满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Did you enjoy your journey to Beijing l...

—Did you enjoy your journey to Beijing last weekend?

   —      . We had driven more than 3 hours before we found the right way.

A. Absolutely      B. No way         C. Not at all         D. With pleasure


 C 【解析】略

下面的柱状图(bar chart)显示了不同年龄段孩子心理健康状况。


The percentage of students having psychological problems

根据上图信息,请以“Psychological problems of children”为题,用英语写一篇100个词左右的短文。要求如下:

1. 简要描述图中信息;    2. 说明原因(学业压力,缺乏引导……);

3. 谈谈你的看法(怎样解决这一问题)。 注意:文章的开头已给出(不计词数)。


As is shown in the bar chart, ___________________________________________













  On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, student from Class Three,              1. ____

Grade Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home and do some voluntary             2.___

work. On their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warm welcomed,                  3._____

and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits.               4.________

Then, they started working once, cleaning the windows and the floor.                   5.________

Everything done, they sat in the yard chatted with the elderly people.          6.________

When there was time for them to leave, the elderly people thanked                7.______

them their kindness. They said it was so beautiful a day that they               8._____

would remember forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy.                9.____

How they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives.             10._____




1.In Charles Dicken's times, the rich only o_________ themselves with making money, and 

  had no eye for the needs and welfare of their workers.

2. I love Chengdu No.7 High School, with its _____________ (学术的)atmosphere.

3.The price of instant noodles keeps rising, but some of them are below s____________.

4. Since we have a______(充足的)supplies of food, we are not afraid of any natural disaster.

5. A shopkeeper was sentenced to eight years in prison due to selling fake milk powder and being. lack of social ___________(良心).

6. As a student, you need to devote your time to the a__________ of knowledge.

7.He was happy that his proposal had been a__________ by the committee.

8. Some people object to __________(试验) on animals before a new drug is used to people.

9.The stronger the _______(动机) is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.

10.What's the a______________ way of saying“巴适”in English?



HOW would you like to step into the world of other people’s dreams? That’s just what Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) does. His work is to steal secrets from people when they are asleep and dreaming. He has an even rarer ability: He can plant an idea in someone’s sleeping mind, and watch it grow and take root in reality. This ability is called inception.

The movie Inception (《盗梦空间》) was on show in Chinese cinemas not long ago. It is imaginative, of course. The movie leads one to wonder just how much we know about dreams. For years, scientists and researchers have been trying to solve sleep’s greatest mystery.

Is it possible to enter someone’s dreaming mind? In the movie, DiCaprio uses a drug and a dream machine to put a scenario (某一特定情节) into someone’s sleeping mind. He then goes to sleep himself, connected to the machine, and enters the other person’s dream.

In real life, there is a machine that can read someone’s mind. A brain scanner takes pictures of brain activity, and then the software recreates images of what the person was looking at.

Researchers say it may be possible one day to record someone’s dream – without the danger (or the fun) of actually sharing that dream.

What’s a dream, anyway? A dream is a group of images and sounds our brain creates when we’re sleeping. In the 1950s, researchers discovered a sleeping condition that happened around every 90 to 120 minutes during sleep: rapid eye movement, or REM. During this period you’re fast asleep, yet your eyes move around quickly under your eyelids (眼皮) and your brain is nearly as active as during the day. That’s when most dreams happen.

What do dreams mean? Dreams are not always filled with meaning. Sometimes dreams are just your mind playing with thoughts and images from your life, or things you may have read or seen on TV. But at other times, dreams show things that you want to achieve in real life, or things that cause you trouble or stress.

1.The movie Inception is mentioned at the beginning of the article to ______.

       A. encourage readers to watch the movie

       B. tell readers about people with special dreaming abilities

       C. inform readers about the science of dreams

       D. warn reader about the threat of dream stealers

2.According to the article, how does a brain scanner work?

       A. It records dreams.

       B. It uses a special drug that causes no pain.

       C. It finds out what dreams mean.

       D. It takes pictures of brain activity and recreates images.

3. According to the article, which of the following statements about REM sleep is TRUE?

       A. Most dreams occur in REM sleep.

       B. Over the last ten years scientists have solved the mystery of REM sleep.

       C. People always remember what they have dreamed in a REM sleep.

       D. People can have REM sleep all night.

4. The article claims that ______.

       A. dreams tell us a lot about a person’s character

       B. dreams are connected to real life

       C. dreams are useful and help keep our brains active

       D. dreams are usually about meaningful things



High-quality customer service is preached(宣扬) by many ,but actually keeping customers happy is easier said than done.

Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a retail store, but instead will alert their friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers-and anyone who will listen.

Store managers are often the last to hear complaints, and often find out only when their regular customers decide t frequent their competitors, according to a study jointly conducted by Verde group and Wharton school.

“Storytelling hurts retailers and entertains consumers,” said Paula Courtney, President of the Verde group.” the store loses the customer, but the shopper must also find a replacement.”

On average, every unhappy customer will complain to at least four other, and will no longer visit the specific store for every dissatisfied customer, a store will lose up to three more due to negative reviews. The resulting “snowball effect” can be disastrous to retailers.

According to the research, shoppers who purchased clothing encountered the most problems. ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers.

The most common complaints include filled parking lots, cluttered (塞满了的) shelves, overloaded racks, out-of-stock items, long check-out lines, and rude salespeople.

During peak shopping hours, some retailers solved the parking problems by getting moonlighting(业余兼职的)local police to work as parking attendants. Some hired flag wavers to direct customers to empty parking spaces. This guidance eliminated the need for customers to circle the parking lot endlessly, and avoided confrontation between those eyeing the same parking space.

Retailers can relieve the headaches by redesigning store layouts, pre-stocking sales items, hiring speedy and experienced cashiers, and having sales representatives on hand to answer questions.

Most importantly, salespeople should be diplomatic and polite with angry customers.

“Retailers who’re responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren’t so friendly.” said Professor Stephen Hoch. “Maybe something as simple as a greeter at the store entrance would help.”

Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filing complaints to the retailer, instead of complaining to the rest of the world. Retailers are hard-pressed to improve when they have no idea what is wrong.

1.Why are store managers often the last to hear complaints?

A. Most customers won’t bother to complain even if they have had unhappy experiences.

B. Customers would rather relate their unhappy experiences to people around them.

C. Few customers believe the service will be improved.

D. Customers have no easy access to store managers.

2.What does Paula Courtney imply by saying “ … the shopper must also find a replacement” (Line 2, Para. 4)?

A. New customers are bound to replace old ones.

B. It is not likely the shopper can find the same products in other stores.

C. Most stores provide the same.

D. Not complaining to the manager causes the shopper some trouble too.

3.What contributes most to smoothing over issues with customers?

A. Manners of the salespeople.

B. Hiring of efficient employees.

C. Huge supply of goods for sale.

D. Design of the store layout.

4.To achieve better shopping experiences, customers are advised to _________.

A. exert pressure on stores to improve their service

B. settle their disputes with stores in a diplomatic way

C. voice their dissatisfaction to store managers directly

D. shop around and make comparisons between stores



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