满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is human activities on the earth that...

It is human activities on the earth that are to ______global warming.

  A. be blamed for                 B. blame for

  C. take charge of                D. be responsible with


B 【解析】略

After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to go to the seaside to   _____   his health.

A. take up        B. pick up          C. carry up      D. make up



--- An explosion at nuclear power plant in Japan caused several workers injured.

   --- Yes, _________  news came as ________ shock to us all.

A. the; the       B. /; /              C. /; a          D. the; a




1.当你和以英语为母语的人士面对面交流时,不要害怕犯语法错误。(native English speakers, grammatical )


2.正是孩子们要求父母给他们更多的时间来做自己喜欢做的事。(request, 强调句)


3.尽管我们学过“even if”,但我们发现运用它还很难。(even if,it做形式宾语 )


4.当朋友生气时,你应劝劝她并好好相处。(calm down, get along )


5.这位老人苦于失去记忆因而无法记录下自己的经历。(suffer from, set down, because of)


6. 我到达伦敦时,碰巧下雨。(happen)










It was very nice to get your invitation to spend ∧ weekend with you. Luckily I was

                                      the                        am

6ec8aac122bd4f6ecompletely free then, so I’ll to  say “yes”. I’ll arrive in Bristol at around 8p.m. in Friday evening.                                                               on

When I first learned to write in English, I run into many difficulties.The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese but tried to translate everything into Chinese.My teacher advised me to keep diaries.I followed her advices.Happily it worked.Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express me in simple English. One day I wrote a short story and showed to my teacher.She liked it very much that she read it to the class.Everyone said the story was the good one, I was great encouraged by their words.




1.He has lost his i_________ card and is being questioned by the police.

2.She changed a lot and I had great difficulty r___________ her at first.

3.It made her u_______ that she didn’t do well in the final exam.

4.John looked calm, but a_________ he was very nervous.

5.He comes from India and speaks English with a strong Indian a__________.

6.He knew there was a speed limit, but he i___________ it and drove very fast.

7.People from England made v__________ to conquer other parts of the world .

8.Many countries in the world use English as an o________ language.

9.Young people spend most of their time o______ for they don’t like to stay at home all day.

10.The teacher is entirely c_________ about his students’ health.



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