满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The use of the word imitation(模仿) remind...

The use of the word imitation(模仿) reminds me that we ought to make some more comments on the risk of people imitating what they see on the screen in the way of crime(犯罪) or violence. First there was always a risk of children acting out scenes which could be dangerous. For example, I remember a woman who was head of a middle school telling me that she had happened to look out of her window when the children were on the playground and had seen them putting a small boy on a chair with a rope round his neck and the rope over the branch of a tree; fortunately she was in time to get there before the child was hanged. I remember a film in particular in which the hero who was imprisoned had escaped by electrocuting(通电触死) his guard, the technique of doing this being shown in detail. This was the kind of scene which we could cut for these reasons.

In films for young people and adults we always tried to keep off the screen the details of criminal techniques, such as how to open a locked door with a piece of hard plastic or how to open a safe; if we were consulted(请教) before production, I used to advise that the details should not be shown. When I gave talks in prisons about film checking I had full support for this, since fathers who were in prison for criminal offences did not want their children to get on crime.

Every time I gave a talk in a prison someone used to mention the French film Rififi. made by Jules Dassin in 1954. This remarkable film showed in great detail a robbery of a jeweler’s shop, the robbery lasting about half an hour and being backed by only natural sound...one of the most brilliant film sequences(连续镜头) of all time. I remember our discussion at the time. We thought that the robbery was finished only with the use of advanced and obviously expensive equipment and that only the most experienced and skilled criminals could possibly imitate it; we believed therefore that it was relatively safe. When talking in prisons some years later I learned that there had been several robberies in which the techniques had been copied, so perhaps we were wrong.

31. The writer thinks that____________.

A. the details of the criminal technique should be kept

B. the details of the crime should not be shown on the screen

C. children should not imitate what they see on the screen

D. it is dangerous to imitate what they see on the screen

32. What is the writer’s attitude(态度) towards the film in which the hero had escaped by electrocuting the guard?

A. The writer likes it very much.

B. The writer is strongly against it.

C. The writer thinks the film has some value.

D. The writer does not show his/her attitude.

33. Parents in prison agreed to film checking because______.

A. they did not want their children to follow them

B. the crime on screen could be imitated without difficulty

C. they had given a talk on it

D. they had made mistakes

34 .All the following statements about“Rififi”are true EXCEPT______.

A. that the robbery shown needs experience and skills

B. that some very good tools were used in the robbery

C. that the film showed the technique in detail

D. that the technique of the robbery was not imitated

35. It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A. it is hard for children to tell the differences between real life and the imaginary

B. only people in prison support film checking

C. only children imitate what they have seen on the screen

D. the writer used to advise the details of crime should be shown


 B  B  A  D  A 【解析】略

Ⅱ   阅读(共两节,满分50分)



Parents have to do much less for their children today than they used to do,and home has become much less of a workshop. Clothes can be bought ready made; washing can go to the laundry; food can be bought; cooked,canned or preserved; bread is baked and delivered by the baker; milk arrives on the doorstep; meats can be had at the restaurant,the work’s canteen,and the school dining-room.

It is unusual now for father to pursue his trade or other employment at home,and his children rarely,if ever,see him at his place of work. Boys are therefore seldom trained to follow their father’s occupation,and in many towns they have a fairly wide choice of employment and so do girls. The young wage-earner often earns good money,and soon acquires a feeling of economic independence. In textile areas it has long been customary for mothers to go out to work,but this practice has become so widespread that the working mother is now a not unusual factor in a child’s home life,the number of married women in employment having more than doubled in the last twenty-five years. With mother earning and his older children drawing substantial wages father is seldom the dominant figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. When mother works, economic advantages accrue,but children lose something of great value if mother’s employment prevents her from being home to greet them when they return from school.

