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书面表达(共1题;满分25分) 假如你叫李华,高三学生。请根据以下内容提示用英...


         假如你叫李华,高三学生。请根据以下内容提示用英语给 21 Century报社写一封信,发表自己对交通事故频繁发生的看法。









Dear Editor,

I’m a student in Senior Three. _________________________________________________



                                                Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


 Dear Editor, I’m a student in Senior Three. I’m writing to tell you my opinions about the frequent traffic accidents. I think most road accidents are caused by driving or walking against traffic rules or by careless driving, such as driving beyond the limited speed, driving after drinking wine, crossing the road carelessly and so on. Nowadays, traffic accidents which cause a lot of injuries and deaths happen frequently. I feel sorry for that. Therefore, I do hope, on the one hand, some measures should be taken by the government to avoid such traffic accidents. On the other hand, people must be warned of the danger on the road. Everyone should obey traffic rules consciously in their daily life, for life is valuable and should be treasured doubly. Yours sincerely,                                                      Li Hua 【解析】略

短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)






The Asian Games are held each four years. The 16th Asian                       1._____

Games were held in Guangzhou, China. Guangzhou was a second city              2._____ in China to have the right for host the Asian Games. It was                      3.______         well-known Beijing held the 11th Asian Games in 1990.                                4.___                  Guangzhou Asian Games opened in November 12, 2010.                      5.____              It had 41 event. It was the largest in the history of the Asian Games.         6.______         The 16th Guangzhou Asian Games that were lasted 16 days closed              7.______

very successfully. The Chinese sports delegation, obtained 199 gold                8.______

medals, 119 silver medals and 98 bronze medals, creates magnificence(辉煌)    9.______

in the 16th Asian Games and gained the first position once over.                            10.______



Researches show what we already suspected: Three out of four babies who died of SIDS(婴儿猝死) involved co-sleeping. We’ll say it again. The safest course is not to sleep with babies.

We know the argument: Bad parenting, not co-sleeping, is to blame for the dozens of babies’ deaths. Some parents stick to co-sleeping because it helps them bond with their newborns. They say those who give co-sleeping a bad name either had been drinking, used drugs or were too tired to notice that they rolled over on their children.

But, most of the cases did not involve drugs or alcohol. There’s a “but” here, however. Submitting to a test for drugs or alcohol in these cases is voluntary, so it’s difficult to know with certainty.

Organizations like the Black Health Coalition and others have explained the safe way to co-sleep. While we understand those arguments, we also know that mistakes can happen and that it only takes one time for something to go terribly wrong. The risk outweighs the benefit.

In all likelihood, parents will continue to co-sleep, and some will do so without ever having an incident, but babies are too vulnerable(易受伤的) for parents to take such chances. Therefore, the best place for babies to sleep is in their own beds, on their backs, with no pillows, blankets or toys. No parent wants a tragedy(悲剧) to occur. The best way to make sure the tragedy doesn’t happen is to allow babies to sleep alone in their own cribs(摇篮).                                         

1.According to the author, most of the SIDS cases happened because of ________.

A. drugs

B. co-sleeping

C. drinking

D. bad parenting

2.Some parents think sleeping with their babies can ________.

A. keep the babies healthy

B. give co-sleeping a good name

C. prevent themselves from drinking

D. develop a good relation with their babies

3.The author holds the opinion that ________.

A. parents can sleep with babies, but cautiously

B. co-sleep helps to bring babies closer to parents

C. parents can’t take chances to sleep with their babies

D. accidents only happen to those careless parents

4.Which of the following best describes the structure of the text?

A.   ①                               B.  ①②                     C.   ①                          D.   ①

↙↘                                               ↓                     ↙↓↘              ↙↓↓↘

②③ ④                         ③④                        ②③④            ②③④⑤

↘ ↙                                              ↓                    ↘↓↙

⑤                                      ⑤                       ⑤



The “Sepik Spirit”, constructed in 1989, is built specially to suit the demands of a shallow riverboat for guiding inland waterways. Its shallow draft allows passengers into distant corners of the Sepik Region and areas not otherwise accessible to larger boats. It was refurbished(装修) in early 2006 to ensure that the Sepik Spirit meets the expectations of the modern travellers. The refurbishment includes new interior and improved noise resistance.

The Sepik Spirit holds 18 passengers in 9 twin bedrooms each with private bathroom. Onboard facilities include a dining room, living room, bar, video and covered upper observatory deck(甲板). The entire boat is air-conditioned. Because the Sepik Spirit is designed to operate in this unique environment, she is the ideal size for exploration. This, combined with small passenger numbers, allows the travellers an excellent experience to little visited areas.

Day trips from the Sepik Spirit are done in an 18-seater riverboat, also designed for the operation. Their open-air design gives the travellers a sense of place, a feeling for the river and its people.

Areas that the Sepik Spirit and her guests may visit are the Karawari River, Blackwater Lakes, Chambri Lakes, the Middle Sepik and the Upper Sepik. The river banks where the boat operates are dotted with many large traditional villages each with its own unique “Haus Tambaran” or spirit house decorated with ancestral figures. Mix with the friendly people and experience a culture that meets very few outsiders.

Please E-Mail if you want to know more about us.

Please note that private touring and transfers are not available on the Sepik Spirit.

Please note that Sepik Spirit departure and termination(终结,终点) points sometimes change without notice.

