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Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in No...

Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, led the international team that did the study. Professor Worm says species have recently been disappearing from oceans at increasing speed. At this rate, he says, all seafood species could collapse by 2048 and seafood supplies from the world’s ocean could be almost gone by then.

Other studies have also warned about the dangers of overfishing and the effects on ocean environments. But not everyone thinks the oceans are likely to be empty in fifty years. Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems, but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations. Government officials in several countries with large fishing industries also questioned the research.

The study appeared earlier this month in Science magazine.

The researchers say damage to oceans affects not only fish populations but also the productivity of ecosystems. These complex systems help control water quality. The scientists say the loss of different kinds of sea life appeared to increase the risk of fish kills and beach closures from harmful algae growth.

The scientists examined the results of thirty-two experiments and observed forty-eight protected areas. They also looked at records of catches worldwide. They studied records from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization for nineteen fifty to two thousand three. And they examined archeological information and other historical records for twelve coastal areas. That research reached back over a thousand years.

Boris Worm says the findings were, in his words, "beyond anything we suspected." But he also said the situation is not too late to correct. He said that with good fisheries management, some species could completely recover in three to ten years.

1.Which of the following isn’t the damage to the ocean?    

A. The species of fish in the ocean are reducing.

B. Sea water is polluted.

C. Sea water quality is improved.

D. Less productivity of ecosystem.

2.The conclusion of the research led by Boris Worm is _________. 

A. unbearable               B. unbelievable

C. doubtful                 D. Convincing

3.The research led by Boris Worm _________.          

A. was conducted by scientists from Canada

B. referred to information of many countries

C. lasted from 1950 to 2003

D. referred to records dating back to over 1,000 years ago.  

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?      

A. It’s too late to take action to improve the situation.

B. Some species will recover with efforts.

C. Boris Worm hopes that people take the warning serious.

D. Boris Worm shows great concern about ecosystem.


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 【解析】略

As the United States nears the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, President Obama announced Sunday night that the al Qaeda(基地组织) leader and mastermind of that horrific day, Osama bin Laden, has been killed.

CNN reports that a senior government official confirmed that bin Laden was shot by a small team of U.S. soldiers while in a mansion with family members outside Islamabad(伊斯兰堡). His body is now in American custody(拘押) and is being handled according to Islamic customs. Three other adult men were killed in the firefight, including a son of bin Laden's, who was a senior member of the terrorist organization.

"Justice has been done," the president announced, saying that the operation he ordered after receiving intelligence information is "the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al-Qaeda."

The immediate reactions ranged from cautious to ecstatic. Crowds cheered outside the White House. But officials said a "worldwide caution" would be set for Americans in case of al Qaeda retaliation(报复).

Will bin Laden's death be the justice Americans have sought for nearly a decade?

Gordon Felt, president of Families of Flight 93, said it does bring comfort.

"This is important news for us, and for the world. It cannot ease our pain, or bring back our loved ones. It does bring a measure of comfort that the mastermind of the September 11th tragedy and the face of global terror can no longer spread his evil," Felt said.

President Obama says this victory does not close the book.

"His death does not mark the end of our effort. There's no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must and we will remain cautious," he noted.

1.The underlined word “ecstatic” most probably means _________.    

A. scared              B. extremely happy and excited

C. doubtful            D. amazed

2.The author mentions all of the items listed below EXCEPT_________. 

A. Four people were killed in the firefight.

B. Families of the victims in the 9/11 attacks celebrated together.

C. President Obama thought highly of the Anti-Terrorist Military Action

D. Obama thought that al Qaeda will continue attack against the United States.

3.It can be inferred from the text _________. 

A. The 9/11 attacks happened on September 11, 2001.

B. Osama bin Laden has three sons.

C. Some soldiers were injured in the firefight.

D. More than 3000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

4.From the last paragraph we can learn that _________.  

A. Osama bin Laden’s death will put an end to terrorism.

B. President Obama doesn’t think bin Laden's death is a victory.

C. The United States will make efforts to defeat the al-Qaeda

D. The al Qaeda has a new leader now.



Even if he is not the most liked comedian in China today, his popularity certainly has risen the fastest within the last two months.

