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Playing QQ’s “Happy Farm” by planting, w...

Playing QQ’s “Happy Farm” by planting, watering, fertilizing, spraying, harvesting and selling of virtual vegetables, fruits and flowers, we can find out _____ all the excitement is about.

A. that                    B. if                      C. what                        D. when


C 【解析】略

A giant helium(氦) balloon is telling residents of Paris how good or bad the air quality is. When it’s good, the balloon ----measuring 22 meters wide and 32 meters high---shines green. _________, it’s red.

A. Though terrible           B. Whenever good            C. If worse           D. When bad



 Sustainable development is long-term ________which focuses on the environment and  ________ natural resources.

A. plan; preserve                                         B. plan; preserving

C. planning; preserving                                   D. planning ;preserve




注意: 1.题目自拟,包括以上全部要点可适当发挥,使上下文连贯。

2.词数: 120词左右。



Directions: Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit.Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Scientists have determined it's not advisable to hurry marriage.But what's the best age to wed?

When Avril Lavigne announced she was splitting from her husband, comments from her friends suggested that she was only 21 when she tied the knot and later she said that she realized she'd been too young to make such a life-altering decision.Could fellow young celebrity divorcées(离婚者) Reese Witherspoon, Kate Hudson, and Britney Spears have also hit the same age-related issue?

The Magic Number

There are practical reasons for the mid-20s dividing line, and most of them boil down to two biggies: education and money.

It turns out that the more years of higher education a woman has under her belt on her wedding day, the lower the chances that she'll get divorced ...and by 25, you're more likely to have earned a degree or two.Educated women tend to be more confident about who they are and less willing to settle for a man who doesn't meet their standards.

Odds(可能性) are that by 25 you're also supporting yourself, so there's less incentive(刺激; 鼓励)for you to rush into marriage because you're seeking financial security from him.But the marriage-related benefits of working and having money of your own go beyond feeling secure.Learning to budget your cash carefully when you're single will help you avoid financial problems-one of the main causes of couple fights-for the rest of your life.

Knowing the Real You

At 25, you've had time for some crucial life experiences, including a relationship or two that may have improved your Mr.Right radar.You've probably dated enough to have a better idea of what you don't want in a man, which makes it easier to know what you can live with and can't live without.

Perhaps the most important aspect of waiting is that you'll know what your goals and values really are.While you don't want to marry someone just like you, marriage is a lot easier if you two share a similar outlook on life.

Twenty-four and already married to the man of your dreams? Don't worry: Many young marriages survive.But given the choice, you might consider putting off the big day until your mid-20s or later.

1.What main factors influence the mid-20s dividing line? (No more than 3 words)


2.According to the author, why does a couple probably fight?(No more than 4 words)


3.How do you know what you don't want in a man? (No more than 5 words)


4.What suggestion does the passage mainly give? (No more than 10 words)



Directions: Read the following passage.Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

A migraine headache(偏头疼) can cause disabling pain.People may not feel back to normal for hours or even for days.

Migraine headaches are most common among young adults and middle-aged people.In the United States, about eighteen percent of women and six percent of men report having migraines.

People who suffer from migraines can find that different "triggers" in different people may get a headache started.Stress can act as a trigger.

Many migraine sufferers say hot weather and low barometric pressure(气压) can act as triggers, but researchers say they did not have much scientific evidence of that-until now.

In a new study, a team examined the medical records of seven thousand hospital patients.The patients had visited the emergency room at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, because of a headache.More than two thousand of them had been found to have a migraine.

The team then compared those records to weather conditions in the twenty-four hours before the hospital visits.For every increase of five degrees Celsius in air temperature, the patients had a seven and one-half percent higher risk of migraine.Decreases in barometric pressure two to three days before the visit also appeared to cause headaches.

A separate study has found that age, gender and where a person has extra body fat may affect the risk of migraine.It found that overweight people between the ages of twenty and fifty-five may have a higher risk.On average, those who were larger around the middle were more likely to have migraines than those of the same age with smaller waistlines(腰围).

Experts suggest that losing weight in the stomach area may help younger people who experience migraines, especially women.Doing exercises regularly is also helpful to reducing migraine headaches.

Title: 1.


●3.       .

● Not feel back to normal for hours or even days.

People suffering from it Young adults and 4.

5._______6.    Hot weather→ every increase of five degrees Celsius: seven and one-half percent higher risk of migraine

7.           → decreases two to three days before the visit appeared to cause headaches

A separate study    8.         and where a person has extra body fat→ overweight people between twenty and fifty-five have a higher risk

9.     ● Lose weight in the stomach area.

●10.       .



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