满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

concern about food safety seems to be s...

      concern about food safety seems to be       subject that is being discussed all over the world.

       A.The; the              B.A; /                    C.The; a                 D./; the


C 【解析】略



1.  积极的人生态度;

2.  努力学习;

3.  参加体育锻炼。

注意:1. 词数100左右

      2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

      3. 开头已为你写好。(不计入词数)

We all want grow up happily and healthily,                                          











   Mrs Hunt’s sister said she is coming to see her               1.           

with his daughter. Mrs Hunt was happy                      2.           

because she has not seen her sisiter for months,. She knew       3.           

the girl liked bananas, and she was busy in the kitchen        4.           

and couldn’t go out. She gave any money                   5.            

to her son Bruce and said, “Go and buy two kilos bananas.”     6.            

Bruce liked bananas, either. Thirty minutes                  7.           

late he came back with the bananas. Mrs Hunt weighed        8.           

the bananas. And found they were half a kilo short. She took    9.           

out the bag to the shopkeeper and said, “I sent my little son    10.           

for two kilos of bananas, but you give him only one and a half kilos!”

 “Have you weighed your little son, Madam?” asked the shopkeeper.”




Many schools have established successful home visit programs. Home visits by teachers let parents and children know how much teachers care. Also, it is a way for teachers to learn more about their students , get the parents to pay more attention to their children’s education and bridge cultural gaps that might exist between students and teachers. Most teachers report that their home visits have a lasting effect on the child, the parents and on parent—teacher communication.

   The Head Start program has used home visits for many years. Head Start teachers are required to make at least two home visits for each student, regardless of their ability, during each school year in addition to regular parent-teacher conferences at school. Many U.S. kindergartens also require home visits by teachers before school starts.

The visit approach varies from school to school and usually depends on the funding the source. In some schools, teachers prefer to visit in pairs. They feel more comfortable that way and sometimes need a translator in order to communicate with a child’s parents. Other teachers visit one-on-one with parents. Some interact with both the child and the parent. Many teachers may bring along learning activities for the child that also involve the parents participation. Normally, visits can last from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the teacher and the activities.

 When teachers get to know their students and their students’ families, the parents become more active in their children’s education. Home visits, not unnecessary as some people think, can give teachers the ideas they need to help all students succeed.

1. Home visits by teachers can          

A. bridge cultural gaps existing between parents and teachers.

B. get students know that their teachers care about their parents.

C. get parents involved in their children’s education.

D. help establish good relationships between parents and children.

2.From the second paragraph we know that home visits       

A. are not a new idea

B. are traditionally done by teachers before school starts

C. are meant for students with low marks

D. have replaced parent-teacher meeting

3.What is the third paragraph about?

A. Reasons for home visists

B. Forms of home visits

C. Advantages of home visits

D.Tips for home visits

4. What is the effect of home visits?

A. Parents have more opportunities to play with children

B. Students can succeed more easily through their own efforts.

C. Parents play a decisive role in children’s education.

D. Teachers can learn more about how to help students.




Every day Shairley tries to make at least one person she knows happy. For years she has become addicted to this and she can’t pass a day without making someone happy.

This started when she was 11 years old. That year, she wanted to travel to see her best friend. After she saved all the money needed, she packed her bags and went to the airport. By the time she got to pay for her ticket,she realised that her purse had been stolen.

She went to the restroom and cried. While she was in the restroom stall and totally at a loss what to do, someone knocked on the door. “Leave me alone” was the sentence she said over and over again after hearing the repeated knocking. After a long time, she opened the door and went out only to find an envelope at her feet. She opened the envelope and found a letter. It said,

 “Dear child, you locked yourself inside and avoided facing the people who were outside and you might miss this letter. Reading it now means that after all you decided to face the outside world again. Never lock yourself in for any reason ! Never lose hope ! Never forget to trust yourself. Be a reason for other people’s smiles, sow hope in their hearts and you will gain your happiness in your own heart.”

 She folded the letter to put it in the envelope only to discover that inside were a window seat ticket and double the money she needed. So she traveled and told the story to everyone she met. She said.“ From that day on ,I took it as my task, half for me and half for someone’s happiness.”

1.Shirley found that her money had been stolen         .

A. when she was heading for the airport

B. when she was buying a ticket

C. after she packed her bags

D. when she went to the restroom

2.Why didn’t Shirley open the door of the stall when she heard the knocking?

A. Because she was disappointed and at a loss.

B. Because she was afraid of the person outside.

C. Because she wanted to keep calm by being alone.

D. Because she was crying and didn’t hear the knocking.

3.What did Shireley learn from the letter?

A. A letter is powerful enough to make one smile.

B. Face the outside world and never lose hope.

C. She should always notice who is outside her door.

D. She should try to make herself happy first and then others.

4.We can learn that after reading the letter, Shirley was          

A. interested     B. disappointed     C. ashamed    D. encouraged 




Healthy eating habits are one of the most important lessons a child learns. Parents can make a plan of action for each child’s nutritional needs.

Creating healthy habits

Breakfast is necessary to provide the nutrition and energy for an active day. Studies show that children do better in school when they begin the day with breakfast.

Include your child as much as possible in meal planning and preparation. He is more likely to eat food that he has helped put on the table. Cooking at home and at school encourages curiosity and motivation to try new foods.

The mealtime enviroment has a lot to do with how your child will feel about food. Try to keep the time and location of your meals consistent. Keep the meal itself as the main event by reserving the use of toys, telephone calls and television for later.

Help them regard food such as fruit as being important every day, and other food such as chips as being an occasional treat. Prepare food in a variety of ways.


Snacks provide necessary energy for children between meals. Be sure to have plenty of healthy snack choices such as fruit and yogurt available at these times. Snacks should not replace a meal but provide a valuable supplement.

1.The passage is written mainly to        

A. teach children to develop good eating habits.

B. exchange ideas with experienced parents

C. learn about children’s food preferrences

D. offer parents some useful suggestions

2.A child is more likely to try new foods      

A. when he spends time with other children

B. if he helps prepare the food himself

C. after he has had an active day

D. when he has no snacks

3.The underlined word “reserving” most probably means        

A. putting into    B. calling for     C. talking about   D. setting aside

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. You are what you eat

B. Cook dinner for your child

C. Healthy eating for kids

D. Pleasure in everyday meals




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