满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I felt most angry about the way ______ I...

I felt most angry about the way ______ I was treated when I was shopping.

   A. when          B. that             C. which                D. where


B 【解析】略

Regarding China-US differences on human rights issues, Hong said the two sides can enhance mutual understanding through dialogue ______ on equality and mutual respect.

A. based            B. to base              C. basing               D. base



When we start gazing into the night sky with a telescope, soon we’ll be astonished by the realization _______ we and our world are part of this giant system.

A. which            B. whether          C. that             D. as



Karaoke, which was invented by the Japanese, ______ both wonders and problems.

   A. has been produced B. was produced C. produced         D. has produced



European football is played in about 80 countries, _____ it the most popular sport in the world.

   A. making            B. made             C. to make          D. makes



Obama didn’t explain ______ any larger principles have guided him through the historic convulsions of the 2011 Arab Spring.

 A. what         B. that             C. where                D. whether



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