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The Best Rice Cookers ☆☆☆☆Tefal Automati...

The Best Rice Cookers

☆☆☆☆Tefal Automatic 2W3 Classic Rice Cooker

One of the largest rice cookers on the market, with a 2-litre capacity (容量)(up to 12 servings).It looks "rather utilitarian", but gives "the least sticky results" and its removable power cord means it can be taken outdoors or to the table.It comes with eight recipes and once cooking is completed it automatically switches to "keep-warm mode".Price; $29.99.Call 0800-616413 for stockists.

☆☆☆ Keiswood Rice Cooker and Steamer RC310

A "stylish looking machine with a heavy glass lid and a steam tray for steaming fish and vegetables.It cooks up to ten portions of rice(l.8-litre capacity), and produces "good results" although the rice tends to get sticky on the bottom layer.It keeps the rice warm once cooking is completed, but the power cord is not removable.Price:$34.99.Call 01705-392333 for stockists.


☆☆☆Zojurushi Rice Cooker / Warmer NDAQ – N10W

This cooker has a one – litre capacity (five portions of rice) and keeps rice warm for up to 12 hours after cooking. The lid has a clip – lock and is sealed so cooking is pressurized. It cooks rice “perfectly”, though “at a price”. Price: $ 109.90. Call 0181 – 9982100 for stockists.

☆☆☆Magimix – 2 – Tier Steamer

    A double – layer steamer with two large stainless – steel steam baskets. Rice is cooked in a heat – proff dish which is inserted in the bottom tier (层). It is “perfectly done” in just 20 minutes, with “no stickiness or scorching (烧焦).” The rice can also be kept warm on half power. Price: $ 89.95. Call 04183 – 427411 for stockiest.

☆☆☆Lakeland Ltd Microwave Multi – Steamer (Raf 4241)

    A four – portion steamer which takes just ten mantes in the microwave to cook four “fluffy” portions of rice. It is alos suitable for vegetables, noodles and pasta and is “great for smallest quantities”. Price: $ 5.95. Call 015394 – 88100 to order.

☆☆Hinari Steam Supreme

A double – layer steamer which comes with an additional rice bowl and lid. Its main drawbacks are “time and capacity”; the rice bowl can only hold two portions and this takes 55 minutes to cool. The instructions are also confusing. “Good as a general steamer, mediocre as a rice cooker”. Price: $ 19.99. Call Alba Ltd on 0181 – 7873111 for stockiest.

1.Which of the following is unlikely to be considered by a housewife who hates washing sticky cookers?

         A.Tefal Automatic 2003 Classic Rice Cooker

         B.Kenwood Rice Cooker and Steamer RC 310

         C.magimix 2 – Tier Steamer

         D.Lakeland Ltd Microwave Multi – Steamer (Ref 4241)

2.      may not be so popular with customers as others because it is time – consuming, low in capacity and vague in instructions.

         A.Zojurushi Rice Cooker / Warmer NDAQ – N10W

         B.Lakeland Ltd Microwave Multi – Steamer (Ref4241)

         C.Hinari Steam Supreme

         D.Kenwood Rice Cooker and Steamer RC 310

3.The phrase “at a price” describing Zojurushi Rice Cooker / Warmer NDAQ – N10W implies that its price is           .

         A.low     B.high   C.above average  D.reasonable


1.B 2.C 3.B 【解析】略

The temperature of the sun is over 5000 degrees Fahrenheit at the surface, but it rises to perhaps more than 16 million degrees at the center.The sun is so much hotter than die earth that matter can exist only as a gas, except at the core.In the core of the sun, the pressures are so great against the gases that, despite the high temperature, there may be a small solid core.However, no one really knows, since the center of the sun can never be directly observed.

Solar astronomers do know that the sun is divided into five layers or zones.Starting at the outside and going down into the sun, the zones are the corona, chromosphere, photosphere, convection zone and finally the core.The first three zones are regarded as the sun's atmosphere.

But since the sun has no solid surface, it is hard to tell where the atmosphere ends and the main

body of the sun begins.

The sun's outermost layer begins about 10000 miles above the visible surface and goes outward for mllions of miles.This is the only part of the sun that can be seen during an eclipse(日食) such as the one in February 1979.At any other time, the corona can be seen only when special instruments are used on cameras and telescopes to shut out the glare of the sun's rays.

The corona is a brilliant, pearly white, filmy light, about as bright as the full moon.Its beautiful rays are a sensational sight during an eclipse.The corona's rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spikelike(一束束穗状) rays near the sun's north and south poles.The corona is thickest at the sun's equator.

The corona rays are made up of gases streaming outward at tremendous speeds sad reaching a temperature of more than 2 million degrees Fahrenheit.The rays of gas thin out as they reach the space around the planets.By the time the sun's corona rays reach the Earth, they are weak and invisible.

