满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

31. She was moving out of her old apartm...

31. She was moving out of her old apartment _______ she suddenly realized that the key to the new apartment wasn’t on her.

    A. until            B. once         C. when         D. as if


C 【解析】略

Aunt Mary is crazy about shopping. She must be snapping up the bargains in the department store during such a sale, ______?

A. mustn’t she?        B. isn’t she       C. needn’t she     D. doesn’t she



______ customers, the Hong Kong company said the amount of the chemical in the shampoo products wouldn’t harm people’s health.

A. Calming       B. Having calmed    C. To calm      D. Calmed



He complained that this was the third time he _________ of the changes of the meeting.             

A. is informed                      B. was informed    

C. has been informed             D. had been informed



---Did you enjoy the drama last night?

---Yes. I’ve never seen _________ one before.                                   A. the more inspiring              B. a more inspiring    

C. the most inspiring             D. a most inspiring



Many people complained about the stones scattering on a roadway, but ______ did anything about getting the stone out of the way.

A. neither          B. both         C. none         D. all



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