满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The petrol in the car _____ on our way t...

The petrol in the car _____ on our way to the beach, so we had to walk there.

  A. gave up             B. gave off                C. gave in      D. gave out



D 【解析】略

It gives his life a flying start ______ he has gone abroad for further education.

A. what                B. when                    C. that              D. how




Children are taught to respect everyone, ______ race, sex or age. 

A. in terms of         B. in the face of         C. regardless of        D. in place of




What is the best way you can imagine ______the overuse of water in our school? 

A. reducing          B. to reduce              C. reduced            D. reduce




We should do what we have to do ______ we can do what we want to do in the future.

  A. so that            B. in case            C. for fear that       D. now that




Please don’t phone him between 1 and 3 p.m. tomorrow. He _____ a lecture then.

A. has delivered      B. has been delivering     C. will be delivering     D. delivers




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