26. The writer mentions home as workshop because______.

A. fathers often pursue employment at home

B. parents had to make food and necessity themselves for their daily-life

C. many families produce goods at home for sale

D. both fathers and mothers and mothers in most families are workers

27. The writer says that home has become much less of a workshop. He means______.

A. in the past, home was more like a workshop

B. home is much more of a workshop now

C. home-workshops are becoming fewer and fewer

D. home was less like a workshop in the past

28. The word“accrue”in the sentence“When mother...accrue,”is closest in meaning to


A. change                            B. dwindle                    C. double                     D. increase

29. The chief reason that boys are seldom trained to follow their father’s occupation is ___________________.

A. that children nowadays rarely see their fathers at their place of work

B. that fathers do not like to pursue employment at home any more

C. that there is a wide choice of employment for children

D. that children also like to have jobs outside

30. What makes father no longer the only dominant person in a family?

A. With their earning,mother and children do not need to depend on father for their life.

B. There are many choice of employment for mothers and children.

C. Father does much less for his children today than he used to.

D. The number of married women in employment has increased greatly now.





Entering the drama room I am immediately surrounded by the familiar sights, smells and sounds. Streaks(条纹,线条) of light cast by the blinds of the tall ___1___  send shafts(杆状物) of light through the dusty air. I take a deep breath and the concrete and paint ___2___ tickle my nose. I ___3___ everything about this room.

Some of the best times of my life have been spent here. It’s ironic(讽刺的), but the ___4___ is the only place where I feel that I don’t have to __5 ___ to be someone I’m not. Like many teenagers, I almost ___6___ think that people are judging me, but when I act, that feeling disappears.  People only look at your acting ability, not your clothing, money, choice of friends, or any of the other ways people are usually ___7  ___.

When I’m on stage, everything else vanishes(消失). All the worries and  __8  ___ of the outside world are put on hold. Nervousness is still present, but it’s the excited and tingly kind, not the queasy(不稳定的) ___9  ___ of being different and alone.

I ___10___ love to work backstage and on lighting. I ___11___ you could find another girl who would work on a ladder ___12___ her elbows in cables and dust and love every second of it. It makes me unique and gives me a sense of ___13___ to know that I succeed in an area where few others — and virtually(事实上) no girls — do.

High school is a difficult atmosphere, to put it ___14___. Like others, I’m often insecure(不安的), not ___15___ who I am or where I’m going in life. Wherever that may be, I will always have the confidence I get from theater.

1. A. doors                B. windows         C. roofs             D. walls

2. A. smells          B. tastes           C. sounds           D. looks

3. A. hate                    B. love             C. miss              D. forget

4. A. room           B. office           C. building         D. stage

5. A. pretend         B. expect           C. want              D. decide

6. A. hardly         B. seriously         C. constantly         D. happily

7. A. thought of       B. judged                C. taken care of      D. feeling

8. A. happiness         B. anxieties          C. chances         D. pressures

9. A. feeling         B. idea             C. hope              D. fact

10. A. seldom         B. almost          C. relatively           D. absolutely

11. A. hope          B. doubt           C. think             D. suspect

12. A. up for          B. out at           C. up to             D. down to

13. A. pride           B. duty             C. humor           D. sight

14. A. cruelly         B. tensely                C. friendly         D. mildly

15. A. fond of         B. afraid for        C. sure of          D. interested in





假如你是学生李华,建议开办“广州全接触”(All-round Guangzhou)节目。请根据以下节目设想给John写信:


















Dear John,

I know you’re going to set up an English program for middle school students.So I’m writing to suggest a program---“All-round Guangzhou”.

_                                                                  __________

I hope you can take my suggestion into consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua





A.Dear Mom,

Every time it’s your birthday, I remember all the great birthday parties you gave me when I was growing up.I especially remember the one when I turned to 16, and the words you and Dad said to me.Now I hope you enjoy the birthday party I’m holding for you.



B.Dear Dan,

It’s over! High school is now part of the past.But consider what your graduation day really means, aside from the gifts.It’s the beginning of a life filled with goals that only you can attain.You’ve made it through 4 important years, and we’re confident you’ll make it through anything else you’ll have to face.

Very truly yours,


C.Dear Tom,

I’m 16, but my grandmother treats me as if I were 5.She uses a baby voice around me, which is really annoying, but I’m afraid to say anything because I don’t want to make her feel bad.How can I tell her my feelings, and let her know I’m growing up?



