满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I can’t advise you what to do and what n...

I can’t advise you what to do and what not to do — it’s a matter of _________.

       A. conscience                B. comprehension          C. awareness                 D. identification


A 【解析】

假如你班将举行一次英语班会,主题为“How to be strong and healthy”。请你根据下面提示写一篇发言稿。









2.生词:零食:non-staple food   卫生:hygiene


Dear friends,





1.It’s universally acknowledged that never __________ (我们能期待) a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world.(expect )

2.We breathed a sigh of relief at last.Had she known about the risks, she _____(也许没完成)with the operation.(go)

3.________ (急需钱), he tried to persuade her to marry him, but she changed her mind and declined.(desperate)

4.With ________(所有人抛弃)him, he went abroad and asked for shelter.(desert)

5.My dog is too fat.It’s evident that I ________(不该喂)him with so much food.(feed)

6.______ (给我印象最深的) is the beauty of the white clouds floating in the blue sky.(strike)

7.I was very nervous because it was the first time that I ________ (受邀请) an opening banquet.(invite)

8.We wonder ________(是什么)caused so many strange things to happen.(it)

9._______ (毫无疑问)that honeybees communicate information of the feeding place to each other by dancing.(doubt)

10.It’s likely that such a question, if it can be called a question, ________ (你提的), can’t be answered by any human beings.(raise)



EBay will launch an online group gift-buying service today designed to make it easier for several people to chip in, buy and pay for gifts using their social-network and e-mail contacts.

EBay North America Vice President Christopher Payne says it is going to be a major step forward in social commerce, which is the still-small practice of selling products through social networks.Online retail experts aren't as certain, but eBay says the new tool makes it easier for friends and relatives to chip in (凑钱) for gifts because it eliminates the headache of collecting contributions.It can also be used for family members to pitch in to buy, say, an expensive child seat for a mother.

Anything on eBay that's available immediately, rather than up for bid, can be purchased this way starting today at groupgifts.eBay.com.If members of an extended family wanted to buy a gift for one member, one person would choose a gift — or have one recommended by eBay — and invite family members to chip in using Facebook or e-mail.Those who wanted to join in would choose an amount to contribute (or agree to pay a requested amount) and pay using either PayPal or a credit card.They could also add a personal note.

If enough people don't chip in, the organizer can ask people to contribute more or choose a less expensive gift.

"I see myself using this most in cases when I typically might not buy someone what they want because of price," says Nitzan Shaer of Boston, who was part of an online test of the site.

EBay, with its 200 million products, millions of sellers and mobile commerce proficiency, is a logical place to pull together the products, groups of buyers and payment tools, Payne says.

At least 12 sites, such as FrumUs.com and eDivvy.com, facilitate (便于,利于) group purchases but don't sell products.Although a handful of retailers, including Victoria's Secret and 1-800-Flowers, sell products through Facebook, Payne says he expects social commerce will take off as rapidly as shopping using mobile devices.EBay did more than $600 million in sales on mobile devices last year and expects mobile sales to increase to $1.5 billion this year.

Although one in five consumers surveyed said they'd used Facebook for shopping in the past year, 88% said they would not be buying holiday gifts through a social network, mobile phone or smartphone.Of these, 26% were reluctant because of security or privacy concerns, and 20% were unclear about the benefits of using phones or Facebook to shop.

1.What procedure should be followed if your extended family intends to buy your grandpa an 80th birthday gift?

①Asking family members to contribute more money if enough members don’t chip in

②Choosing a gift at groupgifts.eBay.com

③Paying using PayPal or a credit card

④Contributing or agreeing to pay a requested amount of money via Facebook or e-mail





2.Where can we most probably read this text?

A.In a research paper

B.In a travel magazine

C.In a microblog

D.On a website

3.What does “it” mean in the 2nd paragraph?

A.The online group gift-buying service

B.People’s social-network and e-mail contacts

C.A major step forward in social commerce

D.The still-small practice of selling products through social networks

4.It can be inferred from the text that ______.

A.through eBay’s new tool, 200 million products on eBay are available to online shoppers

B.social commerce can eliminate the headache of collecting contributions

C.eBay’s new tool will gain mass adoption by online shoppers

D.with the help of eBay’s new tool, FrumUs.com and eDivvy.com will also sell products



Why do 33% of the households in the USA have cats? And how do you explain why there are 16 million more pet cats than dogs? Yes, kittens are adorable (讨人喜欢的).Yes, they can grow up to be good mousers and are very entertaining to watch.And yes, cats are independent and don't require as much care as dogs.But research shows cats can also be caretakers for us and our families, improve our health and teach us and our children to be kinder, gentler souls.

