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Four out of ten women who diet end up he...

Four out of ten women who diet end up heavier than when they started watching their waistline(腰围), a study revealed today. The research also showed that a large percentage of women start noticing the pounds creeping back on just 21 days after reaching their ideal weight.

Yesterday, Dr Ian Campbell of the Jenny Craig weight management program said: 'In the UK 61.4 per cent of adults are overweight or obese. Successful weight management requires a long-term commitment in order to lose weight successfully and for good. Dieting can be a real challenge so setting realistic goals and remaining focused on them is important. Otherwise as this research shows, women could end up heavier than when they started.'

The 'Food: Body: Mind' report was publicized by Jenny Craig who quizzed 2000 women aged between 18 and 65 who diet regularly on their attitudes, beliefs and behaviors around weight loss. Six in ten said they are currently on a diet and one in five women said they are on a 'continuous diet'.

It found the most common triggers to start dieting was seeing their 'reflection in the mirror', preparing for a summer holiday or unflattering photos posted on social networking sites. Other popular reasons include comments by friends or relatives or their other half.

However, the study showed that one in ten give up within one day, while almost a fifth manage to make it to a week or more. The average is ten days. Many blamed pressure they put on themselves to lose weight too quickly for the weight gain, which leaves them with a bigger appetite than normal. Others blamed colleagues, who tuck into fatty lunches and snacks unaware of the effect it has on the dieter, while mothers who polish off their children's leftovers was another common cause of weight gain.

1.Which of the following might be the best title for this article?

A.Three reasons to fail in dieting

B.Important things for successful diet

C.Four in ten women gain weight on diets

D.Obesity: problem for 61.4% adults in UK

2.In the UK, women who go on a diet __________.

A. are all overweight or obese

B. all fail because they are not persistent enough

C. are likely to gain weight again after reaching their ideal weight

D. end up heavier than when they start to diet

3.The underlined word “triggers” in Paragraph 4 probably means_________.



C. examples


4.Which of the following is NOT the reason why many people quit dieting very soon?

A.The pressure they put on themselves to lose weight quickly.

B.Colleagues who give them fatty lunches and snacks.

C.Leftovers of children’s taken by their mothers.

D.Reflections they see in the mirror.


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】略

Spanish men will have to learn to change diapers and do dishwashing under the terms of a new law designed to strike a blow.

The law, due to be passed this month, is likely to cause a revolution in family affairs in a country where 40% of men reportedly don’t do housework at all. It will oblige men to “share domestic responsibilities and the care and attention” of children and elderly family members, according to the draft approved by the Spanish parliament’s justice commission.

“This will be a good way of reminding people what their duties are. It is something feminists (女权主义者) have been wanting for a long time,” said Margarita Uria, of the Basque Nationalist Party, who was behind what is an amendment to a new divorce law.

Failure to meet the obligations will be taken into consideration by judges when determining the terms of divorces. Men who refuse to do their part may be given less frequent contact with their children.

Spanish women spend five times longer on housework than husbands. Even when both have jobs outside the home, Spanish women still do three times as much work in the house.

“It is not just about housework, though,” said Ms. Uria.

A study five years ago by Spain’s Center for Sociological Investigation concluded that fathers spent an average of 13 minutes each day looking after their children.

Only 19 % of Spanish men thought it was right for mothers of school-age children to have a full-time job. More than a third thought mothers should not work outside the home at all.

The Change to the Spanish legal code will see domestic obligations added to a list of marital(婚姻的) duties that currently includes fidelity, living together and helping one another.

That should guarantee that, when the law—which will also make divorce proceedings faster and easier—is voted on in parliament in the next few weeks, the obligation to share domestic chores will be added to the statute books.

1. What is the percentage of Spanish men who don’t do any housework?





2.About the new law, which of the following is NOT true?

A.Men are obliged to do housework.

B.Men will have to take care of children.

C.Women have to have full-time jobs.

D.Men will have to take care of the elderly.

3.According to the fourth paragraph, which of the following is TRUE?

A.If a man fails to fulfill the obligation, he will get a divorce.

B.If a man fails to fulfill the obligation, he will be thrown to the jail.

C.If a man fails to fulfill the obligation, he will be in an unfavorable condition in a divorce.

D.If a man fails to fulfill the obligation, he will not be allowed to see the child any more.

4.What is the general topic of the passage?

A.Spain will pass a new law to oblige men to share domestic responsibilities.

B.Men have to share more domestic responsibilities.

C.There will be a revolution by provoked (被激怒的) feminists.

D.Marital laws in Spain are not enough yet.



I don’t remember how many years ago ______________I paid my last visit to the principle of my primary school.

A.it was that

B.was it that

C.it was when

D.was it when



Everyone wants to be a friend of _______________ is considerate and shares the same interests.




D.no matter who



---What can I do for you?

---I am looking for a birthday gift for my sister, _______at a proper price but fashionable.







 ---He was nearly killed in a car accident.

---Oh, when was ____exactly?

---It was in 2009______________he was driving to the airport to pick up his father.

A. this; that       B. that; when            C. that; that               D what; when



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