满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线 ( \ ) 划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,从第11处起不计分。

           An Australian farmer found the kangaroo caught in the fence around his

farms. He thought the poor animal was injured, but the kind farmer took off his

jacket and put on the animal.Then he started trying to cut the fence to free the

animals.But as soon as the kangaroo were free, it jumped up and ran away with the

jacket.The farmer was worried because of his wallet was in the pocket.But, to my

surprise, when he gets home, he saw the animal waiting at the door, still wore his

jacket with the wallet in the pocket.


An Australian farmer found the kangaroo caught in the fence around his farms.He a                              farm thought the poor animal was injured, but the kind farmer took off his jacket and put so 或 and                              ∧on the animal.Then he started trying to cut the fence to free the animals.But as it                                                   animal soon as the kangaroo were free, it jumped up and ran away with the jacket.The was farmer was worried because o⁄f his wallet was in the pocket.But, to my surprise,                               his when he gets home, he saw the animal waiting at the door, still wore his jacket with got                                        wearing the wallet in the pocket. 【解析】略


         1.   The goal here is to limit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which are closely associated to the big problem of global-warming.

Strategy 1: Bring your own cup to Starbucks

You’ll get a 10 cent discount, and it’s one less paper cup to end up in a landfill. While you’re there, pick up some free bags of spent coffee grounds to use as ‘‘green’’ fertilizer in your garden.

The payoff:    2.  

Strategy2: Turn off your computer

When in standby mode, your PC is still using energy.    3.        

The payoff: Turning off a monitor for 40 hours a week may only save $ 5 a month, but it reduces CO2 by 750 pounds

Strategy 3: Reuse plastic bags

Instead of throwing away 100 billion plastic bags a year, try and get a second, third, or tenth use out of them. Better yet, next time you shop, try a reusable bag.

The payoff:     4.    The amount of oil it would take to make just 14 plastic bags would run your car for one mile.

Strategy4: Use recycled paper in the bathroom

Most of the toilet paper we use is made from trees found in forests previously untouched by humans.

The payoff: If every household replaced one roll of toilet paper with a recycled one, 424000 trees would still be standing. Look for eco paper towels too.

Strategy5: Buy energy-efficient appliances(电器)

Replace the old fridge with an Energy Star appliance and you’ll use 15 percent less energy. 5.  

The payoff: If we all used one Energy Star appliance at home, it would be like planting 1. 7 million acres of new trees.

A. You can be proud of yourselves, even if you can only make one or two of these green changes.

B. Adding green to your garden is beautiful and earth-pleasing.

C. It might be a little expensive to buy, but you’ll save money on your electricity bills and help the environment.

D. In fact, 75 percent of electricity used in your home comes from electronics that are turned off.

E. You’re reducing pollution.

F. The store won’t create more waste when they throw away a cup.

G. Just one tree will help make cleaner air and save the environment from 5000 pounds of hot carbon dioxide each year.



Jascha Richter once sang “don't need too much talking without saying anything” to reveal his lonely feeling in a crowd.

   Dad always told me never to ever reveal my true opinions towards other people if such opinions are negative. He said this is the “Chu Shi Zhe Xue”, the philosophy of dealing with social network.

   It seems that everybody here just follows this philosophy very, very well.

   Friends. I would say that if I were given true friendship I would definitely treasure it with my greatest care. If I really regard someone as my close friend, I would never leave her alone whenever she's in need, either financially or mentally. And I always believe, as long as I treat people with whole-hearted honesty, I would have some rewards—at least, just ONE true friend of the same gender(性别).

    Sometimes I just miss my friends in China. Perhaps when we became friends, we were still young, too young to have been polluted by any dirt in the society. But here, it is simply different. It seems that all of us have learnt how to SURVIVE in a foreign land and such an experience actually makes us learn how to extract (榨取) the most benefits from the surroundings in order to survive.

   All are friends around me. I've looked through all the dark sides of their personalities and yet I have to pretend that I know nothing. THEY ARE GOOD. THEY ARE GOOD. AND WE ARE FRIENDS. And then I can make myself comfortable enough to talk to people I hate the most. And of course, they don't say any words truly from their hearts. Neither do I.

   But, sometimes I just feel unwilling to talk to these people. Sometimes, I just want to be alone, quietly, without being forced to listen to their gossip or other useless words.

   “Standing on a mountain high

Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky

I should go and see some friends         

But they don't really comprehend”

    Jascha Richter expresses my feelings also.

67. 1.What do we know about the writer’s father according to this passage?

A. He is really a good philosopher.                          

B. He possibly gets on well with others.

C. He told the writer to reveal her true opinions.       

D. The passage doesn’t tell us at all.

68. 2.What’s the most probable reason the writer mentions Jascha Richter’s song twice in the passage?

A. She likes Jascha Richter’s song.

B. Jascha Richter is one of her friends.

C. The song expresses her feelings.

D. She uses it to perfects her article.

69. 3.Which of the following statements about the writer is TRUE?

  A. She is now living abroad but doesn’t enjoy the life there.

  B. She absolutely believes in her father’s philosophy.

  C. She shows a positive attitude towards her relationship with others.

  D. She thinks highly of her friends by repeating “They are good”.

70. 4.The writer mostly expresses her ______ in this passage.

A. happiness      B. homesickness    C. sadness           D. loneliness 



Thirteen, for me, was a challenging year. My parents divorced and I moved to a new town with my father, far from my old family and friends. I was terribly lonely and would cry myself to sleep each night. To ease my sadness, my father purchased an old horse for me at a local auction. I named him Cowboy.

Cowboy was without a doubt the ugliest horse in the world. But I didn’t care. I loved him beyond all reason. I joined a riding club and suffered rude comments and mean snickers about Cowboy’s looks. I never let on about how I felt, but deep inside, my heart was breaking. The other members rode beautiful, registered horses.

