满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---Mary’s skirt is a real bargain. ---__...

---Mary’s skirt is a real bargain.

---_____ must be in a secondhand shop that she bought it.

   A. That            B. This             C. It             D. There 


C 【解析】略

I wasn’t aware of this before, but recent research _____ that eating too much fat can contribute to heart disease.

 A. has shown       B. will show         C. was showing    D. showed




The volunteers will do _______ to help those injured in the earthquake.

  A. everything possible humanly          B. everything humanly possible

  C. humanly possible everything          D. humanly everything possible



The petrol in the car _____ on our way to the beach, so we had to walk there.

  A. gave up             B. gave off                C. gave in      D. gave out




It gives his life a flying start ______ he has gone abroad for further education.

A. what                B. when                    C. that              D. how




Children are taught to respect everyone, ______ race, sex or age. 

A. in terms of         B. in the face of         C. regardless of        D. in place of




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