But now when they look _______ _______ the experience, they take pride in it.

4. It attracts the students that they may visit the museum without paying this week and they want to visit it in no time.

It is _______ to the students that they may visit the museum _______ _______ this week and they can’t _______ to visit it.

5. Though you want to surf the Internet, you should be busy preparing for the coming mid-term exam.

Though you feel _______ _______ the Internet, you are _______ to be busy making _______ for the coming mid-term exam.



1. Great changes _______(take) place in our country in the past thirty years.

2. Peter prefers to stay at home watching TV rather than _______(go) there alone.

3. Now that the headmaster _______(approve) the plan, we can carry it out now.

4. In some countries, missing a bus means _______(wait) for another half an hour.

5. _______(chat) on line took him a lot of time, which led to his failure in the exam.

6. The law requires that everyone _______(have) his car checked at least once a year. 

7. _______(achieve) success, you should concentrate on what you are doing.

8. It’s a pity that I missed _______(see) the film which was on at the cinema last week.  

9. When I entered, the teacher, along with her lovely students, _______(dance) to the music.

10. Susan couldn’t tolerate _______(work) for twelve hours a day and decided to change her job.



1.George didn’t find it difficult at all, but it was really a c____task for me.

2. In modern times, people should pay attention to their psychological health as well as their p_______ health.

3. To e______ enough money to support a large family, Thomas had to work really hard.

4. Every Monday morning, we a_______ a school assembly on the school field.

5. On a_______, 90,000 people are killed in traffic accidents in China every year.

6. The company gave him a large sum of money in ____ (作为交换) for the information he provided.

7.The most likely ____ (解释) for his success is that he works harder than anyone else.

8. To her ____ (满意), her son spoke English fluently after spending two years in the US.

9. Lisa made Tom’s secret known to all, which made him _____ (尴尬的) in public.

10. The _______(教授), for whom students show great respect, teach his students not only what to learn but also how to learn.



1. Many teenagers feel _______, as if no one _______ them and the changes they are going _______. Day by day, everything seems different, yet the same.

2. Many boys become _______ — they want to find their own limits and the limits of the world around them, but may not have the _______ to make good choices in their _______.

3. The truth is, diet and _______ of life are often a problem for teenagers. However, the good news is that you can _______ better, look better and have more energy if you eat the _______ food and exercise _______.



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