满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: Complete the following passa...

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Some people with autism(孤独症) have __1.___ experts with their outstanding memories, mathematical skills or musical talent. Now scientists have found that the genes thought to cause autism may also confer(给予) mathematical, musical and other skills on people without the condition.

The finding has _2.___ from a study of autism among 378 Cambridge University students, which found the condition was up to seven times more common among mathematicians than students in other fields.

If __3.__, it could explain why autism - a ___4.___that makes it hard to communicate with, and relate to, others ─ continues to exist in all types of society. It suggests the genes responsible are usually ___5.__, causing the disease only if present in the wrong combinations. “Our understanding of autism is undergoing a ___6.__,” said Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, director of the autism research centre at Cambridge, who led the study.

“It seems clear that genes play a significant role in the causes of autism and that those genes are also ___7.__ to certain intellectual skills.”

Scientists have long been interested by the apparent ___8.__ between autism and intellectual gifts in specific fields. This has made autism a hot topic in popular culture, from films such as Rain Man, which starred Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise, to books such as The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.

Temple Grandin, 61, was diagnosed(诊断) with autism as a child and is now professor of animal sciences at Colorado State University. She said: “People with autism have played a vital role in human evolution and culture. Scientists such as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein show every __9.___ of having been autistic. The world owes a great deal to those who design and programme computers, many of whom show autistic traits.”


1. H2. C 3.E 4.A 5.I 6.F 7.G 8.D 9.J 【解析】略

_______ you think graffiti (涂鸦) is mindless vandalism(破坏行为) against property or a living art form, its popularity suggests that it is here to stay.


B.No matter





---Come on, let’s go for a drink.

---Sorry. With so many problems _____ my mind, I can’t take a break.



C.to fill

D.being filled



A Belgian French-language daily has issued _______ is thought to be Europe's first 3D newspaper —complete with cardboard viewing glasses.







The international agreement, _______ encourage children not to smoke and help people to kick the habit, was signed on 27 February.

A.intending to

B.being intended to

C.intended to

D.to intend to



Oetzi, the 5,000 year old “Iceman”, ______on the alpine border between Italy and Austria in 1991.

A.was discovering

B.was discovered

C.had been discovered




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