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At IRA’s annual research conference, hel...

At IRA’s annual research conference, held each year immediately prior to the annual convention, researchers and practitioners have an opportunity to share information about research-based best practices in reading education.

       The research conference is an important opportunity for educators whose primary responsibility is providing pre-service and in-service education in reading and literacy


       Reading research 2007 will feature four distinct lines: beginning reading, comprehension, teacher preparation, and adolescent literacy. Get program details.

       The keynote speaker will be Donald J. Leu, holder of the John and Maria Neag Endowed Chair of Literacy and Technology |at the University of Connecticut.

       New this year, the 2007 IRA research award winners will be honored at a special Research Awards Luncheon during this conference and dissertation finalists will display their poster presentations


       Prepaid registration is now open. The prepaid registration deadline is April 9,2007.

       Please note: Registration for the Saturday Reading Research Conference is limited, and we encourage attendees to take advantage of the savings and convenience of registering in advance. If there is additional space available on the day of the conference, only cash or checks will be accepted on site in Toronto.

       Conference registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and a closing wine and cheese reception. You can register online or by using the Convention Prepaid Registration Form from the December/January and the February/March issues of Reading Today or from the Preliminary Program, There will be no telephone registrations. Questions about registration should be directed to customerservice@ reading, org.

       Please note: Separate registrations are required for the Annual Convention, the Sunday Institutes, and the Saturday Research Conference!

Other information

       For information on travel and housing, visit the annual convention area.

       For further information on this conference,, contact the Research and 'Policy Division, international Reading Association, 800 Barksdale Road, PO Box 8139, Newark, DE 19714-8139, USA. E-mail; gkeating@reading.org. Telephone: 302-731-1600, ext. 226.

1.What is this passage mainly about?

       A.The registration information for IRA's annual research conference.

       B.Pre-service and in-service education in reading and literacy.

       C.Reading Research 20C 7.

       D.Convention Prepaid Registration Form.

2.Which of the following is true?

       A.Practitioners have no opportunity to attend the conference.

       B.The 2007 conference v/ill be held at the University of Connecticut.

       C.Attendees can make a phone call to register.

       D.Attendees can take the separate registrations.

3.What is new for 2p07 IRA annual research conference?

       A.The keynote speaker will be Donald J.Leu.

       B.IRA research award winners will be honored at a special-Research Awards Luncheon.

       C.Attendees will visit the annual convention area.

       D.Conference registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and a.closing wine and cheese reception.


1.A 2.D 3.B 【解析】略

I had this exchange with my 6-year-old last week.

       Him: Mom, we have to start buying Danimals.

       Me: Why?

       Him: So, I can bring it to |school for lunch.It's yogurt .

       Me: Why do you want it so badly?

       Him: Because Danimals i|s giving away five fantastic Caribbean vacations.

       I had to explain that there was little chance that he would win a vacation.It's a strategy used to encourage kids to beg for artificially-colored (人工着色的) yogurt that costs a lot.

       Marketing follows my kids —and yours—wherever they go .It comes via TV commercials. Store displays and websites are also constantly selling at our kids .But the most powerful means in kids" lives is the presence of licensed characters on every product imaginable.

       Children can begin their day in character clothing.There's even character -themed wall paint available.A breakfast in a character bowl can be followed by a character toothbrush and character toothpaste(牙膏), character soap and shampoo, and a character wash cloth and towel .Then, they can put on character clothing and character shoes.Check that, character clock on the wall: Is it time for characier-shaped fruit snacks yet?

       Surround kids with enough of the characters and they'll come to believe they need them.Most of us, of course, don't buy all those items.But say no to four products out of five and your home can still get filled with these tiny items encouraging brand loyalty (品牌忠诚)

       At this time of year, parents buy licensed school supplies.With so much marketing around us, it can be tough to stop the tide.

       "One thing that helps parents'is that they can talk to other parents about, this kind of thing," Linn suggested ."If you decide you want to buck this, it helps to find other people who will do the same thing .That way, if your child says."Everyone's doing it," you can really have a sense of whether everyone is." |

1.From the dialogue between the author and the son, we can infer that ____-

       A.the son likes drinking yogurt a lot.

       B.buying Danimals may win a free tour

       C.the son's school encourages kids to eat yogurt

       D.Danimals in the most popular yogurt among kids.

2.We can learn from th^ passage that     '

       A.character bowls increase kids' appetite.

       B.character-themed wall paint is expensive

       C.household goods are becoming the target of advertisers.

       D.Linn considered character-themed products a foolish marketing strategy.

3.The underlined word "buck" in the last paragraph probably means _____.

       A.support        B.resist           C.advertise            D.learn

4.What does the passage mainly tell us ?  .

       A.Marketing is affecting kids all the time.

       B.Most kids now don't have a happy childhood,

       C.Kids like buying licensed school supplies a lot.

       D.Licensed character produce are doing great harm to kids.



When my son was first diagnosed with autism (孤独症), it was a very hard time for us.In some ways it was a  16_ because we finally knew the name.of the disease after visiting many hospitals, but it also  17__ years bf uncertainty, and we didn't know what   18_was like.

       When I  19__the news with my coworkers, I was so surprised but happy to receive so much immediate   20   from them .They were focused on what we_21___, not how it would affect my ability to work.

       One coworker in particular was  22__, She was always kind and considerate; She called me into her  23__ a few days later, and gave me a(n) "  24__stone''.It is a small stone with an indention (凹陷)for your  25__, It gives you something to  26__ when you're worried . rubbing your thumb around on this stone.It was a lovely 27__.It turned out to be an effective way to reduce anxiety.

       She then made a permanent offer to 28_ us to any appointment or testing we needed. Considering the fact that we_ 29__ 90 minutes from where most.treatments took place, this was a(n)  30_offer.She made it very clear to me that this offer  31_last-minute trips or emergencies.Anytime we needed to go anywhere , She was willing to be our transportation.

       We never did need to bother her,   32__ knowing it was there and that she was so willing to 33__ made it feel like we were much less _34  

       I'm very grateful to her and.  35__ around us who came together to be a support system in our time of need.We were really moved by the level of support we received.

1.A.surprise            B.relief              C.pleasure         D.success .

2.A.meant             B.broke               C.ended          D.explained

3.A.a dream           B.4 plan              C.the future       D.the job

4.A.received        B.doubted            C.heard           D.shared

5.A.treatment         B.love             C, complaints            D.gifts

6.A.needed            B.saw                C.failed         D.learned

7.A.rude           B.grateful            C.amazing        D.cold

8.A.office          B.school.            C.garden          D.restaurant

9.A.-fear             B.peace               C.anger        D.worry

10.A.ring              B.thumb              C.luck         D.courage

11.A.focus on         B.believe in           C.care about    D.know about

12.A.language         B.expression           C.gesture         D.message

13.A.devote          B.attach              C.introduce      D.drive

14.A.ran             B.lived             C.walked         D.rode

15.A.final            B.firm               C.great           D.unconditional

16.A.refused          B.welcomed           C.passed          D.included

17.A.but             B.L                  C.because         D.if

18.A, move             B.wait                C.help           D.pay

19.A.important       B.alone               C.awake           D.busy

20.A.both            B.few                C.nobody      D.everyone



—I don't think we'll be able to pass the driving test.

       —If we keep practicing , we, should make ___.

       A.this        B.that            C.one               D.it



I was late for school this morning because the traffic was ___by an accident.

       A.used up         B.given up       C.locked up           D.held up



Many a student ____ wearing MP3 players while walking on the street.It's quite dangerous.

       A.is used to               B.are used to         

       C.was used to                 D.were used to



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