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Boys and girls,

First of all, thank you for giving me the opportunity.






One day a child was playing with a vase in great value.           1.       

He careless put his hand into it.Hard as he tried,               2.      

he could not pull it out.His father tried his best, too.            3.      

but their efforts were in a vain.They were thinking of breaking  4.      

the vase when the father said, "Now, my son, why have            5..       

one more try? Open your hand or hold your fingers out         6.      

straight as you see I doing, and then pull." To his                7.   

surprise, the child says, "I can't hold my fingers straight           8.

like that, because I don't want to drop my penny." The.sand of us  9.       

sometimes are so busy hold on to the world's worthless .       10.

penny that we cannot achieve liberation.



Greece is one of the most beautiful countries of the world.Millions of tourist visit this place every year.In Greece the bus is the most convenient and preferred means of traveling.There are intercity buses operated by KTEL that interconnect various cities of Greece,!! and there are international buses operated by OSE that connect Greece to other European cities.

Every tourist must visit Greece at least once in life.This country is really a vacation heaven.It is the perfect blend(融合) of history and art with adventure and romance.You car| dive into deep[

blue waters, climb up the mountains or enjoy ancient architecture and history. 

Buses in Greece are cheap and very comfortable.All bus stations display schedules of buses on every route.Conductors and drivers are very polite and helpful.Travelers never face any  rouble locating and boarding buses to their destinations.Tourists can always ask the conductor to inform them about their stop, so that they can get down at the right stop.Everyone here is more than happy to help tourists.

Athens, me capital of Greece, has three bus terminals(终点站).Buses to different parts of Greece leave from different terminals.Air-conditioned express buses also operate between major cities.They are faster and more comfortable than other buses.Tourists can choose guided Greece bus ^our.These tours are the perfect way of exploring this great country.          |

Buses in Greece are also a great way of saving bucks on the journey.The long-distance bus system is very cheap.Buses save a lot of money to cover long distances, cheaper than taxis or cars. They are also the best means of interacting with local people.You can sit next to a native of Greece and get some information about the place.                

1.The company KTEL offers bus services _____.                     

         A.to different cities in Greece        B.from Greece to other countries

         C.to tourist attractions in Greece           D.from Greece to its bordering countries

2.It can be inferred from Para.3 that the Greeks are _____.         

         A.generous                      B.hard-working             

         C.economical                      D.warm-hearted

3.If you are a tourist to Greece from overseas, you'd better choose _____.

         A.taxis                B.cars       

         C.guided Greece bus tours            D.air-conditioned express buses          ;

4.The underlined word "bucks" in the last paragraph probably refers to _____.         ;

         A.money         B, energy                C.time             D.trouble

5.While taking long-distance buses, you can _____.

         A.know more about the bus schedules     

         B.make friends with the conductors

         C.learn more about bus systems in Greece      

         D.learn something about the place you're visiting




A Concussion(脑震荡) happens when the brain is shaken, often in a car crash or a fall or a strike on; the head in sports.Concussions can be mild, but doctors may order a CT scan to look for a more serious injury.But a recent study warned that more children than necessary are being exposed(使遭受) to radiation this way.

A national team led by two doctors at the University of California, Davis, studied hospital records from thousands of children with head injuries. They found that in many cases, the risk of developing cancer from the radiation outweighed the risk of a serious brain injury.

The study found that one in five children over age two had a low risk of serious injury but received CT scans anyway. The same was true of almost one in four children under two years of age.

The researchers have developed rules to predict if a head injury is serious enough for a scan. For children under two, doctors are advised against it if there is:

·Normal mental activity.

·No swelling in the back of the head.

·No feeling of a broken bone in the skull. (头骨)

·And no loss of consciousness for more than five seconds.

Doctors should also consider how the child was injured and whether the parents say the child is acting normally.

For patients from two to eighteen, the guidelines are similar —— except there should be no l vomiting(呕吐)and no severe headache.

Earlier this year, the British Journal of Sports Medicine published new guidelines for concussions in children and teens. International experts said they should not return to sports or school until fully recovered. The brain also needs a "cognitive rest," they say, by restricting activities like video games, texting and watching TV.

It often take longer than adults to recover from a concussion than adults. The experts say individual progress and not a set time period should always guide a decision to return to play.

1.The researchers at the -University of California found that children who received CT scans

         A.were likely to suffer brain injuries    

         B.wouldn't have normal mental activity

         C.would lose consciousness now and then 

         D.were likely to develop canter

2.How many aspects should doctors consider when deciding whether a child under two needs a CT scan?       

         A.Four.        B.Six.  C.Seven.     D.Nine.

3.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

         A.Texting is harmful to patients’ recovery from concussions.

         B.Patients with brain injuries can play many sports.

         C.Adults need a longer time than teens to recover from concussions.

