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It is a common fear among users of Faceb...

It is a common fear among users of Facebook and other social media around the world—how to deal with a friend request from your boss or employee.

A survey released on Thursday found that 56 percent of Americans say it is irresponsible to be friends with a boss and 62 percent say it is wrong to be friends with an employee. But 76 percent believe it is acceptable to be friends with a workplace peer,according to the survey of 1,000 people by Liberty Mutual’s Responsibility Project.

"When the roles change what do you do then? Do you unfriend someone if they have now been promoted to be your boss or if you’re now their boss,”said researcher Kelly Holland. "We get into some really sticky situations there in terms of what people will think is responsible,”she said.

When using social media at work,73 percent say it is not appropriate to update your Facebook status,82 percent say you should not upload photos,72 percent believe tweeting is wrong and 79 percent say it is not acceptable to watch online videos. Yet 66 percent say it is fine to check your personal email while at work.

“When people focus on responsibility,they know what the responsible thing is to do but whether they are doing that in practice or not is a different story,”said Holland.

Americans are split on whether companies should review the social media profiles of job candidates with 52 percent saying it is appropriate and 48 percent saying it is unacceptable. Social media can also lead to some difficult decisions when it comes to family and relationships. Sixty percent of those polled say that it is“completely acceptable" to unfriend an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. More than 40 percent of parents believe it is irresponsible to post photos of children online. Thirty one percent monitor their children's Facebook accounts and almost 70 percent are friends with their children on Facebook or MySpace. But 72 percent limit the time their children spend on social media networks.

The poll was taken between January 12一15.

1.The text is mainly about________

A. social,family and relationships.    B. ways of making friends

C. not using social media at work       D. action of responsibility

2. The underlined word "Facebook" in the first paragraph refers to________

A. a book about face                    B. an Internet site of making friends

C. a broadcasting media                 D. a newspaper or magazine

3.Which the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.thirty one percent of the parents keep watching on their children’s Fecebook accounts.

B. Forty eight percent agree to review the social media profiles of job candidates.

C. Eighty two percent say it isn’t appropriate to upload photos at work.

D. Seventy six percent believe it is acceptable to be friends with employee,

4. What was the writer’s attitude towards the result of survey?

A. Defensive.       B. Critical.        C.Objective.        D. Doubtful



1.D2.B3.A4.C 【解析】略

"What’s in a name?”According to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet,there is not too much.“That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. "But Shakespeare may have been wrong. In most cultures,names matter a great deal.

Americans choose names for their children with care. Parents usually think about the impression a name gives,not its meaning. Most Americans would consider a “Jennifer” more attractive than a“Bertha",for example. The last name,or,surname,must also be considered when choosing a first and middle name. A name like Lester Chester Hester would sound poetic,but odd. Parents would avoid names that remind them of people they don’t like. On the other hand,people might name their children after a respected elderly relative or even a famous person. The popularity of certain names can change with each new generation. Names that were once common,like Fanny or Elmer,sound old-fashioned today. But other names—like John and David,Mary and Sarah—have stood the test of time and continue to be favorites.

People in Ameica don’t always call their friends and relatives by their given names. Instead,they often use nicknames. Sometimes nicknames are short forms of a longer name. For instance,a girl named Elizabeth may be called Lisa,Beth or Betsy. As children grow up,they may decide for themselves which nickname they wish to be called.

Some people just go by the initials of their first and middle names,like B. J, or R. C. And of course,people may call their children or their sweethearts other special nicknames. Often they have a “sweet” flavor,like Honey or Sugar. What’s in a name? A world of significance. So if you’re choosing an English name for yourself,take care to choose a good one. A made—up name could sound strange to native English speakers. And a translation of your Chinese name may not make an appropriate name,either. But a good name can leave a positive and lasting impression.  As an American politician once said,“In real life,unlike in Shakespeare,the sweetness of the rose depends upon the name it bears.”

1.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. People change names in order to be popular with the new generanon.

B. Names will change by themselves in order to be popular.

C. Some names may no longer be popular among the new generation.

D. No names can stand the test of time.

2.When choosing names,you should stick to the following principles EXCEPT that

A. the impression a name gives is more important than its meaning

B. you can name after a well-known person

C.surname should be paid attention to

D.you can create a name that is special

3.The author will name a newly born baby girl________.

A. Bertha         B. Fanny            C. Yunyun           D.Elizabeth

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Names have great significance to Americans.

B.Names change when time goes by.

C. Chinese people should be careful when choosing their English names.

D.Roses smell sweet by any other name.



  Remember how great exercise was when you were a little kid? Back then, racing around the playground or skipping rope for hours, you weren’t thinking fitness, you were thinking entertainment. But in this age of high-tech home equipment and underused gym memberships, the simple joy of jumping rope has been forgotten. Rediscovering it will give you a total-body exercise you can find.

       Although considered an excellent form of exercise, jumping rope has never gained widespread acceptance because of two fundamental reasons. First, most people recognize jumping rope as an excellent form of cardiovascular (心血管的) exercise, but they also believe that it is simply too difficult. In other words, they don’t think they’ll be able to continue jumping for the near 20 minutes that it takes to achieve a beneficial physical outcome. Second, many view it as somewhat boring and overly repetitive—not as something fun or enjoyable.

       As a matter of fact, jumping rope can be great fun if you find a proper way to practice it. Instead of doing the usual two-foot bounce over and over again, people good at rope-jumping often change their pattern every 10 or 20 jumps. A single bounce, a double–bounce, a skip, a knee-up, side swings, as well as a variety of other easy-to-learn free-style rope-jumping.

       Now researchers are learning that jumping rope also prepares the brain for learning. It is an exercise allowing both brain hemispheres to perform in parallel to each other. In short , jumping rope can be a life-long activity requiring little equipment, time and space, yet leading to a much healthier life.