1.Matter on the aim can exist only in fee form of gas because of the sun's ___.

     A.size          B..age              C.location        D.temperature

2.All of the following are parts of the sun's atmosphere EXCEPT the ___.

     A.corona             B.chromosphere           C.photosphere     D.core

3.According to the passage, as the corona ra5,'s reach -die plaasts, they become ___.

     A.hotter         B.clearer          C.thinner            D.stronger

4.Which of 'die following do the paragraphs following the passage most likely discuss?

     A.The remaining layers of the sun.

     B.The evolution of the sun to its present form.

     C.The eclipse of February 1979.

     D.All the above.



What is the purpose of the World Games? What's the difference between the World Games and the Olympic Games?

_50 _the Olympic Games, the World Games have a rather _51_ history.In 1981, the first World Games were held in Santa Clara.Since then, in the year following the Olympics, some of the world's best athletes _52_ in their common search for _53_ at the world Games.

There are usually 25 to 35 _54_ at the World Games, The events at the World Games are not part of the Olympics or ones were part of the Olympic Games.Many events at the World Games _55_ as Olympic events, like weightlifting and badminton.They got their start as events at the World Games _56_ being moved into the Olympics.Just like the Olympics, the World Games also have _57_ competitions.These competitions get the sport the chance to be seen and the chance to become medal events.

The World Games are _58_ tied to the Olympic Games because the International Olympic Committee is the sponsor of the International World Games Association.The International Olympic Committee has decided that the number of Olympic participants is _59_ 10,500.The new policy means that no World Games competitions will be _60_ the Olympics any time soon.   

This year, the World Games were held in Taiwan.Some events, like softball, _61_ be Olympic sports but were dropped and now are _62_ for the World Games.The World Games look like a perfect supplement and _63_ ground for future Olympic Games.So next time you get a chance to watch the World Games, you may want to pay attention as it could be the future, or maybe even _64_.

1.A.As for              B.But for          C.Because of    D.Compared with

2.A.early             B.young            C.long             D.ancient

3.A.unite           B.lie           C.result          D.participate

4.A.fame             B.excellence    C.wealth         D.knowledge

5.A.games            B.sports        C.events                 D.matches

6.A.end up            B.start on      C.break off       D.come up

7.A.after             B.since           C.before           D.unless

8.A.international      B.intense           C.fair              D.exhibition

9.A.loosely            B.somewhat      C.closely       D.partly

10.A.amounted to     B.limited to        C.added to      D.reduced to

11.A.moved into     B.engaged in       C.held in          D.established in

12.A.had to                   B.seemed to      C.happened to   D.used to

13.A.good          B.available        C.helpful         D.convenient

14.A.competing       B.playing           C.training           D.camping

15.A.focus           B.truth            C.hope             D.history



Directions; Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.

A.survey      B.off          C.better      D.care     E.conducted

F.differed.   G.personal     H.prepared    I.contrast    J.differences,

GAN Xiaolin, 18, only gets half a day __1.__ school every week since the Hubei student started senior high school.Every day, he takes core (核心的) courses from 7:10 am to 10:30 pm.

Sometimes, Gan feels extremely stressed from the heavy workload.But he hopes that his three

years of hard work toward the college entrance examination will change his life for the _2._.

Gan is a typical Chinese student, as shown m a recently released survey.The new survey, which was __3.__ by the China Youth and Children Research Center and other foreign institutions, polled(调整) about 4,000 high school and vocational school students in China, Japan, the United States and South Korea.

The five biggest frustrations listed by all the young people were: an over-busy school life, an empty_4.__ life, dissatisfaction with their appearance, a lack of time for exercise and friends, and no spare money.

Although some of the teenage problems were y-niversai, there were big _ _5._ between the students when it came to the time they spent on sehoolwork.

For example, Chinese students spent the most time at school and on homework.Nearly 80 percent of them spent at least eight hours a week in school, and 56.7 percent spent two or more hours on their homework.By_6., only about 25 percent of US students, 20,5 percent of Japanese students, and 15 percent of Korean students had more than two hours of homework each night.

The responses from the Chinese students also _7._ significantly from their peers (同龄人)

in the other three countries when asked about their life goals.

Only 16.7 percent of Chinese students said that they didn't __8._ much about their future, while the figure for that category was 72.4 percent for US students, 59.1 percent for the Japanese and 58.2 percent for the South Koreans.The _9. found that Chinese students were more motivated than the other students to work hard for a better life.



San Diego's Zoo and Sea World are places where residents and visitors alike can enjoy r animals and plants in shows and exhibits, __     _ in part by San Diego's climate.

         A.made it possible                 B.making it possible          

         C.making possible            D.made possible



Not until all the fish died in the river       how specious the pollution was.

         A.did the villagers realize     B.that the villagers realized

         C.the villagers did realize     D.didn’t the villagers realize



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