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Drunk driving used to occur _______, but...

Drunk driving used to occur _______, but now it is under control.            

A. frequently          B. generally              C. practically           D. gradually



A 【解析】略

Cooking calls for        patience and time but it is        enjoyable experience.

  A. a; the              B.不填; an               C. the; an         D. a; 不填







1. 众所周知,真正的美在于内在的素质。(It)

2. 不可否认,最近除西藏以外空气污染是一个严重的问题。(deny)

3. 好像大学生更有可能利用网络课程。(likely)

4. 我们从不怀疑现在学得越多,将来就能工作得越好。(the more…the more)

5. 游客们第一次出国时会对一切充满好奇心以至于禁不住会买很多东西,这样一来就很难控制预算了。(The first time)



In the old days of publishing, getting your manuscript into the hands of an editor often meant mailing the unsolicited finished product to the offices of literary agents or editors, where it would receive a cursory look from an editorial assistant — or none at all.

A modern version of the slush pile is the online “writing community,” a Web site where aspiring novelists can post their ideas, writing samples or manuscripts and open them to comments and reviews from strangers. On Tuesday Penguin Group USA, the publisher of Tom Clancy, Kathryn Stockett and Nora Roberts, will unveil its own venture, Book Country, a Web site for writers of genre fiction. In its initial phase Book Country will allow writers to post their own work — whether it’s an opening chapter or a full manuscript — and receive critiques from other users, who can comment on points like character development, pacing and dialogue. Later this summer the site will generate revenue by allowing users to self-publish their books for a fee by ordering printed copies. (The books will bear the stamp of Book Country, not Penguin, and the site is considered a separate operation from Penguin.) The site will also explain the business of finding an agent, marketing and promoting a book, using social media and handling digital and subsidiary rights.

Penguin hopes the site will attract agents, editors and publishers scouting for new talent, and allow writers to produce work with more polish and direction than they could otherwise. The project has been spearheaded by Molly Barton, the director of business development for Penguin and the president of Book Country. “One of the things I remember really clearly from my early editorial experiences was this feeling of guilt,” Ms. Barton said in an interview. “I would read submissions and not be able to help the writer because we couldn’t find a place for them on the list that I was acquiring for. And I kept feeling that there was something we could do on the Internet to really help writers each other.”

1. How did an author send unsolicited finished products to editors in the old days of publishing? _______________________________________________

2. The online “writing community” is where aspiring novelists post their ideas and ___________________________________________________________________________

3.The site uses social media and digital and subsidiary rights to _______________________.[来

4.What’s the real purpose of Penguin creating the web site? _______________________________________________




A. Using expensive testing equipment

B. Staffing a modern hospital

C. Testing becoming a great help

D. Cost of medical accidents

E. Cost of training medical workers

F. Measures of reducing medical costs


Physicians’ fees are only one reason for rising health costs in the United States. Medical research has produced many tests to diagnose, or discover, patients’ illness. Physicians usually feel obliged to order enough tests to rule out all likely causes of a patient’s symptoms. A routine laboratory bill for blood tests can easily be more than $100.

2. _____________________

Sophisticated new machines have been developed to enable physicians to scan body organs with a clarity never before possible. One technique involves the use of ultrasound – sound waves beyond the frequencies that human beings can hear – to produce images. Others use computers to capture and analyze images produced by X-rays or magnetic fields. These machines are extremely expensive: The price of a single machine can exceed one million dollars.


New technologies also mean new personnel. Physicians, nurses and orderlies can no longer staff a hospital alone. Hospitals now require a bewildering number of technical specialists to administer new tests and operate advanced medical equipment.


Physicians and hospitals also must buy malpractice insurance to protect themselves should they be sued for negligence by patients who feel they have been mistreated or have received inadequate care. The rates for this insurance have been raised very steeply in the last ten years, as patients have become more medically knowledgeable, and as juries sometimes awarded very large amounts of money to injured patients.

5. _____________________

As a result, hospital costs and physicians’ fees rose steadily through the 1990s. Government agencies became convinced that it was necessary to limit rising medical costs. One approach is to require hospitals to prove that a need exists for new buildings and services. Hospitals also have faced pressure to run their operations more efficiently, and to decrease the duration of hospital stays for patients receiving routine treatment or minor surgery.



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