满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I’m Adam Gun from Istanbul, Turkey. I’m ...

I’m Adam Gun from Istanbul, Turkey. I’m in a good school. And at the age of 15, in my first year of high school. I’m a great fan of tennis and cycling. I play tennis twice a week for two hours each time. Sometimes I want to play more, but I just keep playing for hours on end, never getting tired of doing it. This is one of the rare things I love in my life, in addition to cycling.

Like tennis, I find that I’m able to ride for ever and ever. Since Istanbul is made up of large and small hills, it’s a nice challenge to ride my bike every day. Although there aren’t many cycling places in Istanbul, I’m lucky enough to live near the biggest park. It’s downhill from my house to the park and I enjoy cycling up as much as floating down, because it’s challenging.

Now I have been thinking about being a lawyer and following my father’s footsteps, but I just don’t think I’m into it. I have heard people tell me over and over again: If you want to be happy with your life, you need to like and enjoy your job. Well, I’m not sure about the fact that I will enjoy being a lawyer when I grow up. I’m just not the type of person who sits down and studies for hours. So I just need opinions on whether to become a tennis player(hopefully), to become a cyclist(hopefully) or to become a lawyer.

1.We can know that Adam Gun is satisfied with ______.

A. his friends   B. his choice to be a lawyer   C. his school   D. his favorite tennis star

2.According to the passage, Adam Gun believes that cycling in Istanbul______.

A. need skills   B. needs good preparation   C. is easy but boring   D. is difficult but challenging

3.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?

A. I’m able to do it.        B. I hate to do it.   C. I’m confident about it.   D. I’m interested in it.

4.What’s Adam Gun’s problem?

   A. He isn’t certain about his future career.

   B. He has no enough time to practise tennis.

   C. His dad disagrees with his career choice.

   D. He can’t concentrate on his study for hours.


1.C 2.D 3.D 4.A 【解析】略

Jane’s mother worked on the farm from dawn till dark, which just could make ends meet. To make Jane live a   36 life. Mother was very careful about spending money.   37  , Jane didn’t understand her. Every day Mother was busy with her  38   while Jane was studying at school, so they had little time to enjoy themselves. 

One day, Mother realized Jane was unhappy and even 39  to her, so she decided to go   40  with Jane to make Jane happy.

On Sunday morning they went happily to the snowfield. Since they were   41  in white clothes, the manager advised them to buy ski clothes. He said   42   there was an accident, they might be easily  43  in their ski clothes. Mother couldn’t   44  them, so she refused.

Then they went skiing in their white clothes. They were skiing happily on the   45   when suddenly the snowfield began to  46  . It was the snowslide(雪崩). They ran a long way and  47   the snowslide finally, but they couldn’t find their way. Later, a helicopter was flying above,  48  people on it couldn’t see or hear them. Jane was  49   because she had hurt her head seriously and  50  dropped on the snow. Just then an idea struck Mother. She pierced (刺破) her wrist  51  and then bright red blood dropped down on the snowfield. A red SOS was on the snow. At last Jane  52  , but Mother died.

Every time I   53  the blood dropping onto the snowfield, I feel  54  . I believe anyone who hears the tragedy will  55  Mother for her selfless love to her daughter.

1.A. happy          B. healthy       C. busy        D. meaningful

2.A. Moreover       B. However     C. Anyway      D. Though

3.A. writing         B. housework        C. work        D. research

4. A. unfriendly       B. loyal            C. kind         D. cruel

5.A. skating         B. dancing          C. hiking        D. skiing

6.A. all             B. both             C. either        D. every

7.A. now that        B. in case           C. as though     D. even if

8. A. searched        B. examined         C. found        D. caught

9. A. pay            B. manage           C. afford       D. stand

10. A. mountain      B. farmland   C. playground    D. snowfield

11. A. change          B. melt             C. shake        D. jump

12. A. escaped         B. passed      C. experienced    D. overcame

13. A. but             B. so             C. since         D. while

14.A. in despair      B. in danger       C. in peace      D. in ruins

15.A. hair             B. blood          C. tears         D. jewels

16. A. carefully         B. slowly        C. immediately     D. hardly

17.A. cried           B. died          C. woke          D. survived

18. A. find out       B. think of      C. suffer from    D. come across

19. A. satisfied        B. curious     C. anxious       D. painful

20.A. admire          B. envy          C. reward        D. thank



When you study the local map, you’ll find this town is ______ .

A. twice as a large town as that      B. twice the size of that one

C. twice as larger as that one        D. twice as larger a town as that



---Do you ______ what he told you?

   ---Yes, in my opinion, he is honest and we all ______him.

A. believe; believe in    B. believe; believe   C. believe in; believe    D. believe in; believe in



An important meeting will be held in the school hall. Everyone _____there on time.

A. expects to be        B. is supposed to be    C. looks forward to be   D. is hoped to



He made one big mistake, and , ______, lost his job.

A. in a word     B. in fact    C. at last   D. as a result



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