满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—How did you find your visit to the exhi...

—How did you find your visit to the exhibition, John? 


       A. By taking a No. 3 bus.                           B. Oh, wonderful, indeed.

       C. I went there alone.                               D. A classmate of mine showed me the way


B 【解析】略

 在学习、生活和工作中,学会与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下表中提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Partner ”的英文演讲稿。









你的观点…… (至少2个)










注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


If you park your car in the wrong place, the traffic policeman will soon find. You will be very luck if he lets you to go without a ticket. Therefore, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very politely. During a holiday in Sweden, I find this note in my car: 'sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to your street signs. This note is only a reminder.' Whether you receive a request like this, you can not fail to obey it!




________1._______________: less red meat and more fibre, less saturated fat(饱和脂肪) and more fruit and veg, right? Wrong, according to a controversial new book by nutritionist Zoe Harcombe.In the book, Harcombe charts her careful journey of research into studies that underpin (巩固)dietary advice — and her myth(误区)-breaking conclusions are surprising.                                

 Myth: ________2._________.

‘Real fat is not bad for us,’ says ¬Harcombe. ‘It’s man-made fats we should be demonising. Why do we have this idea that meat is full of saturated fat? In a 100g pork chop, there is 2.3g of unsaturated fat and 1.5g of saturated fat.

Myth: We should eat more fibre.

For three decades, we have eaten fibre into our bodies to help us feel full and keep our digestive systems moving. ______3.________, says Harcombe.

The advice to eat more fibre is put forward along with the theory that we need to clean our ¬digestive systems. But essential minerals are absorbed from food while it is in the intestines(肠道), so why do we want to wash everything out? Concentrate on not putting bad foods in.

Myth: You need to eat five portions of fruit and veg a day.

‘Five-a-day is the most well-known piece of nutritional advice,’ says ¬Harcombe. ‘You’d think it was based on firm evidence of health benefit. _______4._______

‘Five-a-day started as a marketing campaign by 25 fruit and veg companies and the American National Cancer Institute in 1991. There was no evidence for any cancer benefit.’

Myth: Fruit and veg are the most nutritious things to eat.

Apparently not. Harcombe allows that vegetables are a great addition to the diet — if served in butter to deliver the fat-soluble(dissolved) vitamins they contain — but ¬natural sugar, the fruit sugar in fruit, goes straight to the liver and is stored as fat.

__________5.____________, says Harcombe, who adds: ‘Vitamins and minerals in animal foods — meat, fish, eggs and dairy products — beat those in fruit hands down.’

A. want to lose weight ? Don’t trust these.

B. We think we know what to eat.

C. This is not a good idea.

D. Fat is bad for us

E. Think again

F. We need take more exercise

G. Fruit is best avoided by those trying to lose weight



I was in a terrible mood. Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn’t invited me.I was in my room thinking of ways to make them sorry when my father came in. “Want to go for a ride,today,Beck? It’s a beautiful day.”

         “No ! Leave me alone!” Those were the last words I said to him that morning.

         My friends called and invited me to go to the mall with them a few hours later.I forgot to be mad at them and when I came home to find a note on the table. My mother put it where I would be sure to see it. “Dad has had an accident. Please meet us at Highland Park Hospital”.

    When I reached the hospital,my mother came out and told me my father’s injuries were extensive.“ Your lather told the driver to leave him alone and just call 911,thank God! If he had moved Daddy,there’s no telling what might have happened.A broken rib(肋骨)might have pierced(穿透)a lung….”

         My mother may have said more,but I didn’t hear.I didn’t hear anything except those terrible words:Leave me alone.My dad said them to save himself from being hurt more.How much had I hurt him when I hurled those words at him earlier in the day?

    It was several days later that he was finally able to have a conversation.I held his hand gently, afraid of hurting him.

         “Daddy… I am so sorry….”

“It’s okay,sweetheart.I'll be okay.”

         “No,”I said,“I mean about what I said to you that day.You know, that morning?”

         My father could no more tell a lie than he could fly.He looked at me and said.“Sweetheart, I don’t remember anything about that day,  not before,during or after the accident.I remember kissing you goodnight the night before,though.”He managed a weak smile.

    My English teacher once told me that words have immeasurable power.They can hurt or they can heal.And we all have the power to choose our words. I intend to do that very carefully from now on.

1.The author was in bad mood that morning because        .

    A.his father had a terrible accident

    B.he couldn’t drive to the mall with his friends

    C.his friends hadn’t invited him to the cinema

    D.his father didn’t allow him to go out with his friends

2.Why did the author say sorry to his father in the hospital?

         A.Because he didn’t go along with his father.

         B.Because he was rude to his father that morning.

         C.Because he failed to come earlier after the accident.

         D.Because he couldn’t look after his father in the hospital

3.The reason why the author’s father said he forgot everything about that day is that     .

         A.he had a poor memory             B.he didn’t wanted to comfort his son

         C.he just wanted to comfort his son    D.he lost his memory after the accident

4.What lesson did Beck learn from the matter?

         A.Don’t treat your parents badly.

         B.Don’t hurt others with rude words.

         C.Don’t move the injured in an accident.

         D.Don’t be angry with friends at small things



 When 47-year-old volunteer Susan Boyle stepped onto the stage of Britain’s Got Talent and announced she was unemployed, had never been married and “never been kissed, actually”, few in the audience would have wondered why. This Ms Boyle, looking unfashionable, from a village in Scotland, shocked the three judges and the audience with the song I dreamed a dream from the musical Les Miserables on a show of Britain’s Got Talent, one of the hottest reality shows in Britain.

She couldn’t hide the awkwardness when walking to the center of the stage in a housedress, and everyone — including the judges — seemed laughing at her when she said she wanted to be as successful as Elaine Paige. As soon as she began singing, however, everyone in the auditorium fell silent, then rose within seconds to applaud her incredible voice as the celebrity judges sat open-mouthed, and remained standing to the end.

After her performance, one of the judges Piers Morgan said, “Without doubt that was the biggest surprise I’ve had in three years of this show. When you stood there everyone was laughing at you. No one is laughing now. That was amazing.” Actress Amanda Holden followed, “I’m so thrilled because I know that we everybody were against you. I honestly think that we were all being very cynical (愤世嫉俗的) and I think that’s the biggest wake up call ever.”

Susan obviously won over the hearts of millions around the world with sensation spreading across the Atlantic. Hollywood actors Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore — who between them have nearly 1.5 million followers — speak highly of her. Kutcher posted a link to the video clip (片段). The Scottish talent made her live American debut via satellite connection on CBS’s The Early Show, doing an interview and singing live from her room. And she already accepted an invitation from talk show host Oprah Winfrey.

Now Boyle has become one of the world’s hottest celebrities. The video clip of her performance has been viewed more than 50 million times on Youtube, becoming a hit on the Internet.

1.We learn from the passage that Susan Boyle ______.

A. rose from a low social class

B. had an unhappy marriage

C. lived with a dog alone on a farm

D. won the championship in the Britain’s Got Talent show

2. At the beginning of the show, almost everybody ______.

A. looked forward to her wonderful performance

B. was attracted by her beautiful dress

C. looked down upon her

D. placed great hope on her

3. We can infer that ______ contributed most to her global popularity.

A. the judges   B. the Internet   C. the newspaper   D. the advertisement

4.The 4th paragraph intends to tell us ______.

A. how Susan Boyle achieved her success

B. the comment made by American actor Ashton Kutcher

C. Susan Boyle’s influence in the USA

D. Oprah Winfrey’s invitation to Susan Boyle



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