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Some people believe that international s...

Some people believe that international sports creates goodwill between the nations and that if countries play games together they will learn to live together. Others say that the opposite is true: that international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably some truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sports encourages international brotherhood. Not only was there the tragic incident involving the murder of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by lesser incidents caused principally by minor national contests.

One country received its second-place medal with visible indignation after the hockey final. There had been noisy scenes at the end of the hockey match, the losers objecting to the final decisions. They were convinced that one of their goals should not have been disallowed and that their opponents’ victory was unfair. Their manager was in a rage when he said: “This wasn’t hockey. Hockey and the International Hockey Federation are finished.” The president of the Federation said later that such behavior could result in the suspension of the team for at least three years.

The American basketball team announced that they would not yield first place to Russia, after a disputable end to their contest. The game had ended in disturbance. It was thought at first that the United States had won, by a single point, but it was announced that there were three seconds still to play. A Russian player then threw the ball from one end of the court to the other, and another player popped it into the basket. It was the first time the USA had ever lost an Olympic basketball match. An appeal jury debated the matter for four and a half hours before announcing that the result would stand. The American players then voted not to receive the silver medals.

Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played competitively rather than for the love of the game. The suggestion that athletes should compete as individuals, or in non-national teams, might be too much to hope for. But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much that encourages aggressive patriotism (爱国主义).

1.According to the author, the recent Olympic Games have ______.

A. created goodwill between nations           

B. bred only false national pride

C. barely showed any international friendship

D. led to more and more misunderstanding and hatred

2.What would the manager mean by saying, “...Hockey and the International Hockey Federation are finished”?

  A. His team would no longer take part in international games.

  B. Hockey and the Federation are both ruined by the unfair decisions.

  C. There should be no more hockey matches organized by the Federation.

  D. The Federation should be dissolved.

3.The basketball example implied that ______.

  A. too much patriotism was displayed in the incident

  B. the announcement to prolong the match was wrong

  C. the appeal jury was too hesitant in making the decision

  D. the American team was right in rejecting the silver medals

4. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?

  A. The organization of the Olympic Games must be improved.

  B. Athletes should compete as individuals in the Olympic Games.

  C. Sports should be played competitively rather than for the love of the game.

  D. International contests are liable for misunderstanding between nations.


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 【解析】略

Communications technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth. A recent research shows people tend to tell more lies in phone conversations than they are in emails. The fact that emails are automatically recorded and can come back to haunt you appears to be the key to the finding.

Jeff Hancock of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, asked 30 students to keep a communications diary for a week. In it they noted the number of conversations or email exchanges they had lasting more than 10 minutes, and confessed to how many lies they told. Hancock then worked out the number of lies per conversation for each medium. He found that lies made up 14 percent of emails, 21 percent of instant messages, 27 percent of face-to-face interactions and an astonishing 37 of phone calls.

His results to be presented at the conference on human-computer interaction in Vienna, Austria, in April, have surprised psychologists. Some expected emailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because deception makes people uncomfortable, the detachment(非直接接触)of emailing would make it easier to lie. Others expected people to be more in face-to-face exchanges because we are most practiced at that form of communication.

But Hancock says it is also crucial whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and whether it occurs in real time. “People appear to be afraid to lie when they know the communication could later be used to hold them to account,” he says. This is why fewer lies appear in email than on the phone.

“People are also more likely to lie in real time in an instant message or phone call than if they have time to think of a response,” say Hancock. He found many lies are spontaneous responses to an unexpected demand, such as, “Do you like my dress?”

Hancock hopes his research will help companies work out the best ways for their employees to communicate. For instance, the phone might be the best medium for sales where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth. But, given his result, work assessment where honesty is a priority, might be best done using email.

1.Hancock’s study focuses on ______.

A. the consequences of lying in various communications media

B. the success of communications technologies in conveying ideas

C. people are less likely to lie in instant messages

D. people’s honesty levels across a range of communications media

2.Hancock’s research finding surprised those who believed that ______.

A. people are less likely to lie in instant messages

B. people are unlikely to lie in face-to-face interactions

C. people are most likely to lie in email communication

D. people are twice as likely to lie in phone conversations

3.According to the passage, why are people more likely to tell the truth through certain media of communication?

A. They are afraid of leaving behind traces of their lies.

B. They believe that honesty is the best policy.

C. They tend to be relaxed when using those media.

D. They are most practiced at those forms of communication.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A. honesty should be encouraged in interpersonal communications

B. more employers will use emails to communicate with their employees

C. suitable media should be chosen for different communication purposes

D. email is now the dominant medium of communication within a company



Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. Green said, "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would   21  ."

Blue interrupted, "You only think about the   22  , but consider the sky and the sea.   23  the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea.Without my peace, you would all be   24  ."

Yellow chuckled(笑道), "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, fun, and   25   into the world."

Orange started next to blow her trumpet, "I am the color of health and strength. I may be  26  , but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. When I fill the sky   27  , my beauty is so striking that no one gives another   28   to any of you."

Red could stand it   29   and he shouted out, "I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to   30   truth. I am also the color of passion and of love."

Then came Purple and Indigo(深蓝)….

The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own   31  . Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder. Rain started to pour down   32  . The colors crouched(蜷缩)down   33  , drawing close to one another for comfort.

In the midst of the clamor(叫嚷), rain began to speak, "You foolish colors, fighting   34

yourselves, each trying to dominate  35   . Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose,   36  ? Join hands with   37   and come to me."

Doing as they were told, the colors   38   and joined hands. They formed a colorful rainbow. From then on, whenever a good rain   39   the world, a rainbow appears in the sky. They remember to   40   one another.

1.A. stay              B. leave               C. go out               D. die

2.A. earth            B. moon               C. star                   D. sun

3.A. That is          B. I am                C. It is                  D. This is

4.A. anything              B. nothing            C. something          D. everything

5.A. warmth       B. sadness           C. depression           D. anxiety

6.A. usual            B. normal             C. common              D. scarce

7.A. at midnight     B. at noon or at night    C. at sunrise or sunset   D. during the day

8.A. gift                 B. honor                 C. thought              D. respect

9.A. for more             B. any more                   C. very much          D. no longer

10.A. turn to      B. fight for            C. struggle with         D. bend over

11.A. superiority    B. disadvantages        C. inferiority         D. weakness

12.A. gently        B. quietly                C. violently            D. peacefully

13.A. with care      B. in fear                C. by chance         D. on purpose

14.A. amongst        B. by                   C. for                  D. against

15.A. others        B. themselves             C. the other            D. the rest

16.A. equal and simple B. ordinary and similar  C. more or less  D. unique and different

17.A. each other     B. me                  C. one another               D. them

18.A. combined      B. separated            C. united            D. divided

19.A. cleans        B. washes                C. brightens            D. dampens

20.A. appreciate     B. quarrel with           C. ignore            D. praise



Traffic is bad, ______ in the city center during the rush hours.

A. particularly       B. terribly        C. mostly       D. normally



 —What made Alice so upset?   —______.

A. Peter’s leaving without saying goodbye       B. Peter left without saying goodbye

C. Peter was leaving without saying goodbye     D. Peter had left without saying goodbye



Every Monday morning, students in our school would stand at attention, watching the national flag ______.

A. raising       B. rising       C. being risen       D. being raised



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