D.Dear Tina,

I was almost unwilling to open your gift because it was so wonderfully wrapped.The paper was just lovely! I want to thank you for thinking of me.I’m sure you spent hours making this lovely sweater, and it’s so soft that I feel as if you’ve sent me 100 hugs.Every time I wear it I’ll think of you.

Very truly yours,


E.Dear Aunt Pam,

Thank you so much for the cards and gifts you sent me for Christmas.I hope Uncle Mike and Little John are well.Next week I’m going to my father’s for the holiday.I wonder if you could come down and visit us.I haven’t seen you for nearly two years!



F.Dear Mom,

I think you’re the greatest.I know you have faults, but I can’t think of any at the moment.You deserve much more than this small gift in return for everything that you’ve done for me, but it’s all that I can afford.Hopefully, by the time I become a mom, I’ll be able to be as giving to my child as you’ve been to me.




1.Dear Sucre,

I understand exactly what you’re telling me, and I think this problem is very common.Don’t forget that, from your grandmother’s perspective, even your father and mother are just babies.Talk with your parents and ask them to talk with your grandmother.I’m sure they’ll be able to explain to her that it’s time to stop.



2.Dear Amanda,

Glad to hear from you! We haven’t seen each other since waiting at the Cincinnati Airport for that connection to London.And I’m really missing you! I’d love to see you, but Mike and I plan to visit the Lake District then.Please say hello to your dad.



3.Dear Michael,

My dear son, you’re growing up so fast, and turning into an impressive person.I was so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep after the party.You know, you really gave me a big surprise when I entered the room, and made me realize how considerate and kind you’ve turned out to be.



4.Dear Amy,

Thank you so much for your gift.Best of all for me, though, was to see that you’ve become an independent woman.I’m sure you’ll succeed in whatever you do, sooner or later.And some thing you can be sure of: I’ll always be proud of you!



5.Dear Linda,

You are the most caring and self-accepting person I know.I think of you as my soul sister.At this special moment, this sweater I made with my own hands seems like the best way to express my feelings.I wish you a great birthday, and a great year ahead.





A good friend of mine was complaining about her son the other day.“Did you notice,” she started, “how he didn’t wait for me to get my salad before he dove into his?”

True enough, the boy attacked his plate faster than a cat in the wild.Without manners, we’re no more than animals.Actually, that’s not true.I’ve been watching and feeding a group of wild cats, and they show unusual politeness toward each other.Even when food is scarce, they take turns, leaving at least a small part for the next in line.

My mother educated her three children to have good manners all the time.We were made to feel very uncomfortable as if we were sitting on pins and needles until we got used to saying please, thank you, pardon me, and I’m sorry.And I have to say, while it was a painful learning experience, it was one of the most valuable.

I can’t tell you how often I sat with my friends, eating at their dinner tables, and their parents thought highly of my good manners.While it was a little embarrassing, I knew even then that my mother’s teachings were paying off.

Many years later, when I was attending seminars across the country, my manners were quite useful.

While I regret that I haven’t been a perfect example, I’m still working on it.I suppose, in this regard, my mother lives on through me.I didn’t have her beautiful singing voice or her green eyes, but she did make sure I received one of her finest characteristics.

1.What did the writer’s friend most probably complain about?

A.Her son’s eating too quickly.

B.Her son’s not having a healthy diet.

C.Her son’s not having good table manners.

D.Teenagers’ not having good manners.

2.The underlined word “scarce” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.

A.too much

B.not delicious

C.not enough

D.quite hot

3.We learn that the writer’s mother __________.

A.was strict about her children’s manners

B.never punished her children

C.had beautiful blue eyes

D.was not good at singing

4.What does the writer think of her experience of learning good manners?

A.Easy and relaxing

B.Painful and valuable

C.Easy but useless

D.Too horrible

5.We can infer from the passage that the writer _________.

A.is surely liked by everyone around her

B.is not satisfied with most people’s manners around her

C.thinks she has been a perfect example to the young

D.thanks her mother for teaching her the good manners a lot



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