满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The officer insisted that the young gir...

 The officer insisted that the young girl_____ a thief and that she____ free at once.

A.was not; be set

B.should not be; be set

C.was not; was to be set

D.was not ; set


A 【解析】略

I regret ________ that you have failed the exam, but what you should do now is not to regret ______ so much time but to seize every moment from now on.

A.to inform; wasting

B.informing; to waste

C.to inform; to waste

D.informing; wasting



____ the days he had spent with his American friends, he couldn’t help_____.

A.Keeping up; smile

B.Staying up; smiling

C.Looking back on; smiling

D.Looking at; to smile



To have a dinner at a restaurant on the Eve of the Spring Festival, you need to reserve the restaurant months before, _____?

A.mustn’t you

B.didn’t you

C.don’t you

D.needn’t you



The reason _______ he explained for his being late was ________ his alarm clock didn’t work.

A.why; because

B.that; because

C./; that

D.for which; that



The ______ look on her face suggested that she _________ such a result.

A.puzzling; hadn’t expected

B.puzzled; hadn’t expected

C.puzzling; wouldn’t expect

D.puzzled; shouldn’t expect



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