满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Believe it or not, last month in Americ...

—Believe it or not, last month in America I came across the girl whose photo was in the drift bottle I got three years ago.

—Really?That’s the most surprising _______ I’ve ever heard of!

A. identification       B. coincidence     C. viewpoint        D. procedure 


B 【解析】略



家庭、学校、社会、朋友、书籍、名人等。假如《二十一世纪英文报》向你约稿,了解至今哪些因素对你的成长影响最大。请你以Tracking My Growth为题,按以下要求写篇英语短文:









1. Tibet has been one of the hottest places for visitors, because_______________(它带给游客的)not only the typical high land landscape, but a colorful ethnic cultural diversity as well.(treat)

2.Oh, The Geli times is coming! _________________(据报道),Geli, a new Chinglish word, has been shown on The New York Times as well as People’s Daily. (report)

3. .Three days later, he got home from the disaster area at last, ________________(感到很累).(feel)

4 Was it when you were admitted to that university ________________(你才懂得)what your teacher had said to you?(sense) .

5. Tom pretended __________________(没有听说过) it, but in fact, he knew it very well.(hear)

6.I was very busy yesterday, otherwise I ____________________(就会倾听)what he said on my way to the conference. (attend)

7. It’s universally acknowledged that people are more likely to lead a miserable life_______________. (break)

8._________________(尚拭目以待) whether the housing price, which has been rising in the last decade, will go down as expected.(remain)

9.At no time ________________(你应该告诉她)this secret.(inform)

10.To his relief,once published,his book as well as his poems _______________ (没辜负读者的期望).Instead they appeal to the readers . (live)



This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

China has recently been faced with serious issues of product safety. Some cases have brought attention internationally to the increased use of imported ingredients to make food and medicine.

In Panama, medicine made with a poisonous chemical killed or sickened more than one hundred people. A Chinese company had identified it as diethylamide glycol ([化]乙二醇), a low – cost substitute commonly used in automobile antifreeze(防冻剂).

Some countries have banned Chinese-made toothpaste containing diethylamide glycol. China has now told companies to discontinue its use, even though it says the toothpaste is safe. Another industrial chemical, melamine(三聚氰胺), was found in wheat flour used to make pet food in North America. Thousands of dogs and cats became sick.

The United States has restricted some imports of Chinese seafood because they contained banned substance. And questions have been raised about other products, including children’s toys covered with lead paint.

Chinese officials promised to provide the European Union, the biggest trading partner, with detailed reports on enforcement efforts against unsafe goods.

Meglena Kuneva, commissioner (理事) for consumer protection of the European Union said China should have kept its promise.

China recently closed three companies linked to the Panama and the pet food scare. And itdismissed the former head of its food and drug administration. He was found guilty of corruption (腐败) for approving unsafe drugs. This week, a conference of the State Council approved a proposed special measure on the supervision of food safety. The Xinhua News Agency said it calls for stronger controls over producers, greater responsibilities for government and more serious punishment for illegal activities.

But Chinese officials have accused some foreign media of overstating problems with goods made in China. They say food imports from the United States also fail inspection sometimes. Next Week, American and Chinese food safety officials are planning to hold 5 days of meetings in Beijing to discuss cooperation.

And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report. I'm Mario Ritter.

1.How many cases with safety problems are mentioned in the passage?





2.How was Panama case dealt with afterwards?

A.Three companies linked to it were closed down.

B.The former head of food and drug administration was removed from his position.

C.More serious punishment was conducted for leaders linked to it.

D. Both A and B.

3.It can be inferred but not clearly stated that ________.

A.Chinese- made toothpaste is safe

B.the safety of “made in China” is doubted

C.there are safety problems with one more Chinese products.

D.stronger control over Chinese products is in need

4.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.China is facing product safety problems

B.more controls are taken of Chinese goods

C.overstated problems with Chinese goods

D.China is losing its trade partners



There is no doubt that much of the profit of a business—sometimes the whole of its success—depends upon the use of the odds and ends.The odds and ends are various small things,which are left over when the main things are produced.But they possess a real value of their own.

If a business,big or small,looked down upon these odds and ends,it would mean a big difference in the amount of the benefit of the business.Take a meat factory for instance, there are countless odds and ends—bones and hair,which can be made into glue and rope to increase its profit greatly.

Then,if we are college students,what about our odds and ends—the odd moments? Take time for example.Every one of us has the exact same amount of it.Everyone's success or failure depends on the use of their time.But everyone uses the time more or less in the same way.However,why many great men in science or art have made huge successes for themselves in the world?Because they have made best use of their odd moments.Take Thomas A.Edison, he never allowed his odd moments to slip by.He thought,planned,and tried his inventions.He always worked twenty hours out of each twenty-four.His inventions made him famous all over the world,and provided valuable wealth for the human beings.

So, remember this axiom:very busy people always find time for everything.However,people with great spare time find time for nothing.Is it very strange?Not at all!The question is how to gather up fragments of time and make full use of them.As many big businesses have found,that the real profit is in using the odds and ends.We also must do in this way to make best use of our odd moments and manage to be successful in something that we do.

1. What are odds and ends?

A.They are nothing useful.

B.They are various small,but valuable things.

C.They are the main things that factories produce.

D.They are odd moments students deny to gather up.

2. Why should the odds and ends be made full use of ?Because  ____   .

A.lots of factors in success or in failure depend on the best use of odds and ends

B.they control to possess a value of their own

C.they are various small things people don't want

D.they are useless things left over when the main things are produced

3.What does the word “Axiom” in the fourth paragraph mean?

A.clear and evident without proof

B.statement accepted as true without proof of argument

C.statement that can be argued

D.regulation accepted in scientific usage

4. “Fragments of time” equals  “____   ”in the above passage.

A.the odds and ends

B.immense leisure

C.the main things

D.the odd moments



Why does night fall but never break and day break but never fall?

Why are people who ride motorcycles called bikers and people who ride bikes called cyclists?

In what other language do people drive in a parkway and park in a driveway?

In what other language do they call the third hand on the clock the second hand?

Let’s face it: English is a crazy language. There is no egg in an eggplant, neither pine nor apple in a pineapple and no ham in a hamburger. Sweet-meats are candy, while sweetbreads, which aren’t sweet, are meat.

We take English for granted. But when we explore its paradoxes (探讨它的矛盾), we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, public bathrooms have no baths in them.

And why is it that a writer writes, but fingers don’t fing, grocers don’t groce, and hammers don’t ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn’t the plural of booth be beeth? One goose, two geese — so one moose, two meese?

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell the next?

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of human beings. That’s why, when stars are out, they are visible; but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it; but when I wind up this essay, I end it.

1. According to the passage ______.

A.sweet-meats and sweetbreads are different things

B.there should be egg in an eggplant

C.pineapples are the apples on the pine tree

D.boxing rings should be round

2.Which of the following includes two items which have the similar meaning?

A.A wise man and a wise guy.

B.Overlook and oversee.

C.Quite a lot and quite a few.

D.Hot as hell and cold as hell.

3.The underlined words “wind up” in the last paragraph probably mean “______”.


B.roll up

C.get hurt


4. Through the many paradoxes in the English language, the writer wants to show that human beings are ______.



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