满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: For each blank in the follow...

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

As we all know, Chinese handwriting has infinite power to express differences of character and cultivation. But we have to admit that traditional handwriting has become a __50__ art, now that kids start using keyboards as soon as they begin school. However, writing things out by hand may be a __51__ way we train our brains, several studies suggest. Many psychologists think that handwriting can make you __52__!

Writing by hand is different from __53__ because it requires using strokes to create a letter, __54__ just selecting the whole letter by touching a key, says Virginia Berninger, a professor of psychology at the University of Washington. These __55__ movements activate large regions of the brain __56__ in thinking, memory, and language. Handwriting helps children learn letters and shapes, improves their composition of ideas, and may also __57__ fine-motor skills development.

A study by Berninger found that in grades two, four, and six, children wrote more words, faster, and expressed more __58__ when writing essays by hand than when typing on a keyboard.

A separate study by researchers at Indiana University found that children who practiced printing by hand had more active__59__than kids who __60__ looked at letters.

It’s not just children who __61__ from writing things out by hand, says a study in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Adults learning a new language remember its __62__ better if they write them out by hand than if they produce them with a keyboard.

As more people __63__ their days on the computer, says neuroscientist P. Murali Doraiswamy of Duke University, “__64__ people in handwriting skills could be a useful cognitive exercise.”


1.A. charming       B. dying            C. mixing       D. challenging

2.A. common         B. critical         C. classic      D. standard

3.A. smarter        B. calmer           C. deeper       D. quicker

4.A. clicking       B. talking      C. typing       D. moving

5.A. in addition to B. rather than      C. except for       D. other than

6.A. body          B. eye          C. letter          D. finger

7.A. ended      B. led          C. included         D. involved

8.A. boost          B. weaken       C. decline      D. prospect

9.A. meanings       B. ideas            C. information D. emotions

10.A. mood      B. behavior     C. fingers      D. brains

11.A. simply        B. rarely          C. hardly       D. specially

12.A. benefit           B. keep        C. result          D. learn

13.A. rules             B. sounds           C. characters       D. sentences

14.A. get          B. waste            C. spend            D. rely

15.A. retreating       B. returning        C. repeating        D. retraining


1.B2.B3.A4.C5.B             6.D7.D8.A9.B10.D 11.A12.A13.C14.C15.D 【解析】略

Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.


A. priority

B.  getting

C. needs

D. put off

AB. depends on

AC. satisfy

AD. hungry

BC. likely

BD. slightly

CD. motivation


A person’s motivation is a combination of desire and energy directed at achieving a goal. Influencing someone’s motivation means __1__ him or her to want to do what you know must be done. A person’s motivation __2__ two things:

One is the strength of certain needs. For example, you are __3__, but you must have a task completed by a nearing deadline. If you are starving, you will eat. If you are __4__ hungry, you will finish the task at hand.

The other is the perception (感觉) that taking a certain action will help __5__ those needs. For example, you have two burning __6__— the desire to complete the task and the desire to go to lunch. Your perception of how you view those two needs will determine which one takes __7__. If you believe that you could be fired for not completing the task, you will probably __8__ lunch and complete the task. If you believe that you will not get into trouble or perhaps finish the task in time, then you will be more __9__ to go to lunch.



“Simpler” books are the foundation ______ students build a lifelong habit of reading and further the actual skill of reading for longer and stronger periods of time.

A. which         B. upon which       C. for which        D. in which



After a long and tiring flight, Mr. Ritz was frustrated at the news ______ his luggage had been sent to Hong Kong by mistake.

    A. that         B. which            C. what         D. because



In the past twelve months the research members ______ the effectiveness of many materials in a home building.

    A. had studied      B. would study      C. studied  D. have studied



Stage fright is a common example of ______ educators call a “lack of confidence” among students.

A. that         B what          C. which        D. whose



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