满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- Why do you suggest we buy a new mach...

--- Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?

--- Because the old one has been damaged ___________.

A.beyond reach

B.beyond repair

C.beyond control

D.beyond description


B 【解析】略

--- Is Peter there?

--- _____________, please.I’ll see if I can find him for you.

A.Hold up

B.Hold on

C.Hold out

D.Hold off



--- Do you mind if I record your lecture?

--- ___________.Go ahead.

A.Never mind

B.No way

C.Not at all

D.No, you’d better not



We went right round to the west coast by __________ sea instead of driving across _________ continent.

A.the … the

B./ … the

C.the … /

D./ … /



前不久湖南郴州教辅事件曝光,其实全国书市上各种各样的教辅、参考书(teaching reference books)泛滥,已成师生共同关注的问题。请以“How to Make Use of Reference Books” 为题,按照下列要求写一篇120字左右的作文,表达自己的观点。首句已给出,不计入总字数。

1. 教辅、参考书泛滥已成师生共同关注的问题;

2. 教辅、参考书泛滥带来的影响;

3. 作为在校学生你该如何选择和使用它们。

How to Make Use of Reference Books

Nowadays there are too many kinds of teaching reference books available in the book market._________________________________________________________________________     





1.. You ___________________ (没必要告诉) her the news yesterday, for I had told her earlier.(need)

2.. As we all know, it was _____________________(他的粗心) that resulted in the car accident.(careless)

3.. The press conference, originally _______________________(将在明天举行), has to be put off for some reason.(hold)

4..  ___________________(是我莫大的荣幸) to have been invited to speak at the coming 100th anniversary of our univerity. (honour)

5.. If it had not been for your help, _________________(我们不会生活幸福) now.(live)

6.. Some experts recommend signs and posters be put up in areas ____________________(不允许抽烟的地方).(allow)

7.. _____________________(没有公汽)at that time, we had to walk home.(there)

8.. I really don’t know  where  I _______________________(钱被偷). (have) 

9.. It was the driver rather than the two children __________________(为……负责)the accident.(responsible)

10..No sooner _____________________(我们一冲出) of the building than it fell down---how lucky we were! (rush)



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