Theodora Wesselman is 94 and has lived the past two years with her elderly cat, Cleo, at TigerPlace, a retirement community in Columbia, Mo.Their enduring friendship is a classic example of how humans and animals can become family and look out for each other.

Wesselman visits other residents, and her children stop by, but Cleo is her best friend, she says.They've been together nearly 21 years.

"She sleeps on her own pillow right beside mine," Wesselman says."In the morning, she pecks on my cheek to wake me up.It's really sweet.I pet her, tell her I love her and take her to the kitchen to prepare her food."

Research shows that being able to care for a pet improves our morale (士气;精神状态), helps validate us and encourages us to take care of ourselves, says Rebecca Johnson, director of the University of Missouri's Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction.The body of research is leading more retirement communities and universities to roll out the welcome mat for pets

1.According to the context, where do you think the sentence “They start and end the day together” should appear in the passage?

A.Between para.1 and para.2

B.Between para.2 and para.3

C.Between para.3 and para.4

D.Between para.4 and para.5

2.Which of the following words best describe the author’s attitude towards keeping pet cats?





3.Why does the author take 94-year-old Theodora Wesselman as an example in the passage?

A.To show that the elderly like Theodora Wesselman in the USA have pet cats.

B.To suggest to what degree humans and pet cats can be caretakers for each other.

C.Because Theodora Wesselman has been living with a pet cat for the past two years.

D.Because Theodora Wesselman pets her cat Cleo and tells her she loves her.

4.What does “to roll out the welcome mat for pets” in the last paragraph imply?

A.To give a special welcome to pets.

B.To make the welcome mat flat on the ground for pets.

C.To open out the welcome mat for pets to sleep.

D.To wrap the welcome mat to make room for pets.



WASHINGTON — President Obama and his wife, Michelle, handed out Halloween treats to area children and military families at the White House Sunday evening.

Local students between 6 and 14 years old, along with children from military families, were invited to celebrate Halloween on the North Lawn.

The president and first lady, along with Mrs.Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, spent about 30 minutes passing out goodie bags.Obama wished each child a happy Halloween as he distributed the treats, pausing occasionally for hugs or to comment on costumes.

Later, the military families continued the celebration inside the White House.

The first couple joked to assembled reporters about children walking the long driveway in order to work off (消化掉) the snacks."This is the Let's Move method of trick-or-treating (不给糖就捣蛋)," Obama said, referring to Mrs.Obama's campaign to combat childhood obesity (肥胖).

The goodie bags contained a box of White House M&Ms, a cookie made by pastry chef (点心师) Bill Yosses, and dried fruit.

As they made their way across the lawn, the children meet a vast range of costumed characters ranging from a spooky Frankenstein (科学怪人,小说《弗兰肯斯坦》的主角) to the Scarecrow from "The Wizard of Oz." Music from a jazz band dressed in pirate gear rang out across the White House grounds.

Multicolored pumpkins and gourds lined the driveway — individually, in gravity-defying stacks and as part of a large mound over 5 feet tall.Pumpkin-headed scarecrows (稻草人) made of cornstalks loomed over the path with menacingly raised arms.Under the White House portico, a mobile resembling bats flying through clouds fluttered around a lantern.

Some of the local trick-or-treaters were students at Bancroft Elementary, which helps tend the first lady's White House garden, and Tubman Elementary, which has a relationship with the White House chefs.

After trick-or-treating ended, the Obamas stood near the front door, welcoming the military families inside, helping children climb the short flight of steps and thanking parents for their service.

1.What is the news report mainly about?

A.President Obama and first lady celebrated Halloween with children.

B.President Obama and his wife Michelle handed out Halloween treats to children.

C.Children from military families were invited to celebrate Halloween at the White House.

D.Trick-or-treaters met a vast range of costumed characters from Frankenstein to the Scarecrow.

2.From the passage, we know that ______ do not necessarily appear when people celebrate Halloween.

A.Goodie bags

B.Pumpkins and Gourds

C.White House M&Ms

D.Costumed characters

3.When celebrating Halloween at the White House, the Obamas did the following EXCEPT______.

A.Wishing each child a happy Halloween

B.Thanking reporters for their covering the event

C.Helping children climb the short flight of steps

D.Hugging children and commenting on their costumes

4.The passage is mainly developed by ______.

A.analyzing causes

B.making comparisons

C.examining differences

D.following the time order



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