满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

21st Century is ______ a newspaper. It h...

21st Century is ______ a newspaper. It helps us to improve our English a lot.

A. no less than                         B. no more than

C. less than                            D. more than


D 【解析】略

When he borrowed the camera last time, he broke it and I had to pay to get it _______.

A. repair   B. repairing    C. to repair    D. repaired



My father asked me ______ with me.

A. what the matter is                   B. what the mater was

C. what is the matter                   D. what was the matter



Mary had to call a taxi because the box was_______ to carry all the way home.

A. much too heavy                   B. too much heavy

C. heavy too much                   D. too heavy much



When ______from top of the hill, our school looks small.

A. seen         B. seeing      C. see     D. to see



Tom went to his teacher for ______ on how to work out the problem.

A. an advice        B. advice          C. advices          D. the advices



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