满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Mr. Smith _______ $100,000 for the car, ...

Mr. Smith _______ $100,000 for the car, so I had to give up.






A 【解析】略

Her childhood dream became a _______ when she broke the 100m race world record.







假如你叫李华,是一名高中学生。你发现很多学生都有3G手机、iPod 或MP4.他们在课余时间忙着听音乐、打游戏、上网聊天,严重影响了学习。你打算给某英语报刊的编辑写一封信反映这种情况。内容包括:

1. 3G手机、iPod 或MP4带来的好处; 2. 它们对中学生产生的负面影响;

3. 提出自己的一些想法或建议。

注意:词数:110左右; 2. 开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数。

Dear Editor,

I am a student in a senior high school. I am writing to share my worries about my classmates.




I am looking forward to your early reply. 


Li Hua







注意:1. 原行没有错的不要改;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Mr. Li is a well-known doctor in our city. Kind but patient, he is always ready to do what he can help his patients. One day he learned from the medical magazine that patients will feel more pain if pleasant music is played to them. Soon he got an office in his own. So he decided to have beautifully music playing in his waiting-room. However, on one morning, an old lady who was sitting in the crowded waiting room became angry while listen to the music. She said, “We were all waiting to see the doctor, but he’s just playing the violin in his office instead of doing her work.”




Although nobody can guarantee that by adopting an exact lifestyle you will be able to live a longer life, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of living longer. _1._ In other words you have to do it without realizing it. Here are 5 most important habits for a better life:

★ _2._

It has been proven by many studies that people who are happy live a better life. To find happiness in your life you have to ask for it and run after it.

★ Healthy diet habits.

3._ A diet based on healthy principles can not only improve your mood, but also it can help you keep to a healthy weight.

★ Physical exercise and activity.

This is the most well-known guideline. Exercise is good for your health and can help you live longer. By exercising you help your body function better.

★ Relaxation.

Relax as much as possible. Our life is full of tasks. _4._ Relaxation means everything that makes you feel good and happy. This may be watching a nice movie or going to a basketball match.

★ Sleep.

_5._ It has been proven by many researchers that people who sleep 7 hours per day enjoy a happier and healthier life. Try to keep a sleeping pattern.

A.Don’t worry, be happy.

B.Any form of exercise is good for you.

C.Many people don’t realize the power of sleep.

D.People who want to live longer should learn how to relax.

E.Anything you do in order to live longer has to turn into a habit.

F.People who have negative (消极的) thoughts end up with low confidence.

G. Following a healthy diet is among the best ways to enjoy a life.



One of the best-loved American writers was William Sydney Porter, or O.Henry. From 1893 he lived with his family in a house in Austin, Texas, which is now a museum. Visitors to Austin can see the house. It was saved from destruction (破坏) and turned into a museum in1934. The museum is a good way to learn about the interesting life of the American writer.

William Porter rented this house in Austin and lived there with his wife Athol and daughter Margaret for about two years. Many objects in the museum belonged to the Porters. Others did not. An important piece in the room is the original photograph over here. It was taken there in the house about 1895. The piano there goes back to the 1860s. His wife took lessons on it when she first moved to Austin.

Porter did not start his career as a successful writer. He worked at a farm, land office and bank. He also loved words and writing. The museum has a special proof of Porter’s love of language --- his dictionary. It is said that he had read every word in that dictionary.

Later William Porter was forced to leave Austin because he was charged with financial wrongdoing at the bank and lost his job. Because he was afraid of a trail (审判), he left the country secretly. But he returned because his wife was dying. After her death, he faced the trial and became a criminal. He served three and a half years in a prison in Ohio.

William Porter would keep his time in prison a secret. But there was one good thing about it. It provided him with time to write. By the time he was freed, he had published 14 stories and became well known as O.Henry.

Porter later moved to New York City and found great success there. He published over 180 stories in the last eight years of his life.

1.O.Henry’s house in Austin has been well kept up till now so that ____.

A. Americans can explore their history

B more visitors will be attracted to Austin

C. visitors can learn about O.Henry’s life

D. it can show the way of life in the 1860s

2.What do we know about the piano in the house?

A.It was hated by Porter’s daughter.

B.It has a long history of about 150 years.

C.Porter’s wife gave music lessons on it.

D.Porter usually created music on it.

3.How does the museum prove (证明) Porter was fond of language?

A.With a dictionary he used.

B.With the records they keep.

C.Using the books they wrote.

D.Using the photograph they keep.

4.Why did Porter escape from Austin?

A.He didn’t want to lose his job.

B.He didn’t want to make trouble.

C.He meant to save his wife’s life.

D.He was charged with a crime.

5.From the last two paragraphs we know that _______.

A.Porter became famous suddenly

B.Porter spent his time in prison writing

C.Porter suffered a lot from his time in prison

D.life in prison provided what he could write for Porter



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