满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

After the operation, Bill has been doing...

After the operation, Bill has been doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _____.

A. ability    B. strength     C. energy    D. mind


B 【解析】略

请以“How to Protect Your Eyesight”为题,写一篇100词左右的说明文,说明保护视力的重要性极其主要措施。内容要点如下:













Dear Mr. Johnson,

I’ve learned from a newspaper that some clerks are wanting in your company. I am eager to being one of them. So I am writing the letter. My name is zhang Hua. I was born in the Hebei Province and I am in good health. I’ve just graduated in the Computer Department of Wuhan University. I did very good in all subjects and I am especial good at computer studies and English. I can read science books in English and doing some writing in English as well.

Beside, I know a little French. And in my spare time, I enjoy playing basketball. As is said that your company is very famous and I’ll very glad if you let me work for it. My telephone number is 027-89276628.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.




__1.___ People use money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of other things they need or want. When they work, they usually get paid in money.

Most of the money today is made of metal or paper. ____2.___ One of the first kinds of money was shells.

Shells were not the only things used as money. In China, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money for a long time. Elephant tusks, monkey tails and salt were used as money in parts of Africa.

The first metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the centre. _____3.____

Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money.__ 4.___ Sweden and Russia used copper (铜) to make their money. Later some countries began to make coins of gold and silver.

But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. _____5.__ The first paper money looked more like a note from one person to another than the paper money used today.

Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.

A. The first coins in England were made of tin (锡).

B. But people used to use all kinds of things as money.

C. No one knows for certain when people began to use money.

D. People strung (串连) them together and carried them from place to place.

E. Money, as we know, is all made of paper.

F. They began to use paper money.

G. Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services.



Barbie(芭比娃娃),believe it or not,is 50 this year and she's still as popular as ever.A doll is a doll,but Barbie illustrates how,over the last five decades,women have become a standard for judging what freedom really means. How women are treated in different countries tells you a lot about the politics and culture of where they live.

The doll that every little girl wants enables young children to test their possibilities in role playing,giving them a glimpse of what they might be when they grow up,whether to be frivolous or serious (or both).

6ec8aac122bd4f6eBut in many countries that's not an option. In Saudi Arabia,where woman can't drive or go out publicly unless covered,Barbie is banned. They think Barbie dolls are offensive to Islam(伊斯兰教) and a threat to morality.

In America,she represents the swiftly changing roles of women. Barbie is fun to tease but she's as American as miniskirts_and_pantsuits in her flexible identities and her “growth” from model to astronaut.

Barbie inspired a doll­revolution movement. When a Teen Talk Barbie was programmed electronically to say “Math class is tough”,she was criticized by a national women's group and was regarded as a bad stereotype. Some of her critics also say she's a bad influence because she's too thin and encourages anorexia,that she has run through too many stereotypes(固定模式),and that she lends too much significance to the fantasy stages of child's play.

In some Muslim countries, substitute Barbie dolls have been developed that promote traditional values,with their modest clothing and pro­family backgrounds. They are widely seen as an effort to resist the American dolls that have flooded the market.

Toy seller Masoumeh Rahimi welcomed the dolls,saying Barbie was “foreign to Muslim culture” because some of the dolls have little clothing. She said young girls who play with Barbie,could grow into women who reject Muslim values. “I think every Barbie doll is more harmful than an American missile,”Ms. Rahimi said.

1.The writer mentioned “miniskirts and pantsuits”(in Paragraph 4) to imply that ________.

A.these are the only clothes a doll should wear

B.these are very traditional American clothes for women

C.there are a range of different life options available for women

D.readers should wear these clothes more often

2.The underlined word “anorexia” (in Paragraph 5) most probably means“________”.

A.an illness of refusing to eat

B.giving up math study

C.the wearing of inappropriate clothes

D.a decrease in people's imagination

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.children who like Barbie dolls won't be so serious when they grow up

B.Muslim Barbies are the same as American Barbies

C.Muslim societies are generally more conservative than western societies

D.Americans have no worry about Barbie's influence on children



Is early childhood education really necessary? Early childhood education primarily focuses on learning through playing to develop the child’s physical, sensory, communicational and social development.Early childhood education has become a concern of the government, who pushes poor children to be formally trained before they are old enough for Kindergarten.

There are good reasons for the government to push early childhood education.Studies have shown that orphaned children who did not receive good care and education become developmentally delayed causing failure in school, and even in life.Further studies show that poor children who take part in Head Start programs are more prepared for school, less likely to end up in   

Special Education classes, and are less likely to receive public help or go to jail.

There are also negative parts to putting a child in formal education programs too early.Time Magazine online explains that “the younger the child the less his chances of catching up with first-grade work.” I have personally witnessed many children of my generation who went to Head Start programs become frustrated and bored with school before they finished high school.Yet parents have been sure that the earlier the child starts school, the better off he or she is, so they push to start children earlier.

Actually while early formal education of poor children does show great gains in the early elementary years, studies also show that this head start is really a “false start”, as the gains are lost in middle and high school years.It seems that environment is a bigger factor on life’s success than early education.Head Start programs have not achieved its original goal in closing the achievement gap in poor and middle school children.Perhaps it is time to find other ways to close that gap.

1.The purpose of the government valuing the early childhood education is ________.

    A.to develop the children’s communication

    A.to give orphaned children good care and education

    C.to get the children prepared for the kindergarten

    D.to train the children formally and regularly

2.According to the studies, which of the following is True?

    A.Children with good early education may have a rich life.

    B.The orphaned children are usually unhappy in their life.

    C.Children without early education can do well at school.

    D.Head Start programs are helpful to the poor children.

3. The author’s attitude toward the early childhood education is _________.

    A.puzzling     B.objective   C.indifferent   D.approving

4.The main idea of the last passage is that __________.

    A.the early childhood education is very necessary

    B.Head Start programs have helped the children a lot

    C.environment is the most important to life’s success

    D.better ways should be found to help the poor children



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