满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The wild flowers looked like a soft blan...

The wild flowers looked like a soft blanket _______the desert.

A. covering     B. covered    C. cover           D. to cover


A 【解析】略

When ____ about the source of his income, he hesitated for a moment, obviously not willing to give us a direct answer.

A. asked        B. asking     C. being asked     D. having asked



In the past few months, a discussion ________about whether selecting “Three Goods” Students in elementary and middle schools should be cancelled.

A. has to be held           B. has been held   

C. has been holding         D. was held



—How much do you know about the 3D film technology?

—A little. Not until _______the hot movie Avatar _______ some about it.

A. did I see; did I begin to learn      B. I saw; I began to learn

C. I saw; did I begin to learn          D. did I see; I began to learn



The expo is being held in Shanghai, _______a lot of advanced technology is shown for the first time.

A. why           B. which           C. when           D. where



That kind of plant can be made ______ paper and paper can be made ______ wood.

A. of; of      B. from; of     C. from; into     D. into; from



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