满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

——The windows must have taken you quite ...

——The windows must have taken you quite a long time that day.

——Right. They _______for weeks.

A. haven’t been cleaned                 B. hadn’t been cleaned

C. didn’t clean                        D. haven’t cleaned


B 【解析】略

Millions of youngsters across Europe could suffer ________ hearing loss after five years if

they listen to MP3 players at too high a volume for more than five hours a week, EU scientists warned.

A. temporary       B. permanent        C. frequent        D. extraordinary



Unable to practice their traditions, many young Roma ________ illegal behaviour, such as stealing, and were usually the main suspects when anything went missing.

A. take on        B. take up             C. take to         D. take in



Tick bites(蜱虫叮咬)are reported _______ in 12 provinces and claimed 31 lives since 2007.

A. to break out                       B. to have broken out 

C. to be broken out                   D. to have been broken out



  —— We didn't find Smith attending the lecture.

—— No one ____ him about _____  a lecture the following day.

 A .told ;there to be   B. had told ; there to be   C. told; there was  D. had told ; there being



.On Feb 27, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao took part in _____ online chat with Chinese netizens, who expressed interests and concerns over property prices, inflation, ________ wealth gap and other social issues.

A. the ; a          B. an ; /        C. the; the       D. an ; the



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