         D.It takes at least a year for individuals with brain injuries to fully recover.

4.The author of the passage mainly___.

         A.describes the risks of brain injuries

         B.suggests CT scans are of practical use

         C.tells us about the risks of brain injury tests

         D.argues against new guidelines for concussions



Our planet is in trouble.Polluting industries and corporations are destroying our planet, resulting in increasing global temperatures, melting ice caps, and economic turmoil(混乱).All across the country, folks are waking up to the reality that if they do not ad now to solve the environmental problems of today, the consequences are unthinkable.If we don't i ct now, who will? Fortunately, an amazing team of young leaders are taking action.They a e getting involved with the Greenpeace Student Network!

The Student Network has student leaders who deal with the most pressing environmental issues.We have organized and won inspiring campaigns.Convincing corporations to change their ways and politicians to do the right thing.All thanks to our team of leaders, known as Campus Coordinators.

Campus Coordinators are located all across the United States, and even Canada! They work on Greenpeace Student Network campaigns at their schools and in their communities.They organize events like film screenings and days of action.They hold meetings with elected officials, work with the media, recruit(招募) volunteers, and mobilize(动员) their campus to take action! They do all of this with excellent training and expert support from our team of Student: Network staff.Campus Coordinators develop their leadership skins and become an unstoppable force for green solutions on pus and in their community.

Currently, the Greenpeace Student Network is campaigning to solve the largest environmental threat to humankind: global warming.With only months until a new international treaty(协议)on global warming is decided this December, the time to stand up and take the lead has never been

more important,

If you are concerned with environmental issues, want to mobilize your scho4l and community, nd are ready to become a skilled organizer and strong leader, then the Campus Coordinator position is for you! We are now accepting applications for the Fall 2009-Spring 2010 academic year.

Are you ready to be a leader on your campus?

         Apply to be a Campus Coordinator today!        

1.Why does the author write the passage?                        

         A.To describe the serious environmental problems.               

         B.To call on students to apply to be Campus Coordinators,        

         C.To explain the advantage of the Greenpeace Student Network..

         D.To stress the importance of solving environmental problems.

2.We can learn from the passage that the Greenpeace Student Network _____.

         A.is a place where school leaders are framed

         B.is a worldwide organization helping student leaders

         C.helps solve corporations' economic problems

         D.helps deal with global warming at present

3.If you are a Campus Coordinator, you may probably _____.

         A.have.the chance to play a role in a film       

         B.find a job at a TV station

         C.develop your leadership skills                  

         D.build up your strength.

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

         A.The duty of Campus Coordinators.

         B.The distribution of Campus Coordinators.

         C.The aim of the Greenpeace Student Network.

         D.The history of the Greenpeace Student Network.



Over the past 20 years, AIDS and war have claimed the parents of 2.4 million Ugandan children.When Alexis Hefley first visited the country,, in 1993, she saw the children's sorrow, but the former Texas banker also spotted "a world of possibility".She watched as they danced for tourists to earn money, and she had a thought: If people in America could see them perform, they'd support them too.                   

The children's passion and talent inspired Hefley to work with the kids at an orphanage(孤儿院)in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, to organize a traveling dance troupe(团).The goals: to give the problems in Uganda a human face, to raise awareness and to raise money.

The first tour touched down at six American cities in 1994.Today, the 22-member troupe, known as the Spirit of Uganda, travels across America every two years.The young performers bring their energy and joy to audiences across the U.S.and help support hundreds of Ugandan orphans back home.Among the young dancers, some earn scholarships to attend the U.S.colleges, and then return to their country to help rebuild it.

Photojournalist Douglas Menuez first photographed the troupe in 2006 -?a project that led to his new book, Transcendent Spirit, from which these images are drawn.At each performance, the dancers' faces show pure joy, quite an achievement given the hardships they've faced."They look to the future, not the past," explains Menuez."They embrace beauty and good in the world." As one dancer puts it, "People think we have lost our parents.We've had so many problems.But then they see us perform.They see our smiles.And they learn that life goes on."

1.What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?     

         A.How miserable Ugandan orphans' life is.         

         B.How the dance troupe was set up.

         C.How the young dancers earned money.        

         D.How the orphans lost their parents.|

2.What do we learn about the Spirit of Uganda?            

         A.It was started by a journalist.

         B.It travels across the U.S.annually.

         C.It consists of two dozen performers.

         D.Its dancers have chances to study in the U.S.

3.In the eyes of Menuez, the young performers are_____. 

         A.beautiful               B.talented   C.optimistic       D.humorous

4.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?      

         A.Ugandan orphans turn tragedy into dance         

         B.Transcendent Spirit: A close look at Uganda           

         C.AIDS and war are claiming people's lives                 

         D.Lots of people are helping Ugandan orphans    



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