AIR TRANSFER COST: US$375.00 one way

1.The “Sepik Spirit” is a riverboat ________.

A. specially designed and built for the local transportation

B. built and refurbished in 1989

C. providing good conditions for a small number of tourists

D. traveling in the day only

2.The Sepik Spirit boat is most possibly named after ________.

A. a person

B. an animal

C. a building

D. a river

3.A passenger chooses to travel on the Sepik Spirit most possibly because he is interested in ________.

A. boat making

B. river traveling

C. the unique scenery and culture in this area

D. the excellent conditions and service of the boat

4.Which of the following factors about taking the Sepik Spirit is right?

A. You can send an E-mail for further information.

B. You can rent the boat for yourself if you please.

C. The schedule of the boat trip will be strictly followed.

D. A Sepik Spirit trip will cost you US$375.00 one way.



I have to admit: I don’t flush(冲) the toilet every time I go to the bathroom. In fact, I firmly believe “If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down.”

I’m sure a lot of it has to do with the fact that I work at home. Alone (well, except for the cats and dog). All day. And I drink a lot of water, which makes for many trips to the bathroom.

Another thing I have to admit: I also try to use very little toilet paper. I wash my hands after, though. Every time. (So maybe the water I don’t use flushing makes up for the water used to wash my hands?)

Ironically, my husband, who only uses toilet paper when necessary, always flushes. But he doesn’t seem to mind that I don’t flush every time. Or, at least not enough to file for divorce. Yet.

 Posted by Juliet Farmer

 Jun 14, 2010 at 10:21 PM

Comments (2)                                                     

When I’m at home alone I do not flush every time I pee(小便).  My husband hates that, though, so when he’s home, I flush a little more often.  I grew up doing that because I had a family that lived with huge tanks and you have to do it that way because it’s easier on the system, so it doesn’t bother me.  I do flush when I’m out in public, at people’s houses that don’t have big tanks and when we have company!

CherBearCM, Jun 15, 2010 at 4:21 PM

Not always. But I have 4 children who are always hanging from the door knob(球形捏手) while I pee anyway. So I’m lucky I have time to wash my hands after. The average toilet uses 8 gallons of water per flush! Much less than what it takes to wash my hands after. (just saying)

luvbnmomnwife, Jun 15, 2010 at 4:32 PM

1. CherBearCM doesn’t flush the toilet every time she pees ________.

A. because she can’t afford so much water

B. because her husband doesn’t like that

C. when she is with her friends

D. when she is alone

2.luvbnmomnwife seems to enjoy ________.

A. washing hands after using the toilet

B. taking care of her four children

C. peeing with her kids watching

D. flushing the toilet after peeing

3.The text is taken from ________.

A. a newspaper

B. a website

C. a magazine

D. a handbook

4. Which of the following titles best suits the text?

A. Stop flushing your toilet!

B. Do you flush the toilet every time?

C. Don’t forget to flush the toilet after peeing!

D. Do you realize the importance of saving water?



There is much more to growing up in a bilingual(双语的) family than learning two languages, and the cultural influences from both cultures are just as important.

In July we had a curious incident that shows the slight differences between cultures. My son has already changed a few of his baby teeth and since we lived in Italy we decided to go with the Italian version(版本) of the Tooth Fairy, which is not a fairy(仙女) but a little mouse. So last year when he lost his first tooth we had a visit from the little mouse who took the tooth away and left a rather good amount of coins --- when he lost the second tooth a few days later, however, the amount was significantly less! That in itself caused quite a few questions, but the real questions started when in July during a visit to the UK another tooth left my son’s mouth in Tooth Fairy land! The grandparents made a real problem out of it --- it was their first grandson’s tooth they got to say Goodbye to, so it was Tooth Fairy and rather generous, too!

The Qs & As

Son: Mum, how is the little mouse going to smell my tooth all this way? (as the story goes the little mouse smells a milk tooth and comes to collect it)

Me: No dear, it won’t! We are in England now so the Tooth Fairy will come.

Son: Oh, is she stronger than the little mouse? (I knew where this was going)

Me: She is very strong, and she is magic.

Son: What does the Tooth Fairy bring? (straight to the point)

Me: I am not sure. We’ll find out maybe a nice message.

Son: So is the little mouse coming too?

Me: No, it won’t make it all the way from Italy.

Son: But why don’t they have little mice in England?

Me: Because here the Tooth Fairy collects all baby teeth and she’s too fast, so the little mouse would always get there late.

Son: Oh!?

1.Italian kids are supposed to believe ________ will come and collect the milk teeth.

A. a little mouse

B. Tooth Fairy

C. their parents

D. the grandparents

2.The author thought Tooth Fairy would be rather generous because ________.

A. Italian parents often give much money for their kids’ lost baby teeth[

B. she knew Tooth Fairy was more generous than the little mouse 

C. she knew the grandparents would give her son a big gift

D. English people are usually more generous than Italians

3.Hearing “Oh, is she stronger than the little mouse?”, the author knew her son was actually worried about ________.

A. the tooth fairy’s health       

B. the little mouse’s coming

C. the amount of coins he could get

D. the story his grandparents know

4.By telling this story, the author intends to say it’s important to _________ in a bilingual family.


A. make kids know the folk stories

B. help kids choose one of the cultures

C. teach kids two languages

D. keep the balance of both cultures



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