1. From the first paragraph we learn that         .

A.jumping rope has faded from people’s memories

B.people now have more advanced equipment

C.racing around the playground was preferred

D.people now like to have exercise in a gym

2. Rope jumping has not spread widely because        .

A.it benefits the cardiovascular system                   B.it is neither easy nor enjoyable

C.it is considered boring and repetitive                   D.it requires little equipment, time and space

3. The first sentence in the 3rd paragraph implies         .

A.there is only one proper way to follow                B.the usual way should not be used

C.the easiest way is always the best               D.there are many ways to follow

4.What is the author’s attitude towards rope jumping?

A.He is arguing against it.                       B.He is in favor of it.

C.He is sitting on the fence of it.                 D.He is not clear about it.



A primary school teacher who left a class of 25 pupils in tears after she told them Santa Claus did not exist has been fired. When excited youngsters became rowdy as they talked about Santa, the supply teacher said out suddenly, "It's your parents who leave out presents on Christmas Day."

The class of seven-year-olds at Blackshaw Lane Primary School, Royton, Greater Manchester burst into tears and told their parents when they arrived home. Mothers and fathers then complained about the incident and were sent a letter by the school saying the teacher, who only worked at the school for one day last week, has been punished.

The school has now said it will not hire her again.

One father said, "My son came home and said that his teacher had told the class that Santa doesn't exist and it’s their mum and dad that put out presents for them. Obviously, they were all talking about Christmas and being a bit rowdy. She just came straight out with it. "

"My son was in tears and so was everyone else in the class — especially as it was so close to Christmas. I thought it was wrong. He was crazy about it. He’s only seven-year-old and it's part of the magic of Christmas to him. "

"We told him that she did not believe in Father Christmas because of her religion and he's fine now."

"The father described the incident as ' shocking' and believed it was done with malicious intent (恶意地). A lot of parents were angry and complained to the school. The teacher, who was supplied by Rochdale and Oldham Supply Agency, is still listed and will work with other schools," the agency said.

However, the head teacher in Angela McCormick refused to comment on the incident.

1. Who felt the angriest about the incident?

A. The teacher who was fired.                 B. The parents whose children cried.

C. The pupils who were in tears.              D. Santa Claus the teacher talked about.

2. We can infer from the passage that       .

A. the teacher was fired and couldn't continue her career in teaching

B. the parents complained about the discipline of the school

C. the little pupils felt disappointed after hearing the words said by the teacher

D. in reality, Santa Claus exists and gives out presents once a year

3. What’s the meaning of the underlined word "rowdy"?

A. surprised.         B. noisy.               C. discouraged.         D. annoyed.



完形填空(共20小题;每小题l 5分,满分30分)


After winning a big game,athletes are often asked how they feel.Usually athletes say how  21  it is to win this big game.On the contrary,the fact is that losing a big game,or in my case,all the games,can be even harder.

From the spectators’ point of view,last year’s basketball  22  for my high school team was nothing  23  of an embarrassment.And  24  0—20 is certainly nothing to be proud of,that season had a bigger impact on me than any other.As a team captain,I knew it probably wouldn’t be the  25  year,but did I ever think we would lose every game?Of course not.Since six of our top players had graduated,it was clear that we were a (n)  26  team who would struggle.The struggle began earlier than expected,  27  ,as our team center was suspended (禁赛) for the season,and two key members decided to  28  for some reason.At this point,dropping out probably passed through every player’s mind,but in the end,we all stuck it out,  29  to work still harder.

Then there came a time when even our  30  had given up on us.Personally,I felt like it was  31  worthwhile giving my all.I thought,if even the coach doesn’t believe in us,why should I?But just as my hope began to  32 ,a teammate called a meeting.He said,“Nobody thinks we are going to win,but,as teammates and friends,we  33  it to each other to go all out every game.”

It was that moment that  34  me how to be a leader.It hit me that I certainly didn’t  35  the role.As a leader you can never quit  36  the team who looks up to you.It is one  37  to be named captain,feel great and go through the motions,but it is quite another to be a real captain and make sure everyone realizes their full  38  all the time.

I am sure it is great to go through without losing and bringing home awards.But in all honesty,I  39  the fact that my team lost every game last year.It may not help me to become a better basketball player,but it already has made me a better leader,and  40

1.A.exciting         B.pleasant        C.tough           D.significant

2.A.game             B.event           C.league          D.season

3.A.short            B.full            C.lacking         D.sufficient

4.A.as               B.while           C.since           D.now that

5.A.most interesting B.dullest         C.most difficult     D.easiest

6.A.unique           B.adventurous     C.young           D.untraining

7.A.meanwhile        B.though          C.instead         D.somehow

8.A.quit             B.stay            C.resign          D.rest

9.A.hoping           B.swearing        C.claiming        D.wishing

10.A.fans           B.classmates      C.teachers        D.coach

11.A.only too        B.more than       C.not a little        D.no longer

12.A.fade           B.gain            C.destroy         D.grow

13.A.owe             B.think           C.demand          D.recommend

14.A.reminded        B.told            C.taught          D.guided

15.A.act             B.deserve         C.make            D.take

16.A.with           B.alongside       C.on              D.for

17.A.matter          B.aspect          C.issue           D.thing

18.A.potential       B.goal            C.enthusiasm     D.confidence

19.A.hate           B.treasure        C.admit           D.recognize

20.A.character       B.captain         C.person          D.coach




And the horses _______up to the finish line. They’re neck and neck ... and neck all the way. Oh, the Italian horse Mamma Miu _______ the race!

A.come, is winning B. have come, wins C.are coming, won  D. are coming, wins



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