When Cowboy and I entered the events where the horse is judged on appearance, we were quickly shown the gate. No amount of preparation and love would turn Cowboy into a beauty. My only chance to compete would be in the speed events. I chose the jumping race.

One girl named Becky rode a big brown horse in the race events. She always won the blue ribbons.  Needless to say, she didn’t feel threatened when I competed against her at the next show. She didn’t need to. I came in next to last.

The stinging memory of Becky’s smirks made me determined to beat her. For the whole next month I woke up early every day and rode Cowboy five miles to the arena (赛马场). We practiced running and jumping for hours in the hot sun and then I would walk Cowboy home totally exhausted. All of our hard work didn’t make me feel confident by the time the show came. I sat at the gate and sweated it out while I watched Becky and her horse charge through the course and finish in first place.

My turn finally came. I put on my hat, rubbed Cowboy’s neck and entered the arena. At the signal, we dashed toward the first fence, jumped it without trouble and raced on to the next one. Cowboy then flew over the second, third and fourth fences like a bird and I turned him toward the finish line. As we crossed the line the crowd was shocked into silence. Cowboy and I had beaten Becky and her fancy horse by two seconds!

I gained much more than a blue ribbon that day. At thirteen, I realized that no matter what the odds, I’d always come out a winner if I wanted something badly enough to work for it.

63. 1.The underlined expression "shown the gate" (paragraph 3) most probably means ______.

A. told how to enter the arena

B. shown how to make the horse beautiful

C. removed from the competition early

D. told to enter the timed-speed events

64. 2. When the final race finished, nobody cheered because        .

A. the audience didn’t like Cowboy             B. people envied the writer

C. the win was unexpected            D. the writer bad run out of time

65. 3.Why was the writer not confident of victory?

A. He was an inexperienced rider.

B. He had not practiced enough.

C. He believed he was unpopular with the crowd.

D. He thought his horse wasn’t so good as the others.

66. 4.What did the writer learn from his experience?

A. Life can sometimes be unfair.

B. Anything is possible if one tries hard enough.

C. A positive attitude will bring success.

D. One should not make judgments based on appearance.



Perhaps you have never heard of Katherine Lawes.Katherine was the wife of Lewis Lawes, warden (监狱长) at Sing Sing Prison from 1920 to 1941.In these 21 years he made many reforms --- and an important part of his success was due to his wife Katherine.

       Katherine took seriously the idea that the prisoners are human beings ,worthy of attention and respect .She regularly visited inside the walls of Sing Sing.She encouraged the prisoners, took things to them and spent time listening to them.Most importantly, she cared about them.And as a result, they cared deeply about her.

       Then one night in October of 1937, news was "telegraphed" between the prison cells that Katherine had been killed in an accident.The prisoners asked the warden to allow them to attend her funeral.He agreed to their strange request and a few days later the south gate of Sing Sing swung slowly open.Hundreds of men who had committed almost every crime imaginable marched slowly out of the prison, later gathered again at the gate and returned to their cells.There were so many that they proceeded unguarded.But no one tried to escape.If he had, the others might have killed him immediately.So devoted were they to Katherine Lawes, the woman who daily walked into Hell to show the men a piece of Heaven.

       Katherine' s strength was to see the men less as prisoners and more as individuals.Thomas Moore once said, "We can only treat badly those things or people whose souls we show no respect for."

59.1.When Katherine's husband was the warden at Sing Sing Prison, she did the following things EXCEPT_______________.

       A.encouraging the prisoners        

B.visiting the prison houses

       C.doing some writing for the prisoner 

D.spending time in listening to the prisoners

60.2.Why did the prisoners ask the warden to allow them to attend Katherine’s funeral?

       A.Because Katherine didn't look down upon them and cared about them.

       B.Because Katherine was the wife of the warden.

       C.Because Katherine made reforms in the prison.

       D.Because Katherine had been killed by one of them.

61.3.Whom does the underlined part “the others” refer to?

       A.The policemen at the funeral.     B.The other prisoners.

       C.The guards.                   D.The policemen from other prisons.

62.4.The best title of this passage is_________.

       A.Katherine Lawes' s Life   B.Reforms at Sing Sing Prison

       C.To Honor Their Souls      D.To Meet Their Requirement



One day my teacher said, “ Life is a game of chess, and the other player is time.” From that moment, I knew I had to enjoy my life.Do not waste time, because, you know, time will not come back.You cannot buy it.It is one of those things in life that you must really, really value.

       When you see an opportunity, take it.You might not get it back.Never let an opportunity pass.And if it is too hard, remember that in the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity.

       Remember, you cannot choose how you' re going to die, or when.You can only decide how you' re going to live.Study as if you were going to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrow.Don' t just think of the present, but also think of your future. Your future is yet another chapter in your life and another way to live it.

       Every single living thing has a purpose in life."The purpose of life is a life of purpose," said Robert Byre.

       Learn to use time wisely, take opportunities, and enjoy life.We can discover the meaning of life in three different ways: (1) by doing a deed; (2) by experiencing a value; (3) by suffering.Life.

56.1.The underlined part suggests that___________.

       A.If life is a game of chess, time is also a game of chess

       B.If life is a game of chess, both you and time are the players

       C.If life is one player in a game of chess, time is the other player

       D.If time is a game of chess, both life and you are the players

57.2.According to the author, what can you decide?

       A.How you die.                B.When you die.

       C.How you live.                D.When you succeed.

58.3.This article is most probably from__________.

       A.an explanation of time in the universe

       B.an essay about time and life

       C.an argument that time is the most important thing in life

       D.a description of an important class



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