满分5 > 高中英语试题 >







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Bob, It's very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now I'd like to tell you something about my hometown, BinJiang.      The town, standing on the bank of the Qiantang River, is a beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. New factories, houses and roads have been built. Besides, more schools and hospitals are available for its people. However, there are still some problems, such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours.  In my opinion, BinJiang should develop its economy scientifically. I also think that the growth of its population should be brought under control so that we'll have a better hometown in future. Best wishes.                                                   Yours                                                   Li hua 【解析】略









It was very nice to get your invitation to spend ∧ weekend with you. Luckily I was

                                      the                        am

6ec8aac122bd4f6ecompletely free then, so I’ll to say “yes”. I’ll arrive in Bristol at around 8p.m. in Friday





Looking at the map of the world, and we can see that three quarters of the earth are covered by water. However, we are short of water, it sounds strange to you. But it is true. You see, 97% of the total water in the world is sea water, which is so salt that man can drink it. So only 3% of the water can be drunk or used for man. And the drinkable water comes from rivers, lakes and underground. Man even can’t use them completely, because the water contains icebergs and glaciers. All what is the worst is that water in some parts has been polluted or is being polluted. How can we drink? So something must be done to protect water from polluted.



 课文填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

1. Sometimes, too, I was too weak to go to school so my education __________.

2.The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not ___________, and I just

   ignore them.

3.To look after my pets properly takes a lot of time but I __________.

4.I have to work hard to live a normal life but it has _________.

5.She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page and __________.

6.________________ on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair.

7.When Claire got home, she wept _____________ in her armchair.

8.By that time, Tony expected the house ___________.

9.Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, ________________ that the speedboat

   was moving in a circle.

10. You see, on the morning of …did not run at all. It _________ at Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.




1.He stated his view that developing car industry in such a rapid speed is not b___________ in the long run.

2.I’m longing for being a____________ to the Miro Exhibition, as I don’t know the way well.

3.It is said that Mozart possessed a remarkable t___________ for music.

4.Small as the hotel is, it provides an a____________ supply of hot water 24 hours a day to meet your need.

5.Defeated, they still feel c_______ with the result of the competition, for they have spared no effort to make preparations.

6.As winter is a________, the weather is getting colder.

7.Wang Pengwei felt frustrated that a lot of r________ customers went to a newly-opened small restaurant.

8.In order to satisfy my daughter’s c________, I have to refer to the Encyclopedia(百科全书).

9.The homeless child w______ on the street is in the hope of finding something to eat.

10.We need to take m_____ at once to prevent the growth of the population in China.



The people below are all looking for books to help themselves. After the description of these people, there is information about six books A---F. Decide which book would be most suitable for the person mentioned in questions 61---65 and mark the correct letter (A---F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

_____1. Jim bought a home computer earlier this year and he’s become very enthusiastic about it, spending hours each evening ‘playing’ with it as his wife says. Unfortunately, he’s

getting a bit forgetful about things he’s promised to do!                             

___2. Freda prefers action to reading or watching TV. She is planning to redecorate the

living room and she isn’t expecting any help from others!                             

____3. Susan Laughton is taking ‘A’ Levels in English, History and Art next year and if she passes, she’s hoping to become a teacher.                                         

____4.Tony is very interested in animals and at the moment he wants to be a vet (a doctor for animals) when he grows up.                                    

___5. Jessica loves flowers, though, as her family lives in a second floor flat, there’s no

garden for her to grow anything in.                                        

A: Book One

By Rachel Lawson

Over 100 color photographs, $ 22.00

Written to accompany an exciting new 13-part ITV television series, Nature Watch, this book describes the people who spend their lives working with the birds, animals and plants in various parts of the world. Their enthusiasm is brought to life with their own outstanding color photographs. Hints on nature watching for the amateur are found throughout.

B: Book Two

By Bob Dillard

150 color photographs and 490 color pictures, $ 16.50

Just the book for the job! With over 600 color photographs and pictures it covers the most popular DIY tasks around the home---painting, wall coverings, finishing furniture and woodwork, and putting up shelves. Full of handy tips and clear instructions

C: Book Three

By Will Smith, $ 7.5

Week to a page. A truly delightful family science magazine, each issue brings to light new software to make time before the screen interesting. This pocket diary provides a wide range of information for the enthusiast. Try it for 3 weeks for just 6.6. You can save 0.9.

D: Book Four

By Martin Ferguson

Color throughout, Paperback $ 9.5

Another title in the popular and practical Learn to Paint series, this beautifully illustrated book show you how to paint animals, birds, fish and butterflies in the studio and in the field. Every issue contains plenty of usable samples and provides a free photography page.

E: Book Five

By Cynthia Wildman

12 double-page color paintings 170 line drawings, $ 17.8

A fresh and useful approach to indoor gardening. A month-by-month guide to jobs to do, plants to look for, planning ahead and enjoying seasonal variations — to give year-round color in the home. Illustrated by original paintings for each month.

F: Book Six

By Conrad Ellis & Richard Hopkins, Paperback $ 9.8

A guide to success in written work, study and examinations for students in all subjects at colleges, and universities. Topics covered include: grammar, punctuation, and spelling; sentence and paragraph structure; research and library work; charts and diagrams; essays, reports, and exams; letters and application forms; listening and note-taking; talking and reading skills.



Imagine that the genome (基因组) is a book. The book consists of 23 chapters with thousands of stories made up of paragraphs, words and letters on different levels. There are one billion words in the book, which makes it longer than 5,000 volumes the size of this book, or as long as 800 Bibles. If I read the genome out to you at the rate of one word per second for eight hours a day, it would take me a century. If I wrote out the human genome, one letter per millimeter, my text would be as long as the River Danube. This is an enormous document. A huge volume, a cook book of great length, and it all fits inside the extremely small nucleus (核) of a tiny cell that fits easily upon the head of a pin.

The idea of the genome as a book is not, strictly speaking, even a metaphor (比喻), It is true to a great extent. A book is a piece of digital information, written in one-directional form and defined by a code that translates a small alphabet of letters into a large dictionary of meanings through the order of their groupings. So is a genome. The only complication is that all English books read from left to right, while some parts of the genome read from left to right, and some from right to left, though never both at the same time.

While English books are written in words of different lengths using twenty-six letters. Genomes are written entirely in three-letter words, using only four letters, And instead of being written on flat pages, they are written on long chains of DNA molecules (分子), The genome is a very clever book, because in the right conditions it can both photocopy itself and read itself.

1.How do human genomes read according to the passage?

       A. Only from left to right.    B. Only from right to left.

       C. From both directions at the same time   D. From one direction at a time

2.We can learn from the passage that the human genome ______.

       A. is as long as the River Danube

       B. can be easily placed on the head of a pin

       C. is coded with and alphabet of four letters

       D. is smart enough to read and take photos of itself

3.It can be concluded that the passage is mainly written for ______.

       A. specialists in the field      B. general readers

       C. natural scientists        D. readers with academic background

4.The real purpose of the author’s comparison of the genome to a book is ______.

       A. to focus on the differences between the two

       B. to lay emphasis on the similarities between the two

       C. to simplify the concept of the human genome

       D. to give an exact description of the human genome



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