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It's the third time ________ late for sc...

It's the third time ________ late for school this week.

A. that you are                    B. you are

C. when you arrived               D. that you have been


D 【解析】略

Money plays______ important role in the material world. But expecting ______ money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.

A. a; the               B. an; /                C. a; /             D. the; the



随着网络的日益普及, 人们用于读书的时间逐渐减少。请你根据以下要点写一篇英语短文,并发表在自己的英语博客上。

1.简单陈述这一现象;2. 列举读书的好处;3. 谈谈自己的观点。





    [1] Homestay is a great way to experience a new culture. As a volunteer you will get a new family to live with. Apart from their visits to tourist sites, most international volunteers remember their experiences in the homestay.

To help you with your homestay, here are a couple of tips.

    [2] As a sign of kindness, carry a small gift to the family you are going to live with. It will make you look like a generous person and they will try to accommodate(提供住宿) you longer. People are all glad to be given gifts.

    [3] As you will be living in a new home and culture, there are things that are different. There should be habits which could be new to you, like how they take a shower or how they raise kid. Do not judge them by their habits, but try to understand their culture. Soon you will find their ways are different but they also work.

    [4] Don’t be the first one to wake up or the last one to wake up in the mornings. Wake up in time for breakfast and if possible try to help make breakfast. Some cultures find it __________________________ to still be in bed when everyone has got up.

    [5] Be thankful for everything the family decides to give you or do for you. If the host mom wants to wash your clothes, just accept and be very grateful. When they bring food and any other things to you, make sure to thank them.

    [6] Most volunteers stop communicating with the host family after they end their homestay. They may forget the host family. The better way is to keep up with the host family whenever you can. This way you would form a lifelong friendship, and the next time you go to that country you can stay with them again.


1.What’s the best title of the passage? (no more than 6 words)



2.Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 4 words)

Instead of forming an opinion about the habits of your host family, you should try to _________________________________________________________.

3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)



4.What is the main idea of the last two paragraphs? (no more than 20 words)



5.What does the word “It”(Line 2, Paragraph 2) probably refer to?(no more than 3 words)




Some American parents might think their children need better education to compete with those in China and other countries. But how much do the parents themselves need to change?

A new book called Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua has caused a debate about cultural differences in parenting. In Chinese culture, the tiger represents strength and power. In the book, Ms. Chua writes about how she demanded excellence from her daughters. She said that she had a clear list of what her daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were not permitted to do, such as attending a sleepover, having a play date, watching TV or playing computer games and getting any grade less than an A.

Many people have criticized Amy Chua. Some say her parenting methods were abusive(辱骂的). She even admits that her husband, who is not Chinese, sometimes objected to her parenting style. But she says that it was the way her parents raised her and her three sisters.

Ms. Chua makes fun of her own extreme style of parenting. She says she eased some of the pressure after her younger daughter rebelled and shouted, “I hate my life! I hate you!”

Ms. Chua says she decided to retreat when it seemed like there was a risk that she might lose her daughters. But she also says American parents often have low expectations of their children’s abilities. “One of the biggest differences I see between Western and Chinese parents is that Chinese parents assume strength rather than fragility(脆弱),” she said.

“The beginning of this intense discussion has to do with what it means to be a successful parent and what it means to be a successful child,” said Stacy Debroff, who has written four books about parenting.

Ms. Debroff says Amy Chua’s parenting style is not limited to Chinese families. She says it represents a traditional way of parenting among immigrants(移民) seeking a better future for their children.

But she also sees a risk. When children have no time to be social or to follow their own interests, they might not develop other skills that they need to succeed in life. Stacey Debroff advises parents to develop their own styles of parenting and not just repeat the way they were raised.

1.Amy Chua has been criticized mainly because ____.

A. she looks up to boys and down on girls

B. she has already abused her right as a parent

C. she hasn’t raised her children like her own parents

D. she has fought with her children several times

2.Which can best describe Ms. Chua according to the passage?

    A. Uneducated.  B. Cruel.   C. Strict.  D. Strong.

3. According to Ms. Debroff, _____.

A. Amy Chua’s parenting style should be banned(禁止) in China

B. Amy Chua’s should stop to adopt American parenting styles

C. Amy Chua’s parenting style should be adjusted if possible

D. There isn’t any advantages in Amy Chua’s style

4.What does the underlined word “retreat” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. Give in. B. Pass away.   C. Cry out. D. Go ahead.

5.What should be the best title of this passage?

A. Some books on studying styles.

B. The disadvantage of Chinese parenting styles

C. Differences between western and eastern parenting styles

D. The comparison between American and Chinese parenting styles



A lazy Susan is an addition to a table, which is designed to assist in moving food from one person to another while dining. This is accomplished through the use of a turntable(转盘), which usually moves the food in a circle when pushed by those at table. In this way, the food never has to be picked up and passed around the table. Instead, it remains in place as the lazy Susan is turned about.

A lazy Susan may also be a part of a kitchen cabinet. One may spin the lazy Susan in order to find certain goods stored in it. From the outside, a lazy Susan appears to be two cabinets. When one of these cabinets is pushed, however, both doors move and the lazy Susan is revealed inside.

Whether the lazy Susan is on a tabletop or within a cabinet, it can be made of a variety of materials. Most commonly, a lazy Susan is made of either plastic, wood or glass. Some people believe that Thomas Jefferson invented the lazy Susan, though it was referred to as a dumb waiter(上菜升降架) at that time. It is said that Jefferson invented the lazy Susan because his daughter complained she was always served last at table and, as a result, never found herself full when leaving the table. Others believe that Thomas Edison was the inventor, as he is believed to have invented the turntable for his phonograph(留声机), which later developed into the lazy Susan.

Regardless of who invented it, it wasn’t until 1917 that the term lazy Susan was created in an advertisement for the invention. In Britain, however, the term dumb waiter is still used rather than the term lazy Susan. The reason for the name lazy Susan remains a mystery. One theory is that it was named after either Jefferson’s or Edison’s daughter, both of whom were named Susan.

1. According to the passage, a lazy Susan _____.

A. is a person who serves food at table

B. is a waitress who helps move dinner tables

C. is an additional round table in a dining room

D. is a turntable that passes food around the table

2.Which of the following is NOT true of the lazy Susan?

A. On a tabletop, it is convenient for people to have dinner.

B. Within a cupboard, it is easy for people to see what is inside.

C. The turntable was invented in 1917.

D. It can be made of many kinds of materials.

3.Why did Jefferson’s daughter complain she was served last when having meals?

A. Because she was too lazy.   

B. Because she was the youngest.

C. Because the table was too tall for her.

D. Because the table couldn’t move food for her.

4. From the passage, we can know that _____.

A. the lazy Susan was invented earlier than the phonograph

B. Susan was the name of Jefferson’s and Edison’s daughter

C. Jefferson and Edison invented the lazy Susan at the same time

D. When people talk about a lazy waitress they use the term “Susan”

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. What is a lazy Susan?

B. When was the lazy Susan created?

C. Why do inventions come from the daily life?

D. How was “dumb waiter” replaced by “lazy Susan”?



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