满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The air in mountain areas is ____ that i...

The air in mountain areas is ____ that in big cities.

   A. as fresh as     B. fresher than    C. as dirty as    D. dirtier than


B 【解析】略

Beijing is _____ capital of China and it is _____ city with many places of interest.

A. a; a    B. a; the           C. the; a       D. the; the












Recently I have made an investigation on whether a model-test paper for Senior Three should be difficult or easy.Opinions are divided on this matter.



阅读下面短文, 请根据短文后的要求进行答题。(请注意问题后的词数要求)

[1] The year 2008 has one extra day in it--February 29th, why does this happen? Well, it actually takes the planet Earth a little more than 365 days to revolve completely around the sun. After four years an extra 24 hours have accumulated so an extra day is added to the calendar.

    [2] It is called a leap year because hundreds of years ago in England, the extra day wasn't legally recognized. The British just leapt over that day. Therefore a year with 29 days in February is consequently called a leap year and that                          . If you are born on 29th February in a leap year, there are difficulties in celebrating your birthday. So people tend to celebrate on either 28th February or 1st March every year.

     [3] There is a well-known tradition in the UK associated with 29th February, introduced many centuries ago. Women are allowed to break with tradition and propose (求婚) to their boyfriends on this day. This all started back in the 5th Century, when a famous Irish saint, Bridget, complained to Saint Patrick, another famous Irish saint, that women had to wait too long for men to propose. According to the legend, Saint Patrick said any female longing for a proposal could ask their boyfriend to marry them on this additional day in February.

    [4] Now in 2008, there are calls for 29th February to become a public holiday. Some people believe that it should be an official day off, because no one gets paid for working in a leap day. For the moment though, the British still have to go to work on this day.

1.What is the main idea of the text? ( no more than 8 words)


2.Complete the following statement with proper words. ( no more than 5 words)

    Hundreds of years ago, a popular tradition in England was recommended

    Which                       29th February.

3. How long does it take the planet Earth to revolve completely around the sun? (no more than 9 words)


4.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. ( no more than 8 words)


5.What does the word  "them" (Line 5, Paragraph 3) probably refer to? ( no more than 3 words)





BC Social Report, August 14, 2010

    Scandinavians may spend a lot of the winter in darkness but they are the happiest people in Europe, according to a study showed this month. Countries like Denmark and Finland scored highest on the study of happiness in Europe carried out by Cambridge University, which also found that the sunny southern countries of Italy, Portugal and Greece got the least joy out of  life.

    The survey entitled:  "No Man is an Island" showed that countries where people enjoy time with friends and family, have trust in government and national institutions were more likely to be happy than those living in a sunny climate. The study rated respondent on their overall sense of happiness and life satisfaction on a scale of one to 10.

    Danes (丹麦人)--who expressed a high level of trust in their politicians and public institutions--came top of the field at 8.3. Italians--who reported lower levels of satisfaction with their national quality of government--came last at 6.49.' "Italy, Greece, Portugal, Germany and France report the lowest levels of happiness while the Scandinavian Countries, Netherlands and Luxembourg report the highest," the study said.

    Although Europeans are generally four times wealthier than their fathers and grandfathers, their levels of happiness are either equal to or lower than 40 years ago. The study also looked at factors contributing to happiness within countries and surprisingly found that an interest in politics actually increased happiness.

    Lead researcher Luisa Corrado said tax cuts and throwing money at social problems appeared to have no effect on the happiness of citizens when compared with government policies which strengthened and supported wider social networks.  "People are less naive ( 质朴的) than one would expect, politicians need to adapted their policies and target specific problems in specific areas," she said.

1. According to the passage, we can know        .

    A. Scandinavians are the happiest people in the world

    B. the research is carried out by Oxford University

    C. the people of the northern countries are much happier

    D. Italians expressed their trust in politics and institutions

2.Which of the following factors increases happiness?

    A. Interest in polities      B. Wealth       C. Health        D. Websites.    

3.The underlined word "scale" in the second paragraph means                  

    A. sense                B. life          C. report         D. range

4. What's the writer's attitude to the study?

    A. Subjunctive.          B. Objective.     C. Pessimistic.    D: Optimistic.

5.In what column may readers probably read the passage?

    A. Lifestyle.           B. Amusement.         C. Politics.         D. Health and Happiness.



Paperback: 264 pages

Publisher:. Sams (March 29,2005)

ISBN: 0672327627

Product Dimensions: 8.4x5.5x0.6 inches


This book offers straightforward practical answers when you need fast results. By working through each 10-minute lesson, you'll learn what you need to begin to use the PHP scripting language to make your websites interactive and dynamic.


When I first laid eyes on this book and its title, Teach Yourself PHP in 10 minutes, my first thought was that I was going to see this!  So I opened it up and figured I'd look through it for ten minutes and see what would hit me. Well, 10 minutes turned into 20, 20 into 30 and 30 into a valuable resource that sits on my desk.

Not only are the lessons within brief, but they are very easy to understand, well presented and very easy to understand for the beginner. Each lesson comes with tips to point out shortcuts, cautions to help you avoid common mistakes and notes to additional infomation. This book can be used in two ways, as a reference or as a complete tutorial on PHP basics. That alone is something that is very rare in teaching type books these days.

    Some of the more valuable and informative lessons will take you into the areas of:

--Strings and variables

--Processing HTML forms

--Controlling and filtering data

--User authentication

--Cookies and sessions

--Security practices

--Configuring PHP and more!!!

The book is pretty basic for experienced PHP coders, but for new or intermediate users this book is worth more than the small $19.99 CAN suggested price. Although the cover suggests it covers PHP 5.0, the coding found within also applies to PHP 4.X


This book completely surprised me with its value and does indeed teach you in ten minutes what other books claim to do in 24 hours. Full marks to author Chris Newman for this handy guide.

1.Where can you see this short passage?

    A. In a section for ads in a website.           B. In a book shop.

    C. In a science magazine.                       D. In a fiction novel.

2.What is the book about according to the passage?

    A. How to make a website interactive and dynamic.    B. How to do things in ten minutes.

    C. How to deal with all kinds of problems.           D. How to configure PHP and more.

3.What is the purpose of the passage?

     A. To tell us something about a new book.          B. To tell us something about PHP.

     C. To make an ad for the book to sell it.            D. To tell us how to use the book.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

     A. You can learn all kinds of things within only ten minutes.

     B. It is a good book only for beginners.

     C. The book is valuable for both experienced PHP coders and beginners.

     D. The book is more useful for new or intermediate users than the experienced PHP coders.

5.What is the price of the book?

A. $19.99 CAN.    B. US$19.99   C. The author doesn't tell us.     D.  $ 20.



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