He's "Little Shenyang", who came into national fame overnight after his appearance on CCTV's Spring Festival Gala. With his funny cross-dressing, unique northeastern accent and superb imitative(模仿的) skills, Little Shenyang has obvious talent to support his rise to fame.

Hundreds of video clips of his shows have been posted on YouTube and other online video sites, and his performance fees reportedly grew 50-fold in just a few weeks. He has, at the same time, become one of the most controversial of entertainers.

Many have doubted his artistic potential, pointing out that his shows were repetitive and lacked creativity, a key to continued comedic success. Others belittle (轻视) the style of humor, saying it's too crude and appeals only to less-educated people. His defenders were just as up in arms. Many media commentators and bloggers said that his quick rise to star proved the broad appeal of his art form. He became a national champion not because of his "northeastern hick(乡巴佬)" humor, they argued, but because he represented something new on TV, something with a grassroots feel that appealed to millions of ordinary people.

Now, does Little Shenyang really deserve his star status?

1. Some people belittle Little Shenyang’s humor because _________. 

A. He represents something with a grassroots feel.

B. The style of humor lacked creativity.

C. He speaks with a northeast accent.

D. He became famous overnight.

2.What’s the secret of Little Shenyang’s success?                 

A. His funny cross-dressing.

B. His unique accent

C. His super imitative skills

D. All of the above

3.From the passage, we can infer that _________.                

A. Little Shenyang is the most popular comedian in China.

B. Few people like Little Shenyang’s performance.

C. Little Shenyang earns a lot of money now.

D. The author thinks little of Little Shenyang.



Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it’s painful? This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new ___36____. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.

During the hours when you labour through your work, you __37___ say that you’re “hot”. That’s true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is ___38____. For some people the peak comes during the forenoon. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening. No one has discovered __39___ this is so , but it leads to such familiar monologues (自言自语)__40___ “Get up , John ! You’ll be late for work again!” The ___41___ explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature—and —energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ___42___ when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.

You can’t change your ___43___, but you can make your life ___44___ it better. Habit can help. Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe you’re sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late ___45___. Counteract (打乱)your cycle to some extent by ___46___ staying up later than you want to . If your energy is ___47___ in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, ___48___ before your usual hour. This won’t change your cycle, but you’ll get up steam(打起精神) and work better ___49___.

Get off to a slow start ___50___ saves your energy. Get up with a yawn (呵欠)and ___51___ . Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before ___52____ on the floor. Avoid the ___53___ search for clean clothes by laying them out ___54___. Whenever possible , do routine (常规的)work in the afternoon and save tasks ___55____ more energy for your sharper hours .

1. A. impression        B. explanation      C. exploration      D. translation

2. A. must          B. should           C. can              D. may

3.A. at its bottom      B. at its beginning     C. at its end   D. at its peak

4.A. why            B. that             C. whether          D. whatever

5.A. as             B. such as          C. which            D. like

6.A. steady         B. occasional       C. surprised        D. possible

7.A. starts          B. comes back      C. ends             D. turns around

8.A. life attitude      B. energy cycle     C. time table       D. alarm o’clock

9. A. to do         B. change           C. fit              D. to renew

10.A. anywhere      B. no way       C. anyway               D. somewhere

11.A. sensitively       B. especially  C. carefully        D. habitually

12.A. low           B. high        C. old                  D. new

13.A. go up         B. rise        C. lift             D. raise

14. A. in your high spirit                  B. at the right time

   C. at your low point                 D. in the same way

15.A. which         B. whichever        C. what          D. whatever

16.A. express        B. attend          C. open          D. stretch

17.A. putting your feet                 B. setting your foot

   C. laying down your foot             D. lying your feet

18.A. tired        B. troublesome       C. immediate        D. dangerous

19.A. yesterday    B. last night         C. the night ago       D. the night before

20.A. suggesting   B. demanding         C. requiring       D. persuading



--- Guess what! I came across an old friend at the party last night.

  --- ______ I’m sure you had a wonderful time.

A. Sounds good!     B. Very well.           C. How nice!        D. All right.



There are a great _________ flowers shown in the park and _________ people go to have a look.

A. plenty of; many                  B. diversity of; many  

C. deal of; many a                  D. diversity; a few



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