满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is said that he will______ his uncle’...

It is said that he will______ his uncle’s business when he is mature enough to deal with the pubic relations.

     A.think over      B.hand over      C.take over            D.go over


C 【解析】略

Jack’s family _______ their holiday in Shanghai this time next week.

       A.are enjoying                                     B.are to enjoy      

       C.will enjoy                                          D.will be enjoying










2.参考词汇  低碳生活   low – carbon life (style)




Dear Mike,

How are things going? In your last letter you talked about low carbon life. Now I’d like to share my understanding of it and my experience in the past few months.





I’m really glad to communicate with you about this topic.


Li Ming






         As more students begin to use computers for longer periods of time, more of them are suffering from eyestrain (视疲劳).Just a few hours in front of a computer screen can make a person's eyes feel tired and painful.A number of eye doctors have studied this growing problem and have found ways to deal with it.Following their advice will help keep computer users more comfortable.Here is some of the advice.

         The light in a room shouldn't be brighter than the computer screen itself.In many classrooms, however, the lights are far brighter than they should be..Students can block some of this light by wearing baseball caps if they're allowed at school.

         A special computer screen should be used to cut down on bright light because it is especially tiring to the eyes.Another problem to avoid is the wrong kind of contrast.It is best to have dark letters on a light background.This causes less eyestrain than light letters on a dark background.

         Students should be seated so that they are looking down at the computer screen rather than straight ahead, which is a far more tiring angle.The top of the monitor should be slightly lower than the top of the head.

         The length of time students spend in front of a computer screen leads greatly to eyestrain.Students should take frequent breaks by looking away from the screen every fifteen or twenty minutes.During

that time they should either close there eyes or focus on an object at a distance. Long – term computer use can dry out the eyes, so students should remember to blink frequently while in front of the screen.

Title: Computers and Eyestrain

Common Problems  Doctor’s1.      


lighting     Much brighter in many classrooms          Get the light2.   bright.

3.       something to block the light.

The screen       Too bright light.

Wrong kind of contrast.

Light letters.    4.      the strong light.

Use the 5.       kind of contrast.

Have dark letters on a light background.

6.      The top of the screen

7.      than the top of the head. Sit were you won’t look8.    at the serene.

Time        Spending too much time

9.     a computer screen.    10.      your eyes for a moment.

Look at something at a distance.

Blink often while using a computer.



The tragic death of celebrity Wang Bei has made people aware of the risks of cosmetic surgery, which is becoming increasingly popular.

         A survey on the reaction to Wang's death, conducted by Tencent, which runs China's most popular instant-messaging service, received more than 600,000 responses, as of press time Monday.Forty-one percent of respondents expressed sorrow over her death, saying, "It's a pity she died at such a young age." Some 31 percent said she should have been more cautious and less vain, while 10 percent were enraged at the hospital that conducted the surgery.The remaining 18 percent were indifferent.

         A common thread of online discussion is why someone considered beautiful was so dissatisfied with her looks.Some netizens said Wang was a victim of society's unrealistic ideal of beauty: double eyelids, an aquiline nose and the pointed chin typical of Western celebrities.Others said her death underscores the limits to which people will go to achieve fame and fortune.Young people, see cosmetic surgery as the key to wealth and love.

         "They want to improve their appearance to find better opportunities at work and in marriage," says Ding Xiaobang, a plastic surgeon with the Peking Union Medical College Hospital."We're living in a highly competitive society.People regard appearance as a weapon and a means of empowerment…Most of them tell me, 'I don't care how much I spend, just make me look beautiful'." In the past decade, Ding says he Has seen a growing number of patients, like Wang Bei, who are young and naturally good-looking.The surgeon attributes this trend to people becoming richer, the standards of beauty changing, competition and frustration.

         "Some are frustrated with life and use surgery as a way to try and recover," lie says.

         The surge in demand for plastic surgery has resulted in a rise in the number of unauthorized business establishments and surgeons conducting such procedures.

         Meanwhile, experts say, young and beautiful people who still seek plastic surgery need to address their self-awareness issues and be more accepting.

         “They’ve built their identity around the admiration of others and fail to establish a system to assess themselves," says Zhu Wenbo, a psychologist with Blue Bay Psychological Consulting Center in Chengdu."People's opinions always change, so this is not a reliable way to evaluate oneself."

1.Most people are       toward the death of Wang Bei according to the survey.

         A.sympathetic       B.indifferent C.enraged     D.not mentioned

2.Why is there such a trend of having medical cosmetic surgery according to Ding Xiaobang?

         A.People become richer.

         B.The standard the beauty always changes.

         C.People suffer fierce competition and frustration now and then.

         D.All of the above.

3.What kind of people is regarded as a beauty nowadays?

         A.a person with single eyelid, an aquiline nose and a  pointed chin

         B.a person with double eyelids, an aquiline nose and a pointed chin

         C.a person with double eyelids, a snub nose and a pointed chin

         D.a person with double eyelids, a snub nose and a chubby chin

4.The purpose of the text is to           .

         A.inform us that cosmetic surgery becomes popular.

         B.emphasize that young people should re-evaluate themselves rationally.

         C.raise concerns about the risk of medical cosmetology industry.

         D.state that people’s standard of beauty always changes.



There was simply too much news and too much information freely available on the net.But was it accurate? Whose opinion should we trust? A survey found that 60% of UK adults think it is worth paying for a "good newspaper", and most of those said they believed more of what they read in the paid-for newspapers.

         Here was something newspapers understood—here was what they could offer: news plus comment and opinion.

         And the Internet now offered opportunities.A newspaper was just that: news printed on paper.But the Internet now offered newspapers different places to print, and in different media.

       This may explain why the readership of newspapers online in the UK is very different from people who read printed newspapers.

         The most popular newspaper in the UK is The Sun and is also the most popular newspaper in the world.The "mid—market" audience mainly reads The Daily Mail.Of the "quality" newspapers, the most popular is the Daily Telegraph.

         Online, it's a different story.The most popular site is The Mail, which has 2.3 million "browsers" every day.And the next most popular site is The Guardian.

1.'Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

         A.Printed newspapers are disappearing.

         B.The most popular newspapers has the most popular newspaper website as well.

         C.People from other countries also enjoy reading British newspapers.

         D.The free news on the Internet makes people unwilling to buy newspapers.

2.What conclusion can we draw from the passage?

         A.People no longer believe what the Internet tells them.

         B.Printed newspapers are out of date.

         C.Different readers may have their various reading taste.

         D.Printed newspapers can not deal with the challenge from the Internet.

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

         A.The UK has the most popular printed newspapers in the world.

         B.The condition of British newspapers in the information age.

         C.Printed newspapers face a sever challenge.

         D.The latest developments in online news sites.

4.From the survey we can see that the British are generally_____ to the news on the Net.

         A.traditional            B.conservative           C.cautious           D.carefree



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