满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The weather turned out to be fine yester...

The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I ______ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.

   A. should have taken             B. could have taken

    C. needn’t have taken              D. couldn’t have taken


C 【解析】略

______ with high demand and serious shortage of preschools, the local government is undertaking a major expansion.

    A. Faced            B. Being faced      C. Facing           D. Having faced



Considering his poor health condition, the doctor insisted on his_____ a good rest before going back to work.

A. being taken     B. having taken    C. his taken      D. his taking



“It’s a secret. Promise no one else would know it”, he lowered his voice and whispered ____ no one could overhear it.

A. in case          B. even if          C. so that          D. just as



South Korea is a world leader in the telecommunications industry and Sumsung is already a name _________ throughout the world.  

    A. recognized       B. recognizing      C. to be recognized D. having recognized



31. She was moving out of her old apartment _______ she suddenly realized that the key to the new apartment wasn’t on her.

    A. until            B. once         C. when         D. as if



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