满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Over the past 20 years, AIDS and war hav...

Over the past 20 years, AIDS and war have claimed the parents of 2.4 million Ugandan children.When Alexis Hefley first visited the country,, in 1993, she saw the children's sorrow, but the former Texas banker also spotted "a world of possibility".She watched as they danced for tourists to earn money, and she had a thought: If people in America could see them perform, they'd support them too.                   

The children's passion and talent inspired Hefley to work with the kids at an orphanage(孤儿院)in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, to organize a traveling dance troupe(团).The goals: to give the problems in Uganda a human face, to raise awareness and to raise money.

The first tour touched down at six American cities in 1994.Today, the 22-member troupe, known as the Spirit of Uganda, travels across America every two years.The young performers bring their energy and joy to audiences across the U.S.and help support hundreds of Ugandan orphans back home.Among the young dancers, some earn scholarships to attend the U.S.colleges, and then return to their country to help rebuild it.

Photojournalist Douglas Menuez first photographed the troupe in 2006 -?a project that led to his new book, Transcendent Spirit, from which these images are drawn.At each performance, the dancers' faces show pure joy, quite an achievement given the hardships they've faced."They look to the future, not the past," explains Menuez."They embrace beauty and good in the world." As one dancer puts it, "People think we have lost our parents.We've had so many problems.But then they see us perform.They see our smiles.And they learn that life goes on."

1.What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?     

         A.How miserable Ugandan orphans' life is.         

         B.How the dance troupe was set up.

         C.How the young dancers earned money.        

         D.How the orphans lost their parents.|

2.What do we learn about the Spirit of Uganda?            

         A.It was started by a journalist.

         B.It travels across the U.S.annually.

         C.It consists of two dozen performers.

         D.Its dancers have chances to study in the U.S.

3.In the eyes of Menuez, the young performers are_____. 

         A.beautiful               B.talented   C.optimistic       D.humorous

4.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?      

         A.Ugandan orphans turn tragedy into dance         

         B.Transcendent Spirit: A close look at Uganda           

         C.AIDS and war are claiming people's lives                 

         D.Lots of people are helping Ugandan orphans    


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 【解析】略

As a palace, the Tower of London.was a great place to live.As a prison, it, wasn't so nice ——especially since so many prisoners lost their heads.Today tourists can explore 5the Tower in the

United Kingdom.Here are some reasons why the Tower was and still is a cool place.

Ravens(渡鸦) are like superheroes.

Well, sort of.Legend says if the ravens that live on the Tower grounds ever leave, the Tower will fall apart.No one knows when the ravens first showed up, but Charles II took the legend so seriously that in the 1670s he gave an official order that six ravens be kept there all the time.Today

there are still always six.

You might have lived at a zoo.

In 1204, King John kept a collection of animals, including lions and elephants.About 50 years later, King Henry III received a polar bear.the bear was kept on a piece of rope so it could fish from the Thames River that flows by the Tower.

         If you lived at the Tower today, your mom or dad might be in charge.

The 35 Yeoman Warders(伦敦塔卫士)and their families are among the few still allowed to live at the Tower.Established in 1509 a;? bodyguards! for the king, today they give tours and  manage the day-to-day details of the Tower.They're called "beefeaters," possibly because their job once allowed them to eat beef from the king's; table.

         You need a secret password at night.

Called the "Word," the password changes every 24 hours and is a must-have to enter the Tower

after hours.It's written on a piece of paper and delivered to the Yeoman on duty for, the night.

You could find buried gold.

         In 1662, a goldsmith(金匠) named John Barfcstead supposedly hid more than $40,000 worth of stolen gold somewhere on.the Tower grounds.Many have searched for the gold, but it has never

been found.

1.Charles II decided to keep six ravens in the Tower probably because ____,.         ;

         A.he loved animals a lot          

         B.he believed ravens helped protect the Tower

         C.he wanted to train the ravens to watch the prisoners  

         D.he thought the Tower was a cool place for the ravens to live                        

2.According to the passage, the Yeoman Warders ______. 

         A.have to part from their families to work at the Tower            

         B.are  currently working as bodyguards for the king                                

         C.sometimes serve as tour guides          

         D.are fond of eating beef                            

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the Tower of London?   

         A.King Henry III kept lions and elephants in it.        

         B.It stands on the bank of the Thames River.

         C.Nobody is allowed to enter it at night.           

         D.It is also used as a prison nowadays.



Ice cream can’t cure cancer or bring back a lost love, but it can make one feel better for a while.

A bout 18 months ago, my father was in hospital recovering from a major lung operation. My mother had recently  36  , and my father had taken the loss of his partner of 55 years very hard and had lost interest in   37  . Trying to get him to  38  each day was quite a chore as he didn’t want anything. The one thing,  39  , that he would ask us to bring him was ice-cream.

One evening, to our   40  , he refused to eat the ice-cream,  41   I placed it in a staffroom freezer. A little while later, my son decided he wanted it, so I   42   it for him.  

As I passed another ward(病房), a   43  asked, “Are there more where that came from?” When I explained the   44  , she apologized. She then said that she had cancer and could eat very little,  45    the occasional ­ice-cream.

The next evening, I decided to buy two ice-creams. On the way to Dad’s room, I stopped in at the   46   woman’s room, and   47   her the ice-cream I’d bought for her. She was   48  stunned that I had thought of her, and   49   the gift with tears in her eyes. I spoke with her for a few minutes,  50   what was happening in my family and listened to her   51   story of pain and suffering. It was apparent that she did not   52   many visitors, and the ice-cream and our short chat meant a great deal to her.

I   53   the gesture a few days later, and this time was  54  with a huge hug.

I never even thought to ask her name, and never saw her again, but it made me realize that an act of   55   can be more rewarding when you give it, rather than receive it.

1.A.passed away         B.gone out    C.come back     D.calmed down

2.A.work                B.life          C.studies           D.games

3.A.speak               B.laugh         C.drink             D.eat

4.A.though              B.however    C.instead                D.therefore

5.A.joy                  B.satisfactionC.surprise        D.relief

6.A.if          B.unless         C.so            D.because

7.A.borrowed         B.bought       C.made             D.fetched

8.A.woman           B.granny        C.girl      D.child

9.A.question             B.situation    C.process          D.decision

10.A.better than.      B.more than C.rather than       D.other than

11.A.pretty '            B.honest        C.sick            D.shy

12.A.offered            B.told .      C.sold              D.charged

13.A.hardly            B.finally          C.gradually          D.totally

14.A.accepted               B.stored        C.exchanged       D.gave

15.A.remembering      B.denying      C.explaining          D.forgetting

16.A.ordinary '          B.similar        C.interesting        D.i'great

17.A.have              B.like         C.expect            D.J attract

18.A.reported          B.expressed C.noticed           D.^repeated

19.A.covered          B.connected C.rewarded         D.filled

20.A.politeness         B.kindness    C.selflessness       D.willingness



—However busy he is, he will         some time for exercise every day.

—No wonder he is always so energetic.

         A.put away   B.turn out     C.bring in       D.set aside



Don’t kill your precious time chatting online all day long. It’s impossible for the lost time          ,you know.

         A.to make up         B.making up C.to be made up   D.being made up



You know, the weather is not very good. Is there any possibility         the flight would be put off?

         A.whether     B.when C.why    D.that



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